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Cairn Weight


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Ok...I know this has been covered, but I just need a little

reassurance. Madison is almost 8 months old (1/27) she weighs

12 pounds and she has weighed this since she was 6 months.

I love her size....no complaints. I contacted our breeder, Grammie

Irene, and she said that it was perfectly fine. Has anyone ever had a

little one that stopped growing around 6/7 months? I thought they

continued to grow until at least a year? She eats beautifully and she

is VERY active! When we first picked her up we thought she would be

bigger than Grilly, because her paws were huge. Her parents are both

16 pounds. In reality I love her size, I guess I was just still worried (even though

Irene said average weight for females range between 12-16) I guess I am just a

big worry wort :confused:

Any feedback would be great! Thanks for indulging my crazy ways.... :shy:

All my best


P.S. when I get a chace I snap a photo and post....she looks very healthy to me!

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maggie seems to have stopped growing around 7 months...shes about 12 pounds...her mom was 12, dad about 15... seems normal to me....is she fixed?


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Yes, she was spayed at 6 months. She was 12 pounds then and

she still is. I really like the lighter weight, my 4 year old is 16 pounds

and I can really feel the difference when lifting.


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Well with the boys, at 6 months the were 16.3 &16.4 pounds- this is the recorded weight when I had them neutered back in Nov.

On 12/29 they had a Coronavirus vaccine and Bratt was 18.6, & Mett was 17.7 pounds (oink oink) They didn't get any longer, but they both did get taller in that time.

I think as long as her length and height match her weight, I woudn't worry too much. Husky Mett is 9.5" tall, and 13.5" long- He is somewhat barrel shaped, he is big boned too! I may have to rename him Pork-wurst.

Bratt on the other hand lean, he's 10.5" tall, and 15" long.

Oh they were born 5/18/05.

Hope this helps.


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Hi! Riley - - a male - - was 11.2 pounds at 8 months - - - he now weighs in at 18.3 and is approaching the age of three - - - he is healthy and ALL muscle!!!! I'm thinking your dog may still do some growing - - widthwise anyway!!!

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All three of my Cairns gained more weight after 7 mths. I thought I read somewhere that they don't fully fill out until 2 yrs. My youngest Cairn, Hannah was 8 1/2 lbs at 7 mths and my middle Cairn, Abbey was 11 lbs. I can't find my oldest, Kiara's weight chart, but I know she wasn't done growing at 7 mths. I just checked their weight, height (measured at the withers), and length (measuring from chest to rear quarters) and here are the results:

Kiara (4 yrs, 7 mths)

Height: 11"

Length: 15 1/2"

Weight: 20 lbs

Abbey (2 yrs, 2 mths)

Height: 10"

Length: 15"

Weight: 15 lbs

Hannah (1 yr, 8 mths)

Height: 10"

Length: 14"

Weight: 13 lbs

* Just wanted to add that all three's weight flucuates 1-2 lbs depending on the amount of exercise they get. We've had alot of rain lately, so they haven't been running quite as much, but still getting their treats. :whistle:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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oh my god....i have a cairn on steroids!!!!! Ellie is a little over 22 pounds....she's all muscle though and SO strong. Dori is 16...just right. Not sure how tall they are, do you measure from the back or the top of their heads? Sorry i'm so dumb about that....but i havent measured the height of a dog before!

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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oh my god....i have a cairn on steroids!!!!!  Ellie is a little over 22 pounds....she's all muscle though and SO strong.  Dori is 16...just right.  Not sure how tall they are, do you measure from the back or the top of their heads?  Sorry i'm so dumb about that....but i havent measured the height of a dog before!


Measure her at the withers (shoulder) to the floor. Mine are obviously all "pet quality", especially Kiara and Abbey, but the standard calls for body length to be from 14" to 15" from the front of the chest to the back of the hindquaters. An easier way to check for proper back length in proportion to height (which according to the standard should be 10" for males and 9 1/2" for females) is to measure the dog w/ either your eye or a ruler from floor to withers and from withers to tail set. These measurements should be equal. You will find that a dog standing 10" at the withers should measure 10" from withers to tail set, provided the tail is set correctly. Females are generally slightly longer than males.

This information was taken out of "The Cairn Terrier", by Christine Carter.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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OH my god, i have a rectangular dog!! LOL Although I cant get a proper reading cause they hate the tape and dont want to come near me now!!!! As far as I can gather though, Ellie is 14" long and dont know the other.....she's a fuzzzy weiner dog i guess!!! Oh well, at least their cute!!!


Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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Don't you just love how their ears go back when they see you coming to mess w/ them? :D All I was holding is a tape measure, and Kiara and Abbey ran under the breakfast table like I was coming to take blood. The length of 14" isn't too long, that's standard.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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oh honestly it was so funny, it was like i had a pitchfork in my hand, not a tape!!! She rolled over and gave me such a funny look, i was cracking up. Later I stepped in a "damp" spot!!! cant wait for that tile next month!!! lol

I know their breeder was "less than stellar", but i dont care, like I'd ever show a dog anyway. I have way too many hobbies now!! I just love them for them....

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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Darcy was the same weight which seemed like forever and then she gained a few extra pounds around 11 months if I remember correctly.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Well, this post has promted me to measure and weigh Crunch. Crunch is 9 months old:

Weight: 14.4 lbs

Height: 10 "

Length: 13"

His parents were both larger Cairns and he was the smallest of their litter. My husband and I are constantly speculating on what size he will eventually grow into.

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Bosco is 14 inches in length, and seems to have filled out a bit around the time he turned 2 years old. He still weighs between 13.5 and 14 pounds, and has maintained this weight for the last year or so.

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Sugar is still growing some, at 7 months she is getting a little less of the puppy look. At the withers she is 10 inches and her length is 14 1/2. She weighs 12.5 lbs. For the last 2 months she has gained about 2/10 of a pound a week.

Because I was told she was way to small to show and wouldn't make breed standard I am delighted at her growth but hope that she begins to slow down. I want her to be 13 -14 pounds because it such a good size now.

Now my Rebel who is a big boy was having lots of allergy problems and gained alot of weight do to the steriods that vet gave him at the time. He is a 21 pounder now at 3 years. He stopped growing around a year old I think. He is very active and he is big. He is 1 1/2 times longer than he is tall so he looks great.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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I have plenty of blonde moments and my hair is brown. I hope I'm not be offensive to anyone blonde, everyone must know by now the silly "blonde" jokes.

The withers is measuring at the tip of the shoulders to the floor.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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