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Someone almost took Dash!


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:( Hello all. I was at the store doing some christmas shopping. I usually turn a block before my street and go home that way. Well, I decided to go around another block over to look at the lights on the houses. I was getting ready to turn on my street, and 2 people looked like they were walking 2 dogs. 1 was a poodle mix or something. I could not tell what the other was. I was on the phone with Dh and asked what the dogs were doing. He said they were outside (in the fenced yard!) . As I got closer, they had Dash! I put my car in park, in the middle of the street and got out. I called him over to me. I scooped him up and just hugged him. The man said "oh, is this your dog?" I said "Yes he is mine." I started to walk away and they said they thought they were going to take him home and give him a warm meal! Excuse me? I dont think so. They did not even look at his tags. They were just going to let him follow them home. UGH! Im so so happy I went the other way! I am so upset about this. I always make sure I know where he is. If I didnt go this way, I would have lost him. I love my guy and am so upset about this. It is not DH fault.

All they kept saying is he is a really nice little dog and they would love to have a dog like him.

I am so worried they might try to take him!


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You were so lucky to get home when you did! I am so glad you got Dash back....geez, some people!

When Yoda was about five months old, he and Cooper had been in the back yard for about 30 seconds when he came up missing. Cooper was still there, but no Yoda to be found. I looked and looked and called and called, still no Yoda. I then got in my car and started driving. I stopped and asked everyone I came to. Soon I was hot on his trail. After driving a round about mile, I was going down yet another side street, bawling my eyes out, when I looked down the street at the corner and there were two boys trying to get him into a car! I zipped up there, threw open my door and called him and he came running fast as he could! One of the boys came over to talk to me and claimed they were trying to take him to where he belonged. I could hear yet a third boy in the back seat of the car yelling, isn't she going to give us a reward? Everyone else gives us a reward when we take back their dog!!! Between shaking and crying and hugging poor Yoda, I was lucky to make it home alive.

I can only imagine how you must have felt today, because I have felt that same way myself.


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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I am glad you got him back ok, In our neighborhood we went through a time when several dogs went missing. I think they were stolen because all were beautiful dogs and most stayed in the house or in a fenced yard and were well behaved. It always worried me.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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I am glad to hear you got him back in the nick of time. They recently had a news story in our area about a rash of dog thefts in my county. The dogs were taken out of fenced yards. Yikes!

Do you know, did these people trespass and take Dash out of your yard? If so, call the police, and file a report- even if it's a day after the fact- You never know who these people really were, or what they really were going to do- Criminals never tell the truth, and will say anything to get out of the police being called if caught in the act.

We recently put padlocks on everything after the Dog napping story. They boys don't have access to the back yard while were at work, but they do have 2 doggy doors from the house/garage, garage/into the dog run- (the super max facility as I like to call it)


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Hello all. Thanks for your support. I know Dash could get out before. I made some repairs and did not think he could get out any more. Well, now I have to go investigate the fence. UGH! I dont think they took him out of the yard because our rottweiler would have let them know who was in charge in our yard! I have been a mess all night.


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OMG....while reading your post I could feel my blood starting to boil! :mad:

How dare some people! I would definately report this incident to the police. Unless your dog escaped your fenced in yard, they not only trespassed, they inticed your dog into following them.

You definately had a guardian angel with you that made you go home a different way. And Dash has too!! :halo:

My yard is a fortress but I still worry constantly that someone could take one of my dogs.(okay, they'd probably give Elliott back but still)

I'm so relieved your incident had a happy outcome. Hug Dash for me.

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OMG!!!!!! I am so sorry to hear about this. It is extremely upsetting and very unnerving. I must commend you, I would not have been as nice about this situation.

I believe my emotions would have got the best of me and to say the least have exploded. My husband brought this post to my attention and said I know my wife would be very angry too. :mad:

I am glad to hear you got your baby back. Where he belongs with his momma. I have often told my husband that I am paranoid about someone taking our dogs out of the fence. We live on a corner and it makes you think.

God Bless you and Dash. Sometimes our instincts to do things are all for a reason. :halo:

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Hello all.  Thanks for your support.  I know Dash could get out before.  I made some repairs and did not think he could get out any more.  Well, now I have to go investigate the fence.  UGH!  I dont think they took him out of the yard because our rottweiler would have let them know who was in charge in our yard!  I have been a mess all night. 



Taylor, I'm glad you got him back! I know I'm constantly checking our fence for places Kai-lee may dig up. Maybe these people actually saved Dash from maybe getting hit by a car "if" he escaped. I know there's a couple of dogs in our neighborhood that are escape artist, I always keep treats in my car so I can entice them to follow me so I can take them home! I have seen one of them almost get hit by a car twice, and my husband almost hit the other one once. I'd hate to think someone would think I'm trying to take them, by the same token this time of year it wouldn't surprise me if someone would come into the yard and take cute little dogs to sell for presents! I also was told not too long ago about people in the metro area taking small dogs to bait/train dogs to fight....that really scares me so I seldom leave Kai-lee in the yard when I can't be watching her, but I would think your rottweiler will keep you safe from that. Did you notice if these people were from the neighborhood? I wonder if the dog they had was theirs or if someone in the neighborhood is missing theirs. Anyway I'm glad Dash is home safe!

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Dear Taylor,

We are all "so so happy" you decided to go the other way.

Glad to hear Dash is safe & sound & where he belongs!

Sometimes the angels fly close enough to you that you can hear the flutter of their wings...

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OMG, I couldn't believe what happened to you - and I'm so very sorry!!!

