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Missing those Walks!


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Living in Iowa, I'm having a tough time right now in getting Abby her exercize. (She really does behave totally different when she can go on long walks.) Snow, Blizzards, -50 below wind chill. I haven't left the house since Thanksgiving because the weather has been so bad.

So, in desperation I put her on the tread mill and she loved it. She trotted on it for 20 minutes with her little tail going back and forth like a metranome.(sp) :D I stay with her the entire time (tried walking with her, but kept tripping on her so that doesn't work).

My question is, can this hurt her in any way? I worry about her little pads, but she jumps up on it herself now and seems to enjoy it.

abbyrose17lk.gifAbby Rose
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I don't know for sure, but I think it's fine. We had a dog who LOVED the treadmill. She would jump on it every single time she went into the guest room and give us the Turn It On RIGHT NOW look. We didn't run it for long periods, but I think the same amount of exercise you'd get on a walk is a good amount.

And you are so right about the difference in behavior a well-exercised dog will show.

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How did ya do it? I cant figure out how to get my HUSBAND on a treadmill :lol:

I used to live in Nebraska with 2 Westies....we went walkin in the snow with heavy parka, ear muffs, mittens, mukluks, long johns....but the little monsters loved it and so did I! But that was only 30 below. I'm thinkin 50 below is a little much!

One of the many reasons I HATE Southern California is we have no winter!

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I think it's great that your Cairn will use the treadmill! I can't exercise my dogs right now and my DH is traveling, so the dogs are going stir crazy! I have hired my nephew to take them on long walks and I have tried to get them outside as much as possible (they love running and chasing each other outside).

I keep tlhinking I'm going to train them to use the treadmill......and I might soon!

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Cesar, the dog trainer (he has a catchy name) is always putting dogs on the treadmill so I'm sure it is fine. And of course, there is the scene in the movie "Best in Show" where the yuppie is walking on his treadmill next to his dog walking on his treadmill!

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I am in Wisconsin and no amount of snow, rain, sleet or below zero temps, will keep my two from walking!! They drive me absolutely nuts if we don't walk, so I bundle up. I want to know how you got him started on the treadmill though. I would like to try that.

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