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If only I'd had my camera with me


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There's been 2 incidents with Fergus on our daily beach walks recently when I wish I'd had my camera.

The first one happened when he was off-lead and discovered a huge fish head on the waters edge, which was about the size of him. He grabbed it and took off down the beach, hotly pursued by my 5 year old little friend in her Barbie swimsuit and water-wings, and moi (middle aged, overweight but who really thinks she looks like Jane Fonda on a good day).

The little :devil: was playing with us because when we got closer to him, he would turn around and shoot off the other way. We must have looked an hilarious sight, and I must admit I couldn't help but laugh my head off during the chase.

Fergus finally lay down and attempted to eat the fish so I pounced on him, he dropped the fish, and an elderly Scottish lady promptly picked the fish up by it's empty eye socket and said "I'll put this in the rubbish bin shall I?"

The second incident happened yesterday when I let him off his lead on the beach as there was only 3 people there, one of whom had a young minature Schnauzer which he too let off the lead. The terrible duo rocketed off down the beach and frightened some poor young woman in a bikini who was sunbathing. Next Fergus discovered a swimmer's tee-shirt and shoes and took off into the surf with the blue tee-shirt in his mouth. He totally disregarded my commands to DROP and COME, and needless to say the little Schnauzer did exactly as her owner bid and promptly got put back on the lead.

I eventually retrieved the tee-shirt and shouted to the swimmer that my puppy had got hold of his tee-shirt, I gave him my apologies and said I would put it back with his shoes. Luckily the chap saw the funny side of it.

Later that day my friend over the road popped in and asked if Fergus had run off with a blue tee-shirt on the beach that morning. It turned out it was her son-in-law visiting her who had recounted the story of a "scruffy little dog at the beach running off with his belongings" :whistle:

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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How precious, and how "Cairn" of him! That reminds me of my beloved Holdsworth (deceased 12/2000) when he was young. We and the neighbors would typically be outdoors talking on our quiet little street, especially in the spring or


Well, when it was time to say goodnight and go inside I think you can guess who wasn't ready to call it a day. Holdsworth used to lead us on a merry chase, running around all of us in a large circle...just out of reach, of course. Every time

he came to the curb he'd make a joyful leap over it. That little imp loved being chased. Eventually he gave in, but he dearly loved making us all scramble.

It must have looked as much a sight as Fergus and his antics.

I can't berate myself for not having a camera then. I was of modest means, and things like the internet and family-use video cameras weren't part of life for almost anyone.

But the joy of these tiny tough guys and their great spirit is never forgotten! :)

Thanks for sharing.


Max and Nelly

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What great "fish tales" :P I had my pup on the beach this past fall. He likes to drag long, huge pieces of seaweed/kelp around. His tail is up in the air and his head is held high and he thinks he's so cool.

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You did such a fine job of describing the two "incidents" that my mind had a fun time dreaming up the scenerio and what it all looked like. It's good to be a dog, and by golly yours is living it up to its fullest! What great stories!!!!! But yes... take your camera next time.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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....tell me about it rubyruby!! I am so jealous as I sit her this morning with the blustering wind, and the snow flying by. (and I have to get out and go to a dr. appt.!?!.....ugh)

When you described the chase scene you went through I could envision it like the others. It also made me try to visualize what we look like when Abe (Scruf always drops on command, bless him) who is also a little devil manages to get hold of a sock, a shoe, a pair of underpants, or just generally anthing that he knows he should NOT have, lol. Imagine if you will, hardwood floors, a huge 4ft by 4ft (thats my guess-timation) coffee table and a slooooooooow mom. He gets under that darn thing and by the time I get down on one corner he is weaving in and out of the other three like a professional stunt driver! Now, if there is more family around we have figured out how to get him cornered inbetween and under the table..........however, there are those occassions when he will skeedaddle past us all, and go skidding down the hallway to our bedroom and then......he runs behind the headboard and goes back and forth like it is all a big game (which it is to him of course), again the only way to catch him is to get him cornered with one on each side of the bed!!........now imagine a pitiful mom by herself, and poor dad sound asleep and her stomping back and forth trying to sound angry enough to put fear in the dog, yet quiet enough to keep from waking up dad........*sighs here.

