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Cairns and Cats?


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Hi everyone..... new to the forums and this is Vinny, he's 3 months old and a TERROR! He goes by a few other names, Cairn Terror, Devil Dog, and Joe Pesci because he thinks he's tougher than he really is.


He's been lots of fun, I've grown up with dogs, many of them I should add.... but he's special but a lot of work.

Anway, my wife and I are thinking of getting a kitten and wanted to know what your experience was with the two in your homes. We have a 2 bedroom condo with pretty big rooms so space shouldn't be an issue... also we're planning on laser declawing the cat's front paws (please don't flame, that's not what I want to hear). I'd love to hear how everyone's Cairns get along with their cats and please, give me any feedback you have including advice. I figured if I were to do this, I'd need to do it now so they can grow up together.

Looking forward to your replies and thanks to everyone for helping me get through my first month with Vinny, your recommendations for food and training have paid off!


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Oh my!!! He is absolutely adorable!! He looks just like a Vinny with that look on his face!!

As far as the kitten, at Vinny's age, he might consider it his personal new plaything!! Alot depends on the kitten's personality and the pup's.

If it were me, I think I would introduce them to see how it goes. We have raised many kittens and quite frankly, they can be just as wild and hyper as a new puppy :twisted: !! If that were the case, you'd have twice the kaos. But, it might be fun, too!! They could turn out to be good buddies at this early age.

Again, welcome to the forum. You will love it here!! Greatest bunch of people with a wealth of advice and lotsa love!!


P.S. Please post more pics of Vinny. He is so cute!!

Edited to add.....until recently, we have always had cats with our Cairns. The pups have always been introduced AFTER the cats had been with us for awhile. And, both cats hated the puppies. After they matured, the cats only tolerated the dogs.....definitely no love there.

Cathy and Piper

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Vinny is a doll but he looks like he could get into a lot of trouble! Elliot, you may have met your match!

My Mom's cat HATES Savannah but it is probably because the cat was several years old before she was introduced to dogs. Getting them both at a young age may be the key to a peaceful home. I am sure that others will have better advise for you. Again, welcome!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

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Welcome to the forum. Vinny looks like big trouble :D Come to think of it, Joe Pesci in "My cousin Vinny" does remind me of a cairn!

I'm fairly new to the forum myself. Our Fergus is 10 months old. We have two cats, 17 and 7 years old. The cats tolerate Fergus, just barely, and he just can not resist trying to chase or rough house with them. It seems we are always chastising him with the words "no Cat" or "No bite". I'm not sure what I would advise about the kitten. They may well get along but.....I think you're always going to battle the cairn instinct. I agree with CathyAnn. Try introducing the two on a dry run and see what happens. Good Luck!

Fergus :P & Alf

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Well, I too am new here - We have had Molly about a week now.. She is 10 1/2 weeks old now.

(Oh, could I tell you stories...)

Anyway - we have had a cat (about 2 years old now) - she is a cranky unpleasant, and nasty little thing, but after dark she becomes our best friends - curles up in bed wanting to petted, lapcat, etc... I swear she is bi-polar.

Well, we brought Molly home and let them introduce themselves on their own terms...

Sadie (the cat) is also declawed - and that makes ALL the diffrence... I doubt these two girls will EVER be friends, but they can be in the same room together. If they get too close to each other it's hissing and growling from the cat, and barking (sounding more playfull) from the dog. They chase each other back and forth (First the dog chases the cat into a corner, then the cat "batts" at the dog, and she turns and runs (with the cat giving chase) into a corner, then Molly turns and confronts the cat and the whole thing starts all over again... Back and forth, back and forth... It looks like they are having fun ( I believe Molly the dog is...) but the cat seems more "annoyed" by the whole process..

At first the cat would not even be in the same room as the dog, but over the past week or so, they tolerate each other until they get within a foot or less...

My advise is to make sure the cat has an escape or a place to hide that the dog cannot get to. Sadie the cat is always jumping up on something and watching the dog from above. Molly the dog watches the cat (from below) until she decides that the cat is too far away to play with, gives up and walks away - then Sadie the cat jumps down and resumes her daily routine.

Let me know if you have any other qeustions.


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I forgot to add something to my post. Fortunately, I can laugh about it now....

When we got our first Cairn, Toto, we had an Abyssinian cat that was about 2 at the time. He was sooooooo upset about that puppy coming into his house that he pee-pee'd on the couch where I sit!!

He sure got his point across loud and clear!!


Edited to add....more pics of Vinny, please!!

Cathy and Piper

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You guys rock! Thanks for the feedback everyone.

The day we got him he had some interaction with a Russian Blue, they were great but that was then and this is now. He was so tiny and innocent.... didn't want to leave my wife's chest and would just sit there in her arms not wanting anything but to be held looking around with that "take me home" phrase in his eyes. Oh how times have changed :devil:

as requested:

Devil Dog sleeping after a long round of golf




Too much TV, we removed the beer from the pic


After 1 week in our home


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He is the cutest little thing!!!! I just want to pick him up and love him. I am getting puppy fever again....

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Oh, don't wish for Vinney to grow up too fast.....they sure are cute at that age!

I'm not sure about introducing a kitten with your dog....it could be love or it could be WAR! Our cat, Bach is about 11 now so she gets along with the dogs ok...but it's not a love affair by any means!

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