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I can't wait


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I am getting a cairn terrier from a breeder. The mating has been done, but I still have to wait untill Febuary, when will probably be born, and May when Its old enough to take home. :lol:

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Congrats! They are a ton of fun! Alot of work but very much worth it. I got Trotter in Septemeber, he was 8 weeks. He now runs my life and means the world to me. Best of luck!

Lesley & Trotter

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I know how you feel! I waited 6 months for my little one........the wait nearly killed me......but it was worth it!

Bella is the most precious little thing and I love her to bits!!!

One good thing at least you know when your puppy will be ready to come home.....I had no idea as they werent sure when she would be in season etc etc....

Remember the saying "Good things come to those who wait"

In the meantime you can spend your time on the forum and get a daily dose of cairns!!! :D

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How exciting for you... It will be worth the wait.

I had to wait for a litter as well, keeping my fingers crossed that there would be a girl born. Also I didn't get to see her until the day we picked her up cos she came from the other side of Australia and had to be flown over to Perth - there were none available here for at least 12 months.

It was so worth the wait, she is everything we expected and more...we just love her. I can't see me ever owning a different breed of dog, I'm hooked!

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How wonderful ! Please keep us posted on the news of your new Cairn. We came home with Rusty in late June last year - and in our part of the country it couldn't of been a better time for a new pup. Although anytime is the right time to own this sweet and loving kind of dog.

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Congrats! The wait is the hardest but if this is your first Cairn like Savannah was to me, it will give you plenty of time to research and prepare. You will not regret your decision.

Make sure that your breeder sends you lots of pics when the puppy is born so that you can share them. We can't get enough of puppy pics!

You think you will want a boy or girl? Any potential names yet?

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Hooray for you! I'm sure the wait is going to be really hard... but at least you know you're getting a pup. We adopted Darcy and had to wait 3 days to find out if the adoption group was even going to approve us and then we had to wait a full week to pick her up. I can only imagine that May seems like 10 years away. I'm sure though it will be well worth the wait!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Good for you!! How many more sleeps until May? HehHeh!

Once that little guy is born, make sure you get get some photos from the breeder and post them here. We'll be watching for them.

Fergus :P & Alf

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Oh my....not even born yet and you're already excited! :lol: You definately have Cairn Terrier fever!

I remember the anticipation getting Elliott. We had to travel from CT to N.H. and I was bouncing around the car the entire trip up. I though hubby was gonna stop the car and toss me out. But the ride home with him snuggling was heaven.

....snuggling with Elliott, not hubby! :lol::lol::lol:

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I will probably get a boy, and have considerd the names Riley, Kalel, Cricket, and Toto.

The top one is his dad, and the bottom one is his mom.



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