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dogless in tacoma.....


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Well, I did it. I made it to Oregon and back w/hardly any problems. Within 30 seconds of leaving my garage, this old man went past me the opposite direction driving a big old pickup that had one small child loose in the cab and three more in the bed! I could hardly believe it! Well, I really couldn't believe when I got smacked in the side of the head thru my open window by a snowball one of the little brats in the back threw at me, the other two hit my car. I quickly made a u-turn and caught up to the man a couple blocks later and proceeded to chastise him for the kids riding loose, for smacking me and my car w/snowballs, etc etc.....I also told him that I wanted an apology from the kids. He got out and yelled at them, they all denied doing anything, I picked up my phone and said, fine, I will just call the police and they can come over here and speak to you and these children about the poor choices you have made today. Well, that got lots of apoligies and tears from the brats...I mean kids. I told him if I saw him doing anything like that again, I would call the police and have them come to his house and speak to him and the kids about their actions.

I then hit the freeway and headed south. The dogs were very excited when we got to my daughters, but I think the grandson was even more excited as he loves our little dogs (they have two large dogs). We had a few incidents while they got to know each other again....Yoda didn't know what to think and sat on my feet most the night! Cooper wanted to prove he was the boss dog and was trying to do you know what to those poor female dogs (good thing he had no working parts!). This morning, everything went well. My daughter and grandson and I went to see a movie (Zathura....very good!), and out to lunch. Once we got back, I had to say good byes to Cooper and Yoda and head home. Did they ever know something was up!!! They both wanted to come home with me and looked at me in disbelief when I walked out the door carrying all my things without them. I think I cried till I hit I-5.....it was like leaving my kids when they were little....I just hope they remember us when we get back from Hawaii.

My husband keeps telling me that they will be fine, and I know they will probably have the time of their lives down there with the other dogs, but I will still miss them terribly. Good thing the island weather will be warm and hopefully cause me to be arthitis pain free!


pat....missing the boys :wub:

Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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I know that getting pelted by snowballs was awful, but it also may have been a symbolic send-off & good-riddance to the snow & cold, for your trip to the land of sun, sand & pineapples.

Enjoy the Islands & think of how those brats in the truck would envy you, if they only knew that you got the last laugh, lolling on the beach at Waikiki. Yipee!


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Bon voyage!!!! Have a safe and wonderful trip.

I felt horrilble leaving Scully for a week but my mom said after a day of the sad sack face and looking for mom and dad, she was just fine.

Enjoy yourself and know that your little ones are in terrific hands.

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Oh, i know how sad you feel! :cry: Your babies sound like they

are in great hands. I know that you still feel sad though. I hope

you enjoy your trip. It always helps me to look for little doggie gifts when

I go away. The first time I left Grill,with my parents who he loves, I cried so hard.

I called five minutes after I left to check on him :w00t::w00t:

I hope you feel better soon. Another thing that helps me is having the phone put

up to Grills' ear (I know, I know) and I say goodnight to him! It helps that DH has a blackberry!

be well




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First off I congratulate you on confronting those little hoodlums.

Second off....Hawaii? I am so jealous. You have a blast and don't worry for a minute about your Cairns. Bring them back some souveniers they can demolish (no lava rocks, however. My daugher/son-in-law brought me a lava rock when they honeymooned in Hawaii and I was so scared to keep it because of it's legend/curse, I sent it back to their hotel)

Have fun, keep in touch with all of us if you can (if you do you're crazy) and just think of the excitment you'll have when you get home.


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I'm glad your confrontation ended up positive. These days, one can't be too careful approaching other people. I'm glad the man wasn't the type to aim a gun at you. Put the snowballs behind you and enjoy your wonderful vacation in Hawaii.

That's great that you have trusted family to watch Yoda and Cooper. Relax and enjoy yourselves.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Yoda and Cooper will be fine. I always hate to leave Savannah but the look on her face when I return is THE BEST. She goes nuts when we get home and won't leave my side. although you will miss them, have a great time on your trip, be safe and take lots of pictures. Just think of the happy reunion when you get home and keep sipping on that Pina Colada! Aloha!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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As I read your post about Hawaii, the temp here in Minnesota is 2 above zero...and Allie became a "three-legged dog" after only three blocks on our walk this morning. I had to tuck her in my parka and head home.

Hawaii sounds like heaven. (I've been there, and I know it is. Enjoy.)

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Have fun on your trip...Hawaii is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your pups will be just fine....think about how much more fun they are having at your DD's instead of in a kennel? I'm sure you will miss them terribly and they will miss you too, but a vacation is always a must needed break from everyday life!

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Thanks for all your kind words. When we got on the plane yesterday morning, it was 36 degrees and there was still snow in our backyard. Today, it is 86 degrees!! The warmth is nice, but that drastic of a difference is hard to get used to.

I called a friend of mine today who used to be a deputy where I work. Went to visit him and had a great visit! He and his family are going to have a bar-b-que for us later this week.

And I was a bad mom....when I called our daughter to let us know we made it here safe and sound, I completely forgot to ask about the boys!!!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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