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Toys/chew toys

Mama Kim

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What are some great chew toys that you use with your cairn pups? Piper seems to be getting tired of the chew toys and things we have for her. She'd rather chew on things she shouldn't :mrgreen: . We have a Kong toy but she makes quick work of them and then moves on. Please share your ideas. Thanks!

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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Mama Kim,

As far as my pup goes, we found that the key was variety. Once Cody wasn't interested in a specific toy any longer, we simply put it away for a few weeks. Then when we showed it to him again it was just like a new toy. If you don't have one, try one of those ropes with knots in either end. I think Cody liked it because it was firm but giving on his hurting puppy teeth. For short term chewing, we found that Alpo Brand Chews worked well, they are flat pieces of raw hide that we cut in half with a scissor. As far as the Kong goes, we use that from time to time but if your pup is good at getting whatever you put in there out, try freezing a little peanut butter or wet dog food in it, this will present more of a challenge.

Lastly, we found that Cody got more aggressive with his chewing when he had to go out or was hungry so keep this in mind.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know what toys to give mine anymore. He's getting his new teeth and either destroying or trying to eat everything including rope toys, plastic containers and the soft sheepskin cuddlies.

He doesn't particularly like the hard or rubber toys, and the Kong he has interests him only for a few minutes.

He's also on a restricted diet so that means I can't stuff the Kong with anything.

Any suggestions?

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I just looked at the senator's response above. Maybe my doggie's hungry- so the question should really be about food.

Kibble (any kind, it seems) makes my dog ill. The canned food agrees with him but he can't chew it.


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With Nicky I found that rawhide didn't agree with him. We buy these white sanitized bones from the pet shop. They come in different sizes. He loves them. He chews on them and they don't make him ill. A smaller one, I put about 1/2 T sp peanut better in the end of one and it occupies him for an hour. Also the soft ropes with knots in the end he likes. For the dog food, I get at the shops that handle the kind like those made of health food type ingredients, they agree with him great. Groomers handle this type of food.

Posey :)

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Thanks, Posey. I tried the rawhide too. He liked them but got vicious protecting them.

He played with the ropes for a while, then yesterday threw up rope string.

He can't have peanut butter anymore but I guess I could substitute cottage cheese. I also found that the milk bone biscuits are okay too.


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Our pup Louie could care less about Kongs...we can stuff it with food and it still holds little interest for him.

However, we could not get through the day without his following favorite toys:

1. Concord Pet Products (Premiere Toys) - Louie LOVES the small "Flat Ted". He can hold onto it as he runs and he likes the soft coating and the cushion helps his gums feel better. We have two Teds and a ball and he loves all 3.

2. Rubber Squeaky Soccer Ball. He loves the ball because it deflates when he bites on it so it is easy for him to run with it in his mouth. It also has a great bounce that Louie loves. We must throw the ball to him 100x a day and he never gets sick of it.

We also have a fuzzy ring that he likes and a few other plush toys - but none of them come close the above mentioned toys.

The day we bought Louie we went to PetSmart and each member of our family bought a toy for him. As we were shopping, a "toy specialist" from the store came up and told us not to get any of the toys in the basket and to instead buy the rubber ball and the Flat Ted. We were skeptical but we bought them and she was right. Louie doesn

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Our two Cairns LOVE "Greenies", although, they are a bit pricey. They are sold at most pet stores. I think we bought ours at PetsMart?


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