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Sticking with Shoe's velcro syndrom...


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Shoe posted that Finch is her little "velcro pup" and loves to be with her all the time. My question is was she always like this?? For those of you with affectionate dogs, were they affectionate when they were young or did they "mature" into it?? If so, when? I am just hoping that possibley my little guy will be a lover someday too.


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Lisa, that picture is adorable!!!!! I love it....worthy of being printed out and framed!

Finch has always been a lap dog since she was a tiny puppy. She thinks of my chest as her personal bed and will just jump up, settle her neck under mine and give a big sigh. It's fun...most of the time....but sometimes I have other things to do!! I love her on my lap, but she drives the kids crazy because they don't always want a furry ball on their lap....lol!

Scout is friendly and very loving, but not to the same degree as Finch. She will sit on my lap (sometimes) but will not lay on my chest or lay on my lap with her chest in the air. She prefers to sit next to me on the sofa.

Cairns are very independent and I think most are thought of as NOT lap dogs...at least this is I have read....but not here on Cairn Talk!

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New puppy Butters is very affectionate, cuddles up in our laps and snuggles against neck, etc. Ronan, our former Cairn wasn't so much a lap dog as he was a leaner and loved to snuggle up beside us. He also liked to sleep with us and would do the same sort of snuggling. Another thing he liked to do was to lay his head on a knee or foot. He liked contact, but not too much. He got this way after he was 2 or 3. My Westie is very much a Velcro dog and I'm the one she's velcroed to.

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Shoe...you are the luckiest!! :) Ohhhh, I have a piece of Cairn terror news that I thought you might be interested in. My little one (you know, the "cute" one in the bike basket :devil: ) got ahold of one of my old VHS tapes. I was hoping and praying it wasn't one of my favorites. Well...it was. My little guy chewed and destroyed my To Kill A Mocking Bird tape (the original, with Gregory Peck). Well, I learned to hide the tapes better :(

You are really blessed with your two loves.


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That picture is priceless! Being the safety nut that I am, I was wondering....does he have a helmet? :lol:

Neither of my girls have gotten affectionate with age...Elliott was cuddly from day one and I can't see him being any other way.

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Duffy is two years old and is not very affectionate. He won't give kisses to us, but will lavish anyone that comes into our house with them. I can't figure that on e out. He does like to lay next to us when we are watching TV but does not like to sleep on the bed. He prefers to be in his own crate. Sometimes I think that Duffy does not love us. Mickey (my Westie) is very affectionate towards us, but is leery of anyone that comes to visit. Very different sets of behaviour.


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Cooper became very cuddly once we got Yoda, who thinks his only jobs in life are to be on my lap or eat!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Both Abbey and especially Hannah have been affectionate from day one. Both are lap dogs. Hannah can take being my velcro dog to the extreme, especially in the evening when I need to get some things done. I sometimes out of frustration, give her to my dh to hold while he's watching TV. She loves to sleep on my chest, like Shoe's Finch does. I think she likes listening to my heart beat. Kiara started off more of a "daddy's girl", which is funny being I'm the one who bought her. She got a little moody at night for a couple of years. Actually, she turned into a total grump after 9 p.m. Since having the other two, she has really come around w/ me. She always gave her daddy plenty of kisses, but now she kisses me too and let's me kiss her goodnight. The other night I held her like a baby and she didn't get upset, which is a first for her. She's not one for being held but will sit next to you. She likes it when dh is on the recliner. She'll lay between his legs on her stomach.

I forgot to add how adorable your little guy is. :wub:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I think that Crunch is growing to be still and cuddly for longer periods of time, but most of the time he is not really a cuddler. I just don't know if that will ever change because I feel like it is his personality. He will only sit on my lap when he is worn out from running around and playing hard. And in the early mornings before he completely wakes up. That's it for the cuddlin. Now, he does give kisses ALL the time and boy does he have good aim for the lips.

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From the first moment Sophie decided that I was less scary than the pound, she has been glued to me. When she first came, she liked to be held alot, after a few weeks, she was less a lap dog. Now she leaps into my lap only when she wants out. LOL

My favorite Sophie-ism....she will lick the back of each of my legs once, and then head butt me on the calf, very gently when she is wandering around behind me.

Licking bugs me, but my son thinks its great...so needless to say she is a licker.



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my cuddly report is: Scruffy will tolerate love for short bits, usually until he gets hot and then he is outta there. Abe, will cuddle when and only when he is in the mood to cuddle. He is absolutely wonderful when he is sleepy or cold, then he just snuggles in and you get those warm fuzzies. Otherwise, the two, basically will avoid cuddling.


PS~that is a great picture, both of them!

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Savannah has always followed me all over the house but she did not want to cuddle. In fact, she wouldn't even want anyone touching her when she was asleep. But within the past few months, she has become a lap dog. She will sit on my lap, legs, chest, stomach, anywhere really. Now she would rather be sitting on me than on the sofa itself. The change occured when we started letting her sleep in the bed with us.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Each Cairn child I've been privileged to have in my life has had their own personality traits since the day the were brought home as babies. While all of them have the tenacity trait in common, :devil: , they vary with the way they want attention and affection.

As an example, it used to be common knowledge that if you wanted to sit on the couch where Holdsworth was "reclined", all you had to do to get him to move was pet him. :) He was one of the most sweet, good-natured beings I have ever known. I think that's why he lived so long....happy people tend to survive on this planet much longer than folks who aren't so loving of life.

On the other hand, Shadow, and now Teddy (Bear) were/are cuddle babies. Teddy will come up to me on the couch and then sit up on his hind legs until he gets my undivided attention. This usually ends up in a cuddle fest.

Olie is somewhere in between. From the day we met him he's always been a bit cautious, almost reserved, but mostly about people who aren't in his pack (his pack extends beyond our immediate family.) However, he does like to cuddle up at night on the bed. It ends up being unfortunate for me sometimes because I'm at the point in life where night sweats and hot flashes are common...oh well.

Each one of them with their individual traits have a special place in my heart.

Tara, Olie and Teddy's Mom

Max and Nelly

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My two are very different. Rebel likes to be in the room but not sitting on your lap although since we now have Sugar he has become more loving and will jump up and sit with us sometime but not to often. Sugar on the other hand is like our pug a in your face lovey girl. She likes men better and when she is tired she jumps to her Daddy's lap, on his chest or beside his feet.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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