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New Cairn


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I posted earlier that I was babysitting a Cairn puppy, giving the owners a break since they were going through a lot of stress due to health concerns, and weren't very happy with being Cairn owners. I am now the owner.

I have 6 pets: 3 dogs, 3 cats. The kitten (Theo) is going to be indoors only (if I have my way--it's been a struggle as he's an escape artist). I got him in early November because he was in the veterinarian's office. He was part of a litter the vet had nursed back to health. He was supposedly the mellow one. The oldest cat is Simba who is 12, and the third is 8-year-old Emma who is very skittish and won't come indoors at all.

The 3 dogs are Abby, a 12-year-old blind and deaf Westie, Shane, an Australian/German shepherd mix that I adopted from the human society, and now our third puppy.

The puppy's name was after a Southpark cartoon character, and we're going to change it (Butters). We're playing with Brady and Finian, but my absolute favorite has been a suggestion from someone on a different forum: Phineas T. Bluster. We'd probably call him Phineas. I've experimented with all of the names and the only one he has consistently come to is Phineas, and that's probably what it will be once I convince my husband, who has been out since the name was suggested.

I'll post pictures once I find our camera and I open an account on Photo Bucket. I'm sure all the pictures will be of the puppy and kitten. They're the same age and are extremely interested in each other.

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For readers not familiar with the housebreaking issue we've had, the puppy came to us not housebroken. He's very well socialized with other dogs and people, but apparently housebreaking was a real challenge for the previous owners who weren't home enough to be as consistent with house training as they would have liked to have been. The first day I had him he had a few accidents, but once I picked up his signals I was able to get him out and we had no more accidents until around 3:30 a.m. when he was in his crate. Yesterday was a nightmare --accidents everywhere-- but he had a dry night in his crate and so far today has been very successful. When he's not within eyesight of me, he's in his crate. I take him out frequently to play and go outside. It's going to be a long 2 weeks (or more), but I think he's trainable.

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I am now the owner.

What WONDERFUL news!!! I am so happy for you and I'm happier still that your Cairn will now have a REALLY loving family.

I wish you many happy, healthy years ahead with your new baby!

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I admire people like you mmg, who take in animals that clearly are in need of a loving and understanding owner. Good luck and keep us posted on " Phineas' " progress. (I think that's a great name) Hope to see some photos soon.

Fergus :P & Alf

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Yes, congrats to you!

I too applaud those who have such compassion to take in animals that others carelessly squander as a 'novelty' token.

It drives me crazy to try and understand what is wrong with someone who blindly goes into buying pets of any kind without fully understanding the breed, and knowing what exactly they are getting into!

Our second dog came to use, via a local network access channel, where he was for sale! at a year old, the family had decided he just was not the dog they wanted and BAM, put him up for sale! Poor Scruffy came to us so timid and afraid. He is the most loving and kind little soul I have ever met! It makes me mad just typing the story. lol. sorry. Anyway, one thing I am thankful for, well actually two. First, is that we saw the ad and rescued him, because he is such a great dog, and secondly, I am glad that they did not own Abe, who has so much more stinker factor, and such a strong personality.....they would have hated him!

(steps down from her soap box now)

Mom of abe and scruf

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I was really hoping that you would get to adopt him! It sounds like he just needs someone who is willing to spend time with him and work with him. You are his angel and I am sure that he is already grateful that you have rescued him!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Thank you for all the welcomes for our little guy. Alas, he's not to be named Phineas. Naming him may take awhile. For now he's Butters, and if my young adult kids have their way, that's what he will remain.

We've had some good progress with house training. He's only had 2 or 3 accidents in the house since Saturday. Pooping outdoors is the biggest challenge. Interestingly, he's chosen a spot where a small Douglas Fir branch fell and even though we replace it when it gets too soiled, he returns to the branch.

Another characteristic that we've noticed in him is that he loves to tunnel under pillows and dig into holes in the couch. When I have time I'm going to investigate Earth Dog clubs around here. I think he'd love that. I've also located a training facility in town that will take him from obedience to agility training. This is going to be so much fun!

He's such an affectionate and easygoing little guy. I have to give some credit to his former owners. They may have felt that Cairns were not their kind of dog, but they did treat him well. He's well socialized and even knows how to sit on command. He's very good about coming when called too.

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I'm so happy for you all!! Congratulations!!

Lisa & Harry

Mom of Abe & Scruf, I think you speak for all of us. You have a right to get on your soapbox!! You go girl!!

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In my case, I had no clue Sophie was a Cairn when I got her. I had wanted a dog for a couple of years, knew I wanted a grown dog, a small dog, a female dog and a rescue. She fit the bill and was willing to trust me. It was the vet who identified the scraggly bag of bones as a cairn.

Whats weird is I would not of 'chosen' a Cairn based on breed description, I would of been concerned about activity level and ability to deal with the cats. Now that I have her she is great.




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I got lucky with Sophie, she housebroke really fast. I anticipated a great deal more difficulty than I experienced. I would say it took a week to get the idea firmly planted, and 2 for her to be reliable. I also was home all day everyday when she first came, which helped, so did the fact she would never leave my side. Now when I first returned to work it upset her poop scheduale and that took a day or two to re-adjust.




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