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Introducing Widget


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I would like to introduce "Widget". I posted early about being a soon to be Cairn owner. Well all worked out and the pup has joined our family. We decided on a name of Widget.



He was adopted through a breeder. I have nothing but good things to say about that process. The breeder was helpful and generous. For anyone looking to adopt a Cairn, a breeder is the best way to go (in my opinion). The cost is close to the same as a *gasp* pet shop. But the quality, care and treatment is much much higher. I would like to thank the breeder and welcome them to my home at any time to visit.

I will be spending lots of time here and in the books gathering information on showing him and starting him on earth dog and in the future obedience. I think he will be a great addition to the family. I think my older black lab will take to him eventually. Right now she is just "tolerating" him. As I write this his tail has started to wag again and is tickling my wife's face on the couch.

Thank you very much "unnamed breeder" he is in a good home. A good home that is better because he is here.


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Widget is adorable!! Love his coloring!!

Bet you are having a wonderful holiday with your new addition! Look forward to hearing and seeing more!!


Cathy and Piper

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Widget is a sweetheart - and the coloring is absolutely gorgeous!!! You are going to be SO happy with a Cairn. Widget will bring untold love into your home. Best of luck - and welcome to our family. We can't wait to hear more stories and especially see more pictures.

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Of course I am now in the "potty training" time. He is in his cage whinning pitifully wanting out. But he has not gone potty after dinner so no "free roam time" until he does.


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Welcome to the forum! Widget sure is a cutie!!!

How I yearn for another puppy... **sigh**

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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ADORABLE! I :wub: him!!!

Where did you get that stuffy in the first pic?

It looks so cute! Could you send me some info?

thanks and welcome!


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Muugi....your Widget is absolutely beautiful. Great pictures too! I'm sure you will enjoy this forum....terrific folks here!!

Fergus :P & Alf

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Where did you get that stuffy in the first pic?

It looks so cute!  Could you send me some info?

The breeder gave me both of those toys in the first picture of the first post. So I have no idea where they were purchased.

He slept through the night without a peep. I got him out of his crate this morning and took him straight outside where he took care of business.

Thank you all for the welcome.

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As an update for any that are still interested...

As I said he slept through the night without a peep. Hopefully tonight will go as well. He kept wandering around the living room looking for a place to sleep.

Outside the crate on the floor...



Half in the car carrier...


Finally found a place that is comfortable...


I was happy to see that he would freely go into his crate to take a nap. I have done as much reading as possible and we have made it a point to never use the crate as a punishment and he never gets to come out when he is whinning or barking. (of course it has only been a day and a half).

The rain finally stopped during the day so we got to play outside for a bit. We showed him my daughter's sandbox and boy did he like that idea. He dug around in there with my daughter for about 20 minutes.


Then for a run around the yard to explore.


That looks like a great tasting stick!


My older Black lab has been a grump but I think she is starting to "think" about playing with him. Usually if the pup comes within a foot of him she gives him a growl. Although, as I type this she decided to share her pillow with him.


Of course, as I finish the post she has already moved away from him. *grumpy*


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The little Widget Man is adorable!!! so cute and tiny. makes me miss when my Alfred was such a tiny baby.....porky 16 pounder already!!

Welcome to the Cairn family, such a nice place here, we all love to hear your baby stories and the folks here are so knowledgable.



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Still interested?? You've got to be kidding!!!! I am loving every update and photo!!

Thanks for sharing your pup with us!!


Cathy and Piper

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Sure looks like he is adjusting well to his new home! He is so precious. Continue to take pictures of him. That is the one thing that I regret from when Savannah was little, I didn't take enough puppy pictures of her. :(

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Just a quick note to brag a bit. Of course I think the bragging rights go more to the great breeder than to his new owners.

Widget slept through his second night without a single sound. I have to admit I was a bit frustrated last night at 11 pm when I took him out for his last chance to potty. He was having none of it. He just stood defiantly in the rain. I was frustrated that he would not go potty when I thought he should. I guess he knew better.

I have no idea how anyone handles a new puppy without a crate. I have been following the advice from several books. The general philosophy is to watch him like a hawk and when you can't... into the crate he goes. To be honest I was one of the ones that thought the crate was a punishment or in-humane. But I have come to learn better. Each meal he spends no less than 30 minutes in the crate to take a "break". He just eats his food then lies down and chews the toy we put in there for him. Other times of the day, he will wander in and out and even sleep with the door open.

I am quite the proud owner this morning. I got him up took him out in the rain (portland, oregon it rains all the time in the winter) and he took care of both pottys quickly. He may have some rough nights ahead but I think he is doing great so far.


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Widget and Muugi, welcome to the board! What adorable pictures! He will definitely be happy in your home with that sandbox for digging and your backyard to roam around in! Before you know it, your other dog will be happy, too.

Post more photos! We'll always be interested.

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