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Alfie Update and a "good dog" story


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Hi everyone! I sure hope you all had a great Christmas or family holiday celebration!!! Just getting back here to check on everyone and read up on your little darlings, I am happy to see some new faces as well!!

I just wanted to tell you all how well Alfred is doing!! If you'll recall a little while back I came here pulling my hair out thinking I was going to have to get rid of our little fuzz ball. He would not be housebroken, peeing up my whole house, etc. After some really great advice we moved swiftly and made some big changes around here. For starters, we immediately crate trained. From day 1 Alfie has LOVED his crate, almost as if to say "see this is what I wanted all along" it has almost been (gasp) effortless to crate train him. We also installed some baby gates to break down the house a little more, no more free roaming. He is allowed out at night and usually sleeps at my feet in our bed. NO MORE MESSES THOUGH!! This amazing boy "finally got it" and has even begun scratching at the back door to be let out when he has to go. Finally, we used Nature's Miracle in our carpet steam cleaner - did two passes thru the entire house and it has totally taken the nasty smell away, I'm amazed.

Again, thank you all for the warm welcome to this site and for your great advice based on experience, it has made ALL THE DIFFERENCE to our family and to our little Alfie boy!!

Now for a "Good Boy!!" story:

Someone has been targeting our neighborhood for break ins. This has been going on since the beginning of November. They have increased security measures at our little elementary school, flyers are distributed, cops have come door to door to ask for help/leads, some men have organized all night-vigils to keep a neighborhood watch. At least a dozen or more break ins/invasions have been reported and security in our area has been beefed up considerably. There are only 215 homes in our addition, so 12 break ins in less than 2 months time, well, these bad guys are apparently pretty serious about what they are doing.

These break ins have also included armed robberies during the day & night while folks are at home, extremely frightening. One teenager was hit across the face as he was walked in on. As a stay at home mom with two youngins I've been on edge big time. And for good reason it seems...........

So last friday night (dec 23) after wrapping gifts in the kitchen for a good deal of time after the family went to bed, I turned off all our lights and sat on the couch to watch the tube. Of course I fell asleep. At approx 3 am I awoke to Alfred standing on my chest, nose pointing to our rear sliding door, every hair on his body at attention. I was scared out of my mind!! I quickly turned off the television with the remote to make it darker indoors than out. I rolled off the couch onto the floor so that I could not be seen from the back door; although I had locked up, my verticle blinds were still open (duh, I know). Alfred followed me, once again standing right on top of my back to protect me. In a flash I heard a loud "THUMP" against our siding and this dog just went BALLISTIC - just as parents, dog owners get to know their pup's barks....this was something I've NEVER heard the likes of. He was really ripped up about something/someone at our back door. While he remained at the door barking like a rabid hound (oh! the growls!! you'd have thought he was a 150 pound Rotty or something!!) I was able to crawl to my husband in our bedroom and get a phone. Hubby sprang up, grabbed his club/checked the kids and I called 911. Alfred kept vigil at our door. Cops were here within 7 minutes.

When the sherriff arrived, sure enough, there were LOTS of muddy bootprints surrounding our home. Someone had been casing us, the prints were found AT MY CHILDRENS BEDROOM WINDOWS and whoever it was was just waiting for me to turn the lights out to make their move.

I have been the victim of one other burglary in the past......it is a sickening experience, but that was different - it had happened during the day while I was at work and I had no children at the time. This situation just makes my stomach turn, I've been a MESS all weekend, it totally clouded my Christmas (not the kids though, they don't know about it, slept thru the whole thing) and now I'm afraid to sleep at night. There is no closure here.....They took photos of the boot prints, photos of our home, took a damp white paper and lifted "copies" of the boot prints off of our back patio slab, but what else can they do? The bad guys are still out there and still in "my backyard" heck it's probably someone who lives in the neighborhood and can avoid being caught that way.

The hero here is little Alfred. What a good boy trying to protect me, alerting me to the problem. Had I not had him, I shudder to think of what I could have been awakened to alone in my living room. The whole sobering experience has shown this little dog in new light. He isn't 'just a pet' (not that I thought that way before, but now I truly "get it") he truly is a member of this family who has our best interests and protection at heart, just as we have his. I'm so thankful for him!!!!!

PS. We have 2 security companies coming this week for estimates on security systems so that I can sleep again sometime soon..... :(

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Good for Alfred, I am so glad he has changed his ways and not just that but actually be the family hero! I hope things settle down in your area, I can only imagine how you must feel, hopefully they'll be able to catch this creep soon, I will pray for your family's safety...I guess Alfred was meant to be in your home to protect you and the kiddies!!! Stay safe.


I think Kai-lee would have been wagging her tail hoping the thug would come in and play!

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What a great story. Good boy, Alfie! I would feel very antsy, too, after learning that an attempt has been made. It is not a good feeling at all. My husband was once a victim of an armed robbery (not hurt at all, but the teen robbers had a gun) so we know the feeling very well. The alarm is a good thing to have. We had to get used to it, we tripped it ourselves more than 5 times, waking up in the morning and forgetting to disalarm before walking around the house.