Hope you do not feel as bad now...lol.


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what cute stories.....the beach sure sounds good. I need to head to one while we're here in florida....i think they'd love it for sure.

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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Ah, but is there a beach near you with only 3 people on it?

Here it's summer and dogs are allowed on the beach before 10am and after 6pm and Fergus feels cheated if he is the only dog on the beach. He so looks forward to socialising with his mates. His favourites are Zoe, a minauture Schnauzer, Ruby, a Labradoodle, and Juliette the very tall greyhound. They all like running together (usually Fergus is hanging on to the ear of one of his taller girlfriends) and beating each other up. I think Zoe is the more intelligent one as she waits for Fergus to swim out to retrieve sticks, then snaffles them off him once he reaches the shore. No getting wet for that little lady!

Fergus and I LOVE summer :thumbsup:

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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Cute stories I love them, Rene!!

How I envy you....sun....sand.....playing puppies



Fergus :P & Alf

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A beach?? You mean warm sand and not the sand the trucks throw all over snow-covered roads?

Do you ever have any problems with them taking off? OMG, I couldn't imagine taking Elliott and Maddy to a beach and letting them run free.

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Taking off? Well actually yes. Some of the houses don't have fences to separate their garden from the beach, and invariably they leave their French doors open. So I've had one or two hair-raising moments when Fergus has shot off into someone's house to investigate, only to reappear a couple of minutes later followed by a startled householder (why do I always get the picture of a family sitting down to eat their roast chicken dinner and dad is about to bite into the drumstick, when out of the blue a little scruffy dog grabs it out of his hand and runs out of the door?) :whistle:

In these instances I feel I can't just go onto someone else's property to try and retrieve Fergus (which would be useless in anycase because he would think it was a huge game and lots of fun), so I tend to stand on the edge of their garden calling his name and rustling a bag of treats, which eventually does the trick.

I've not lost him or been sued yet, but my blood pressure isn't the best -_-

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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Ohh gosh those stories made me laugh :D

Wellygoggles you are so lucky with your beach rules. We live near the beach but dogs are only alowed on small designated areas, so they get really crowded with lots of dogs. I have only taken Roxy once when it was pretty quiet. I'm scared some of the bigger dogs may get aggressive because she just wants to play with all of them and doesn't seem to pick up on their "I don't want play" behaviour.

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I've never been scared about Fergus approaching bigger dogs (let's face it, there aren't many dogs smaller than a Cairn), because if they snap or growl at him well to me that's a learning curve for him to realise where he belongs on the pecking order of life.

It may seem a bit naive, but Fergus hasn't been bitten yet, and let's face it, they are such jaunty, cheerful little chaps, why would anyone want to hurt them :wub:

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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Winter here in Maine means "Dogs Get To Frequent All Maine Beaches". Well, no not really. There are rules but I know of the beaches that have "no rules" and Harry gets to chase the seaguls and the surf. He has found dead crabs, clams and sand dollars (wow, he hasn't thrown up yet either). Unfortunately on one of our outings this winter, we found a dead seal. It was very sad but Harry (of course) felt the need to roll all over it. I always bring along a bottle of fresh water and "sandwich baggies" in case of a needed clean up. The beach is a great place to hang out and it is so quiet here in the winter, we usually have it to ourselves.

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Shame Fergus & Harry don't live near each other. Just think of the adventures they could have :P

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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Oh yes...I can see it now. Fergus and Harry chasing each other around with dead sealife in their furry faces. They would be running in and out of peoples backyards and into their flowerbeds and there you and I would be...red faced and pretending we didn't know those two misfits :lol:

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