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It's Washington State and it has now snowed three times this week. I'm telling you Hawaii is looking better with each falling snowflake!

Yoda the schnoodle doesn't know what to think about this stuff. He is just 1.5 years old and I don't know if he ever saw snow last year. He is not liking it one bit!! Cooper on the other hand, at the ripe age of 2.5 has seen snow before and always has had a grand old time in it. Not this time around! It is literally coming down in buckets.....2" in an hour.....and the last time we ventured out, I had to go with them to skoot Yoda off the porch and to try and keep Cooper quiet! Not an easy feat! He is barking at every falling flake - I think to alert everyone around that the sky is falling!

We did have a bit of fun when I was throwing snowballs for them to chase....it's so funny to see them look for the snowballs on the ground...at least I'm getting some satisfaction out of this stuff!

I get to drive them to Sherwood, Oregon for our daughter to watch the three weeks we are gone...hopefully the roads will be safe and clear and stay that way till Saturday when I drive back home.


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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I can't wait for us to have snow! Scout and Finch love playing in the snow, but if it's too cold, Scout refuses to move. I bought her some pink "boots" (on clearance) last year in anticipation of her refusal to go out in the snow. I hope they work!

Where are you going on vacation? Hawaii??? I'm jealous, it's beautiful there!

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Snow....Bear loves it! We got about 3 inches earlier this week. It's been snowing much of the afternoon today. We're supposed to get another 3 inches. Bear is so funny when it's deeper than his legs are long. He kind of hops and jumps to move around in it....kind of like a rabbit. He puts his snout down into the snow and uses it like a plow just pushing the snow around. He's so cute. The cold doesn't seem to bother him at all so far. So far, he's a tough little guy in the wintry weather.

MAKE it a GREAT day!!! :D


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Scully absolutely LOVES the snow. We can't get her in. This year she'll have the fenced in yard in which to play to her heart's content running and jumping in it.

Now Mommy on the other hand HATES shoveling! If I could just stay in and not have to drive in it or shovel it I'd be as happy as Scully!

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Brody loves the snow, he'd play in it for hours if we'd let him. We have not experienced snow with Mia yet, but hopefully she will love it too! Here is a photo of Brody from last year.


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It is now snowing here. Expecting 2-4 inches tonite. It certainly is beautiful, BUT...I am not looking forward to removing snowballs from the leg fur!!


Cathy and Piper

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We had about two inches overnight and Scully was so excited she just was hopping around like some little rabbit. You could see she didn't even want to stop and take the time to go potty while she was out there. Once she's in then she asks to go out about every half hour. Now I know how my mom felt when we were kids and did the same thing. :confused:

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I know how you mean about Scully! Once I played in it with Cooper, throwing snow and snowballs for him, he quickly remembered just what snow was. The bells on the door were ringing worse than they ring in the nice weather when he wants out all the time...the house sounded like a cathedral!

When I told the 10 year old grandson it had snowed 4" up here, he got a very sad face and said 'Washington is the luckiest state ever!'. Me, I prefer warmth!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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In respond to snow.....

Elliott's happy that he can now snack on frozen poops! :sick: He has recently reverted to that nasty puppy habit again. I will be telling the vet on Tuesday when he goes for his yearly visit.

We only got a few inches of snow last night....so pretty and the dogs love to frolick in the white powder. I hear more is to come this week. Let the fun begin.....

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No snow here.... If we see a flurry this year I will be surprised. I am jealous.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Savannah's Mom you must have jinked us they are talking about snow on Thursday.......I love snow but hate Atlanta when it snows, everything shuts down, accidents everywhere and it never lasts long enough

I am jealous of the snow, which we could have some real snow not just ice


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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