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peeing on me!


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We're doing pretty good with our new Cairn, Abby. She likes to crawl on us and she's slowly getting used to letting us know when she needs to go outside for a bathroom break. But recently, we just came up with a maddening accident. Last night when she was crawling on me, she peed on my shoulder. :shock: She likes to climb up on our shoulders but this is the first time she has done this on us!! Then tonight when she was on the floor with my husband playing around, she was crawling on his back and peed on him!!

What's going on?? Is this some sort of domination thing? We scolded her afterwards and put her in her crate but I hope this won't become a habit. She's been a lot more excited other times so I didn't think this would be the case in these situations since we were in our home with just us.

Does anyone have an suggestions or have you had this happen to you? Thanks for the help. I've gotten some good ideas from other postings.

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Keep in mind that young pups need to go out allot. Let me repeat allot! In my opinion, she is not trying to dominate either of you, she just feels the need to go, is in a comfortable spot and does. I would not recommend ever putting your pup in the crate after scolding as this may enforce a negative experience with simply being in the crate. Remember that the crate needs to become her home and all interactions with it should be as positive as possible. We leave my pup with access to the entire kitchen and living room each day and he allways ends up in his crate when we come home. My pup Cody will be 8 months old on September 1st (he is a new years baby) and we had similar problems with him going in strange places like on my lap more than once. Use a verbal command like "pee pee outside" when telling her either before or even after she has peed and take her out immediately. We used to take Cody out every 45 minutes (remember that persistance in training pays off in the end) at night and gave him the same command whether he did number 1 or 2 outside and praised him when we came gack in after he did. As he got older and started to get the idea, we began taking one of his paws and scratching it on the back door a few times before we said our command and then took him out. Now when we hear a few scratches, we know he wants to go out. We took a small piece of plexi-glass and attached it across the door with velcro to the back in order to protect the bottom most portion of our door.

Keep in mind these hard fast rules that helped house train my pup. Take them out ASAP when they wake up, when they finish eating, when you see them sniffing around the perimeter of the room and just before they go to sleep. Remember for them it is so easy to just squat and pee wherever they want, the task is getting them to understand that this must be done OUTSIDE!

Good luck.

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