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great table manners


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My friend's daughter (who I cropped out) loves Grilly more than

anything! She loves to hug, kiss, play and eat with him :confused:


I know, I know I shouldn't but he is just such a doll!


she is eating cheerios, and Grilled Cheese is eating cheese of course!



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That is just too cute!!. My wife would have a fit :mad: if I allowed Fergus to sit at the table. He does sneak under it and sit at my feet during meals.......sometimes!

Fergus :P & Alf

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Guest Darcy's Mom

How cute is that? What is wrong with the little guy "sitting" at the table, just as long as he doesn't decide to jump up on it and walk around. Afterall, he is a member of the family. That pic is just priceless! Table looks pretty good too, by the way.


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If one of us leaves the table for anything during dinner, we have to make sure that we push our chair completely under the table because if we don't, Duffy will, faster than a bolt of lightening, jump on the chair then the table and help himself to whatever food is in our plates. Grilly is so well behaved in his seat!


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Adorable pic!!

Mike....your story about pusing in the chairs reminds me of what happened this summer. I left my 23 year old home babysitting the dogs while we went to Seattle for vacation.

My son had friends over and they decided to get Wendy's for dinner and bring it back home. Half the order was missing, so off they went to pick it up. They left a hamburger on the kitchen table and a chicken sandwich on the coffee table. Duh!!

I got a frantic call from him saying Toto and Piper had ripped open the bags and ate both. Shredded paper everywhere but two VERY happy :devil: doggies!!


Cathy and Piper

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Out of all the wonderful pics I've seen on this forum, that one takes the cake (no pun intended) It should be framed and sent to a museum. He just looks so poised and social.

Just how long did he sit there and did he ever try and jump up on the table? Inquiring mind wants to know...

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Grilly is saying "oh really"?? You like cheerios more than cheese? That's interesting..... What about..???." Wish my kids would sit up at the table like that.


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Cute picture, but not at my table thats for sure.

My dog eats dog food and the table is for us humans. He can hog te bed and the couch all he wants, but the table is MINNNNEEEE! ALLLLLLL MINE!!!

Tee hee! :)

“In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to be semi-human. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog.”


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thanks for the nice words.... Grilly is a very good boy!

He never jumps on the chair, I pick him up and put him on the chair.

I only do it for special occasions, this little girl goes crazy over him!

He stayed their until I took him down. He never jumps up on the table (probably because he knows he would slip on the glass!) Here is a pic of him eating his cheese.


I know I probably shouldn't .... but he is my baby! :shy:

He played so hard with the little girl that after she left, he was pooped!


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LOL LOL That last picture is so funny! He IS pooped!

There is no way Savannah would be that well behaved at the table! Grilly is one of a kind!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

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Trust me, if my two could sit politely at the table at mealtime I would not hesitate for a minute to let them (assuming we did not have company), but alas, they won't.


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He never jumps up on the table (probably because he knows he would slip on the glass!) Here is a pic of him eating his cheese.

And look! Grilly knows enough not to put his "elbows" on the table!!!

I nearly choked with I saw that last picture. I took the SAME picture of Scully last night. It looks like Grilly and Scully both love any pillows they can snuggle with. When I go home I'll have to upload it from the camera.

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I love the 2 pics side by side of Scully and Grilly!! You're lucky it's just inbetween couch and cushions! Cleo likes to snuggle EXACTLY like that but between my 6'3 225- pound husband and my increasing belly while we are trying to sleep! Cleo always seems to perterbed when her "cushions" move at night! The nerve!

Proud Mama of Zephyr and Cleo--adopted into the family Feb. 2005 from the local SPCA.


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What fun pictures! Isn't just funny where in and in what positions these little ones will fall asleep???!!!!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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