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What a morning!


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Now he is one year old, I decided it was time to buy Fergus a new collar and purchased a lovely purple nylon one, with a plastic "slot-in" fastener in the shape of a bone. He has a tendancy to lunge at motorcycles, bicycles, skateboards and loud trucks, and no amount of admonishing can stop him.

Today on our walk by the Domain he lunged at a recycling truck wich had just started to move off and I was left just holding a lead with a collar on the end. Fortunately the truck did not hit him, although the driver thought he had and stopped to get out and check, but Fergus continued running onto the Domain where about 4 games of inter-school cricket were taking place. I followed in bot pursuit, but Fergus totally ignored my calling and whistling - he was far too interested in chasing cricket balls and investigating small boys backpacks.

I'm not to let my blood pressure rise as I have brain aneurysms, but I found it very difficult to stay calm and take deep breaths while chasing the little horror all over the Domain. As I went past each group of schoolboys waiting for their turn to bat, I asked them to grab Fergus if he came their way. He was finally caught by one enterprising mother producing a sandwich to lure him into her grasp.

I put his new collar back on and double, no triple, checked the fastener and continued our way home. I stopped off to see a friend and tied Fergus up in her garden, but he was so pleased to see her, he started jumping all over the place trying to get at her and then it happened again - the collar clasp opened and he was free.

I'm going to return the collar to the shop today and get a replacement - but I'm not sure what type. I do know I won't be buying the same brand!

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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OMG!!! My heart was in my mouth reading your post! I am SO deathly afraid of Scully getting loose. I'm so glad to hear that Fergus was retrieved safely. I wish these little buggers would learn to listen to us when we tell them to stop. At least MINE doesn't. Again, I'm so glad you had a happy ending.

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Rene...I can well imagine how you felt trying to catch Fergus. When you replace his collar, I would suggest a harness also. We always use the harness when we walk Fergus or even if we let him loose in the back yard. He seems to be much more controllable with the harness.

Fergus :P & Alf

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I thought about his harness Alf, which he usually wears in the car as it's especially for a seatbelt to slot through, but after his morning swim, we have a 30 minute walk back home and I fear the harness would chaff his wet skin.

Another reason not to buy a leather collar with a metal buckle - the salt water would ruin both.

Oh well back to the drawingboard.

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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So glad everything worked out - we are always worried that Bosco will run/pull away during a walk.

We use a harness as well - tried a collar for a couple of days but since Bosco pulls, he kept making choking sounds. :( :(

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we always have put a harness on Abe as well to go out. He is bad to pull at his lead as well in excitement and feared hurting his throat. I am glad to hear that yours had a happy ending. I can imagine the fear you must have experienced at that moment, AND to have your health condition to boot....that was scary!


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You might want to check out the Sporn harness. It has fleece around the leg straps that prevent chaffing or any irritation and they won't come off until you take them off.

Your post sent chills through me. So glad the outcome of your ordeal had a good outcome. These Cairns can age us big time.

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I too use a harness. I found that the neck collar wasn't secure enough if they boys kicked into 'prey drive'. I put it on in the morning and take it off at bed time.


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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I think a harness would be perfect. When I first used one on Rebel it took forever to get on. He now stands still and lets me do it. They are great.

I know how scared you must have been. I am glad everything turned out OK.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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The collar clasp was faulty, so it's good that you're returning it.

When I got my cairn I was advised to use a harness instead of a collar. I was told that, unlike other many other breeds, there's not a big difference between the size if a cairn's head and the circumference of its neck, so it's easier for cairns to slip out of the collar. When the prey drive kicks in, they can squirm & pull their heads through the collar.


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Just to add.....we switched to a Sporn harness, too. Hard pulling with a collar can cause damage to the trachea.


Cathy and Piper

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Well I tried a harness too, after Max pulled out of his collar. But when I wanted to go one way and Max wanted to go another - I was left holding a leash and a harness with no dog. So- nothing is foolproof (or should I say, Cairnproof). I have a collar with a metal buckle now, and it's fairly snug. Still, when he doesn't want to go somewhere, I pick him up rather than risk losing him again.

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My Roxie lunges at all moving vehicles. I actually have fell with her pulling so hard. Is the harness hard to get on them? She fights me tooth and nail with just the little coat I put on her. She is 2.5 and has lots of strength.

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Harness hard to put on? Naw, never. I just bale Fergus up in a confined space, flip him over onto his back, shove treats in his mouth as I'm putting his harness on :D

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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I just posted a message about the Sporn harness! I think it is great and Finch went from pulling so hard I was afraid to take her out, to a nice, pleasant, calm dog who walks right next to me!

EXCEPT I can't figure out how to put it on her now...it's been so long and I can't find the directions...boo hoo.

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Sophie stays in her harness all the time. I check it weekly to assure it doesn't chafe. I can't imagine the chaos of trying to put her in it several times a day to take her out. I changed to a harness after she pulled out of a standard collar, and she seems to enjoy it.

I'm glad your dog is ok...that would of been a frightening experience.




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Do you think the Sporn harness would survive a dip in the sea every day, or would the salt water rot the sheepskin (?).

So glad you are able to take your dogs out now Elizabeth. I just hope the weather is kind to you.

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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