Alfie should get an extra belly rub for a job well done!!!

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That is such a wonderful story! I remember the problems that you were having when you first came here and I am SOOO glad that little Alfie finally became a member of the family. What a hero Alfie is for scaring away that evil person! I think that an alarm system is a great idea. We have one and if I have to be home alone for some reason, it makes me feel better knowing that it is there and on. If these potential burglers see that you have had an alarm system installed, it will let them see that you are serious about protecting yourself and your family. That may just be enough to scare the creep away! Good luck and please keep us posted on the situation! We will be thinking of you and your family!

Extra treats for Alfie! Hooray for the cairn boards newest hero!!!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Guest Darcy's Mom

Hoorah for Alfie!! It's true...they believe they are BIG dogs but in such small packages. I'm not sure my Darcy would have been so diligent; probably would have just invited them in to play.

I'm sure the security companies you have contacted will suggest this, but don't forget motion detector lights all around the outside of your home. If anything sets foot on your property, the light will come on.

I am so glad that your family is okay, and hopefully these creeps will be caught and punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Again, kisses and hugs to Alfie for a job well done!!!


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What a great and frightening story. You were fortunate to still be up, with Alfie. Had you been in bed you might not have been alerted as quickly. We went through a trying time training our Tink. What a relief when she finally got it!




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^^^^^ = High fives to Alfie for a job well done!!!!

I can't imagine being that scared and having the presence of mind that you did! I'm so glad that you and your family were safe. I can only imagine how scared you must still be. I hope that this will end soon with their capture.

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Guest girliejr

Good job Alfie! I agree with some others that Jack may have just been excited and wanted to play with the thugs! I'm glad Alfie was in "protect" mode instead of "play" mode! I hope they catch the thugs soon!!

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well what a scary night that was!!!! Sure hope they catch those creeps...and they will sooner or later.

I swear, nothing gets by these dogs, they have the greatest ears on them!!! Mine are always popping up like they hear something.

Good going alfred!!!!

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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I just got back from vacation and read this. I know exactly how you feel! A couple years ago, I got home from work (it was Labor Day weekend and I was home alone as the husband was up at our lake place) and I stopped in the basement on the way in. While there, I heard things moving around upstairs. Well, as I work at 911, I was rapidly calling them and walking up my back steps, only to find and arm coming out my garden window!!! Unfortunately, he got away that day, but was caught a few days later and is now in prison for eight years.

I would urge anyone here to get a security system. When I answered another topic here about how old the dogs were when they were allowed to be in the house loose while you were away, I got thinking and there are really only two times they have been. The reason is because they would set off the motion alarm. Thus, they are always gated in the kitchen where they can't set it off. My husband works nights and it is always set when I am sleeping...otherwise I would not be able to sleep. I can remember back when that happened. You do lose all sense of security, and it is hard to feel that way in the one place you be able to feel safe. My husband was working out of town, and when I was here by myself, I never, ever, went out if I knew I would not be home before it started getting dark. I always, ALWAYS, kept every door and window shut and locked....you live like a prisoner in your own home!

I hope that as time goes on, things will get better for you. I know once the alarm system was in, that helped me alot. Make sure that whatever company you go with, it is monitored locally. There are several companies (we are in Washington), who are located back east or in the mid west and sometimes the delay in them calling us is up to ten minutes after the alarm has gone off. This rarely happens with the companies who are local.

Good luck and try to rest easy! Give the pup a big belly scratch for Cooper, Yoda, and me!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Good going, Alphie! :thumbsup: The footprints by your children's window gave me the creeps. I think security is a must! Does your backyard gate also lock? We keep ours locked and our Aussie in the back screened room. He's the outside alarm and our cairns are our inside alarm. I'm so glad to read that your Christmas wasn't ruined.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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:shock: Oh how Scary, it's a good thing Alphie was there to ward off the creep. I think I would want to set up a hot wire around all my doors and windows to shock the guy if he tries to break in. I hope they catch him soon!!

Way to go Alphie :thumbsup: Good Dog! For protecting your family and finally getting the potty training figured out. My Tippy finally got it too ;) after about 6 months of frustration.

Tuff & Tippy

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Hi again everyone! Thank you all for your support and your great replies. Yes, let me assure you that Alfred had a great christmas and has been rewarded handsomely!! In fact every time I look at him I cant help myself and have to pick him up :wub: right now he's running around feverishly, fresh out of a bath, so cute. He just got a new red collar that will look very handsome against his blonde fur.

Brinks is coming next Monday to install our system!! *Gasp* we picked out a pretty pricey package which our bank account doesn't agree with, but by the time they are done this place will be a mini Fort Knox!!! I know I'll feel better and the black bags under my eyes are telling that I definitely could use some sleep. I've just been a bag of nerves and that has to stop. Thankfully my husband has been on vacation so I've not had to be alone in the house, which has helped.

Thanks again for sending Alfie and our family your warm thoughts!!


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Be sure to tell your home owner insurance company about the new system....you should get lower rates!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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