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What kind of silly games do you play?


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This was so fun and improvised...

I have an old down throw that I put over our den sofa to keep their nails from scratching the "leather"...okay, it may just be vinyl but it came from the in-laws for free so I love it.

Lately I've been letting them pull it off and "play" with it (Elliott sucks on the ends and Maddy likes to dig in it)

Well today I picked it up off the floor to shake it out and fluff it a bit and then decided to let it slowly flutter down on top of them while they were watching me. They went crazy...jumping and rolling and barking. They were hysterical so I just had to do it again and again. I tried to get them to sit and stay before the "tent" came down but I guess it's hard to have that kind of restraint. :whistle:

Please share your silly game stories with me....

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That is funny! When Tyler, our 10.5 yr old grandson, comes to visit, he plays and plays w/Cooper and Yoda. About his most favorite thing to do is to get them up on the futon where he sleeps and throw the comforter over himself like he is hiding, but they tunnel in and are soon with him. All you hear is giggling and all you see is the blanket hopping all over the place! He really does like the little guys, and it is his house they are staying at while we are away....I'm sure they are having the time of their lives.


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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I love to walk into the room where all three are napping and start dancing. I just start w/ slow little steps and by my first twirl, Hannah has joined me. I do a couple of steps and lift my right leg around her as she twirls to the right. Then I lift my left leg around her and she twirls to the left. By then, Abbey has joined in the dance and before long Kiara sees we're all having fun. I then have three Cairns following my lead and dancing w/ me. I just love their personality! If my dh woke me up to dance, I don't think I'd be quite as happy as my Cairn girls. :lol:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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when Fergus & I come back from the beach all wet and covered in sand, I throw a beach towel over him and try to rub him dry. I keep shouting *go home ET* which drives him wild lol

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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My husband's favorite "game" to play with the dogs is for him (and he's 6'3, 240 pounds of fella) to get down on all fours... by then, all of the dogs have gone nutsy. Then he puts his head down and goes after the dogs with his head,making funny noises. My dogs love it... however, he has gotten his rear end nipped at during this fun "game".... it's funner to watch than to do. Sometimes Zephyr is so laid back he puts his front paws on the back of Daddy's head and let's Daddy's shaved head rub his tummy... of course, this makes Cleo wild with jealousy.. so the game begins again!

Proud Mama of Zephyr and Cleo--adopted into the family Feb. 2005 from the local SPCA.


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1. Hair Clip Monster: I take my hair clip and open and shut it like a crab claw in front of the pups, then slowly get closer to them. They act all nutty, trying to decide whether to run away or attack the thing.

2. Walking fingers: Make my fingers like little legs and stalk along towards pups muzzle, sometimes going fast, sometimes slow and sometimes rushing up to grab the nose (not hard of course). Keep the pup guessing! Object of the game is they wait as long as possible but attack fingers before fingers attack them! Gently of course!

3. Paper tubes: talk at them through a cardboard tube--empty one from wrapping paper is the best. Make elephant sounds or something. Puppies go insane. Let puppies grab the tube and destroy it. Its kind of like 52-card pick up, some mess to clean up. My problem is Connor eats the cardboard. I have to take it way after a couple shreds.

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We do the walking fingers too....Scout just gives me a "oh, brother" look and Finch gets too uptights and starts to whine......we don't play it too often..lol!

We play "I'm going to get you"...I raise my arms up and start to chase them around the room. I have to wait until Finch is not around because she's too uptight for this game too.

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We play a game of stalking of sorts. I give him a long stare, and he immediately knows "its on", he puts his head down even with his body, usually looks around in different directions slowly to make sure no one else is around. Then I back up slowly with exagerrated slow steps, and he walks towards me in the same manner. Slowly, lifting his legs high real quietly. After about ten steps or so I start running and he chases me with an explosion of speed and growls, then it over and he sits there staring up at me like, yeah see I am tough Dad! :)

The funniest part of it is the drama, he is incredibly focused and serious. He is always willing to do it, even if it he is waking from a dead sleep-which is really funny to watch when he gets up from laying down in slow motion with matted fur. People find it very funny to watch. I never tire from coaxing him into it.

We also play a game where when he has a toy in his mouth, we say (in a very high shrill voice) Wooooooooooow, you showin off?????!! His ears completely disappear onto the back of his head and he prances all around the house, literally showing off with what he has. It is very funny.

These dogs are amazingly ALWAYS ready to play, no matter what time, or when. This is what makes a Cairn so special.

“In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to be semi-human. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog.”


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Great stories!

Darcy LOVES to play chase. Hubby usually is in the master bathroom and I am in the loft (a run through the master bedroom and then a 90 degree angle through a door). So Darcy will run back and forth between the two of us. We make all sorts of "boogie" noises and stalk her like we're Frankenstein. She runs like a mad deamon, tazzmanian devil through the house. Back and forth, back and forth. And then just for sport, my husband and I will hide in closets or other bathrooms. So when she comes running up in a rush where we had just been and no one is there, she has to use that smart brain of hers to find us. It's absolutely hilarious. Oh... and the other hilarious part of this game is she LOVES to get scared. We will jump out of the closets or bathrooms when hiding from her and she will practically jump out of her skin scared... but she loves it! Tail ALWAYS wagging of course!

The thing we love best about this game is if either of us says "where's mommy?" or "where's daddy" she immediately darts for the correct person. She's so smart!!!!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Darcy's Folks, we play the "jump out of the closet" game too.....Finch especially loves it...wagging her tail with great speed as if she saying "do it again!".

We also have the dogs find each of us....Daddy's usually coming home from work, so that's an easy one for them, but when my DH calls "find Mommy", the chase is on and they look in every room of the house....too funny!

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Guest posting as: sj4iy

My dog goes bizzerk when we kick something like leaves or snow at him. He seriously tries to catch them out of the air, jumping up and doing back flips. It's absolutely hilarious to watch.

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Hi, all! Miles and I like to play "Rocket Dog"....he likes to hide around the corner by our staircase, and when I jump out at him and shout "Go Rocket Dog!", he takes off like a blue streak, tearing around the house. If I stop before he's done playing, he'll bark at me to play more. He gets even more fun out of it when my daughter and husband get in the game, hiding in different rooms. And usually my 3 border collies bounce around him, happily barking- it seems like they're cheering him on! :lol:post-1206-1134609605_thumb.jpg

Dana a.k.a. Miles' Mom

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Yesterday Wes was complaining he was bored, so I took his stuffed animal, also a furry handpuppet and "whacked him with it."

Then he and the puppet began a wrestling match. Wes and the puppet took turns being on their backs.

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Allie loves a certain kind of ball -- I've mentioned before I think it squeaks like a dying rabbit. Anyway, she loves to play fetch if I'm on the couch, chasing the ball and bounding back on top of the couch with her ball. If I stop playing before she's ready, she plays "nudge the ball under the couch and bark until she gets it for me." It's a really irritating game.... :huh:

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We play ball with a mini tennis ball. The object of the game is for Piper to catch it mid-air. If he succeeds, he gets applause, clapping along with "yeahs". He actually waits for the end result and if you don't clap and say yeah, he looks at you really funny.

Also, we get down on all fours and stalk him saying "I am gonna get you". This in turn cause the "looney poochie run" where he goes nuts running around and around the family room coffee table.

The things we do for our furbabies :P !


Cathy and Piper

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