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I'm not trying to grab the spotlight..but I wante

Taylor & Lily's Dad

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Grab the spotlight! We all do at one time or other. Those are great pictures! My dh said if we were to ever get another dog, he'd like a Westie. We're maxed out right now, but there's always "someday". :whistle:

Thanks for sharing!

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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well the one where they're on the pillow in the grass and the one where they're in the window is when they were younger.. the one where they're on the patio funiture is very recent... Lily (my Westie) weighed 17 last trip to the vet and I'd say she's probably about the same now. Taylor weighed 15.3 last time and I'm pretty sure he's about the same... so they are probably between 15-17 pounds each..

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Please don't ever feel like you are hoggin' the spotlight around here :P !!

We all love, love, love to see them in action, for sure!!

Great pics!!


BTW....MikeC from our group has a Westie and a Cairn. Mike????

Cathy and Piper

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Those are great pictures....and those teeth, oh my!! We love to see each others Cairns especially in action. :lol:

I'm jealous of your green grass. Care for some snow?

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fantastic pics! I love the action shots. I think it is absolutely hilarious when they are playing and chasing each other through the house.

Do not feel bad about being in the spotlight, all our pooches deserve time there!


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Great pictures. My favorite is the one with them on the chairs on the patio. Two terriers sitting in that position and both looking at the camera at the same time... A once in a lifetime shot for sure! I don't know how you people with more than one get great pictures like that. It is hard enough to get one to sit still for pictures much less two!!

You have gorgeous dogs. They deserve to be in the spotlight!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Beautiful photos! Your two are gorgeous. There's no such thing as hogging the spotlight here. This forum has a huge appetite for photos. Welcome!

Fergus :P & Alf

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Please steal the spotlight anytime you have beautiful photos like these to share!

You have been blessed with two adorable dogs! Thanks especially for that photo with the lemon tree. We have been in freezing temps since Sat. night. Nice to see the warmth of the sun in that photo.

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Just love those "what big teeth you have grandma" shots! And I can't believe you actually got them -- when Allie is playing like this she's always just a blur on the photo. Great pix!

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I love your pictures, I really liked the one of the faces. I could look at terrier picures all day long. What kind of camera are you using?


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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We will never get tired of looking at photos!

I have a question - how do you keep your adorable pets from running away while you're outside? There's one photo where I did not see a fence.....

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There is a fence there, you just can't see it in the pic... I am very very very cautious about my dogs and leashes/fences. They behave pretty good but I absolutely do not trust them to be off of a leash if they are not in a fenced area. All it takes is something to catch their eye and they can take off, I would be devistated if they ran into the street and were hit..

As far as the camera that I use (question was asked) I was using a Sony T1 (its the really little one that they advertised pretty hard for a while) but I have since bought a Nikon D50 digital SLR (pro style) camera.. I took the below pic with the Nikon and everyone that see it thinks that it looks pro or that it could be a calendar pic... I love the Nikon, its much bigger but it has a really fast shutter and has no problem getting action shots without blurring..


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Hi Taylor and Lily's Dad,

I have a Cairn and a Westie also. Both males, Duffy the Cairn is 2 and Mickey the Westie is 1 yr, 3 months. I love having one of each breed as I am sure you know, they compliment each other very nicely. I have also come to find out that Westies seem to mind a little better than Cairns. Do you find that also? My two get along fantastically, eat out of the same bowl and sometimes I find them sleeping in the same crate together. Below is the most recent pic of the two of them together.



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OMG!! They are beautiful!! You must be so proud of them! What terrific pictures. Grab that spotlight and run with it!!

MikeC, what a great shot of your two guys!! All of the pictures brought a huge smile to my face.

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Yes they are great together.. I really like having one of each, they are glued together at all times and when I crate them they will not go into separate cages, they insist on sleeping together in the same crate. Because of that I had to go invest in a huge cage/crate that is for larger dogs like labs.. They have a couple of fleece blankets and they always curl up together. As far as who minds better I would say that my Westie is more responsive to command, she is a female and Taylor is a male so I don't know if gender plays the role or breed.

Taylor will obey my wife pretty good but he usually doesn't listen to me.. Lily on the other hand goes nuts when I walk in the door and I have to hold her for about 5 minutes straight before the excitement is passed... Taylor will run and get a toy when I get home and he will stand there with the toy in his mouth, growl and wag his tail.. then I chase him and he runs... so they each have their own ritual when we get home (they do the same thing no matter if its my wife or me coming home)

They are total characters and have personalities just like children... they are priceless to me and we try (like most animal lovers do) to give them the best of everything..

I'll try to get a pic of them together on the next sunny day so that you can see a very recent pic.. they are about the same age as yours.. Lily is 2 on Friday and Taylor is 2 on 4-14..

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almost forgot to tell you .. I see that you're in San Jose.. I'm in Chico.. thought it was interesting.. most of the time people aren't that close..

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T&L's Dad,

I echo your sentiments completely regarding our "kids". Mickey, like Lily will jump and "talk" to me when I get home, sleeps in my lap while we are watching TV, and then I carry him to his crate at bedtime. Talk about spoiled!! Duffy is the aloof one and will come over when I get home for a pet but is not near as obviously happy to see me as Mickey is. Maybe since Mickey is named after me? :P

I think that you and I may be the only ones in this forum from California. I have been through Chico a couple of times but never long enough to really take in anything. Welcome to the forum. I will look forward to another picture of Taylor and Lily.


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