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Guest webstar

Help!!!!! My sweet tempered Molly has started to attack and bite people. It all started 2 months ago with my Grandsons new GF. She has a high pitched laugh and would say" Molly is looking at me I know she is going to bite me" Then she would be laughing and screaming and Molly would go after her. She is 26 years old. Then a month ago we were at her house and my GS told her don't pick her up (Molly does not like to be picked up when she is lying down) and she tried to pick her up Molly growled at her she jumped back, laughed and screamed, Molly jumped off the couch chased her and bit her on the thigh. I tell her don't stare into her eyes you are challenging her. This Thursday one of her friends wanted to pet Molly all was fine till she bent her head close and looked into her beautiful eyes (she too has a little high pitch to her voice) and said 'Molly do I dare kiss you?" went to kiss her nose, Molly turned really vicious and bit her boob. both bites were only bruises but a bite is a bite . I am devastated and don't know what to do. I know I will never trust her near a young child again. Will this continue, get worse or be stopped with behavior management? Has anyone else ever had this problem? Do your Cairns get upset if you pick the them up when they are lying down. I can but not anyone else. No one ever had a problem petting her even if they woke her up. I did read in a Cairn book not to pick them up. If they want to lay on your lap they do it on thier own. Molly's Gram

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Guest webstar

About Molly and her biting, I have to add a short note. The same day she bit Erika on the boob my son was eating a piece of pie walking toward Molly staring at her, she jumped off the couch in the attack mode, he stood there said and did nothing so she just laid at his feet. She looked a bit embarressed. but I can't expect everyone to react this way either.

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Because the change has just receintly started the first thing I would do is have Molly examined by your vet. She could be experiencing pain or discomfort. Just like us when they don't feel good they can lash out and be cranky. If the vet check is clear, I would then consult with a trainer or handler that is experienced in positive behavior modification. A good place to get a referance would be from your local animal shelter. Many shelters, especially no kill shelters work with local people who help retrain dog with problems to make them adoptable. If you are lucky you might even find someone who will do it at no cost to you. Our SAR team works with several area shelters to help rehabilitate dogs so that they have a better chance at finding homes.

The most important thing is to take action now. So far you have been very fortunate but when a dog bites he is usually the looser. Good luck.

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Dear Molly's Gram,

Ditto, the Vet checkup due to this change in Molly's behavior. My sweet little guy loves to be picked up, but if he's not in the mood, he definitely growls, "Not now! Leave me alone!"

If I were in your place, I would confine Scully, (baby gate? crate?) when others were around, just to have some peace of mind & to be able to relax & not have to monitor his every move.

Hoping for the best for you & Scully...


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Guest webstar

Thank You Sanford and SARpartner, We have a shelter a few miles from here, I will consult w/ the staff there. I also thought of giving her time out anytime she showed signs of aggression. I like SARpartner's idea better why wait just keep her away from anyone she is not that familiar with before she has a chance to get aggressive. She is very posessive and territorial. She just had a physical 3 weeks ago and our Vet found nothing wrong w/ her at that time. She was muzzled there for the first time but that could have been because it was not the same Vet that is familiar w/ her at the Clinic where we bring her. Thank You again, Molly's Gram

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