Someone definitely WAS watching out for you. I think I would have run those people over with my car AFTER I got my dog back.

This just makes me sick.

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Thanks guys. I think he escaped. But, the fact that they did not even check his tags because they would have been able to just knock on the door and say, "Hey, your dog was trying to follow us up the street". Simple as that. Dh is not worried. I am. I have to go give my guy a bath because he decided to roll in a puddle of mud thanks to the melting snow!


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We live in a tiny town in rural Idaho where people let their dogs roam at large. Not a good idea imho but there is little traffic, dirt roads and lots of land. A friend of my son's has a black lab named Snuff who wandered one morning a few weeks ago and had not been seen since. Towns folk were on the look out for Snuff and no one had put signs up for a found dog. It was assumed that some city slicker found him while up for the the weekend visiting their cabin or snowmobiling. Well, two weeks later we all found out that's what happened. I'm sure they thought this well fed, well behaved purebred lab was a "stray" and needed a good home. Not only did they take him home they had him neutered!!!! The kicker is they brought him back this weekend and the girl saw her dog in their car!!! Told the people that it was hers and she wanted him back. Not only did they argue with her and told her she was unfit to have a dog but they wanted to be reimbursed for the vet costs!! The dognappers didn't even bother to place a free ad in the paper and didn't bother to respond to the "lost" ad that the little girl had placed!! Unbeliveable!! The girl wanted to breed Snuff to her other lab and now that hope is gone. People can be so outrageous!! Thought I'd share...

Finnegan's Mum, Lizzie P

Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in. - Mark Twain

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Good P.R. for our beloved breed I guess. At least he ended with some people who were responsible and cared. I would've had the same reaction too though. Thankfully it was not a car that found him. :shock:

Glad you got him back! :)

“In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to be semi-human. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog.”


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When Wes was a few months old, someone stopped my dh in the parking lot. She accused him of stealing the dog. "I saw him with a lady before. This isn't your dog. You must have stolen it!"

Can you imagine how my dh felt? After he explained that the lady was his wife, the woman told him what had happened to her. Someone stole her dog out of her car in that same parking lot.

So glad that you dog is safely back in your arms!!

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I am so glad you got Dash back!! No telling if those people would have kept him or not??

When I was young, we had a terrier mutt that got away one afternoon. After searching most of the day, I saw some kids down the street playing with her in their backyard. I went in and said, "that's my dog" and of course, she ran right up to me when I called her name. She also had a rabies tag that would have eventually ID'ed her to our family.

Well, the mom came out and said, "that's not your dog anymore, we found her". As an 8 year old, I didn't know what to do! Didn't want to leave her to go get my mom for fear I'd never see her again! Luckily, my mom was not far behind me and came into the backyard as I was leaving. I told her what was goin' on and she went back to get our dog. That mom still insisted it was now THEIR dog!?? How nuts is that!

Anyway, my mom scooped up our dog and said, "oh no she's not" and just left with her. Goes to show, ya never know what some people will do when they find a dog.


Cathy and Piper

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The nerve of people like that! There are several warnings on the internet about people stealing dogs...but the nerve...what they can say when confronted is just unbelievable.

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There was an episode on the People's court that was horrendous. The dog's family had to go to a shelter and gave the dog to their friend to board until they got out.

Well, by that time, the "friend," wouldn't give the dog back despite the pleas and tears from the dog's family. Judge Milian said she couldn't order the dog back, but asked the friend to be nice and return the dog please.

The friend refused so Judge Milian suggested the family go to a higher court and they got their dog back a few months later.

The NERVE of some people!!

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This is so scary. I have to agree with the others, I would not have been nearly that nice!!! Like you said, he had his tags on!

Luckily, I have some really nosy neighbors who REALLY keep an eye out of everything that goes on in the neighborhood. One day, My parents were coming over to the house and my Mom called me on her cell to let me know that she was less than 5 minutes away. I needed some milk so I was going to run to the gas station up the street (less than a mile a way). Savannah was in the back yard napping on the porch so I left her back there. WHile I was in the gas station, my neighbor called my cell phone and told me that 2 people were in the backyard playing with Savannah and that I needed to come home. I asked her to describe the car and it was my mom and dad. I am glad that she called and that she noticed but it kinda made me wonder, "Does she stare at my house all day!"

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Somer.....too funny about your neighbor and the incident with your parents!!

I guess if I had to choose, though, I'd rather have someone watching closely than a neighbor who could care less.


Cathy and Piper

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So glad this had a happy ending. When I told my dd about it, she said that there was definitely a reason you chose to drive home a different way. Looks like Dash has a guardian angel! We had to run gravel along our fence to make sure Kiara wouldn't dig out. It was hard work but also seemed to keep critters from digging in. I still keep an eye on my three when they're outdoors. My dd runs them daily, and is a great babysitter. I try to do some cleaning in the screen room or sunroom where I can see them playing. The other day, I started sweeping the sunroom and took my eyes off of them for a few minutes. My Aussie was sleeping in the screen room, and the Lab was in the sunroom w/ me. I got quite a scare when I looked out at Kiara, Abbey & Hannah and saw a huge hawk circling over them as they wrestled and played. I think they're probably too big for him to pick up, but he could still really hurt them. The hawk flew off as soon as I let the Lab out. I feel like I'm an overprotective "Cairn" mom.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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when i used to live in Miami (years ago) dog after dog in the neighborhood went missing, it was really weird. Nobody ever saw anybody taking them or heard anything. Then a HUGE alligator was discovered living in the nearby creek...

needless to say, the gator was removed by animal control later that day...

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