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Winter's here


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Yesterday's rain turned to snow overnight, and the wind has been blustery. We woke to about an inch of icy snow and a strong wind chill. I did not walk this morning, so Steve took Allie out at 5:30 and then let her back in bed with me (wet cold feet - swell...). Anyway, I got up at 6:15 and headed straight for the shower. Allie was STILL under the down comforter when I returned. I poked her, and she just grumbled. So downstairs to breakfast I went. Still no dog. I finally had to pull back the covers and roust her about 7.

I think she's a little ticked that it's so cold outside. She never used to worry about the weather before. Is this what happens when a dog reaches middle age?

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I have noticed that since the weather has turned colder here in NE Digby is alot more cuddly than he was over the summer. Normally he would ditch me and go to the end of the bed where it was cooler...He is also less willing to jump out of the bed in the morning, and he is only 1.5 years old.

Maybe she just got a little carried away at the thought of having the entire bed to herself?

“In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to be semi-human. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog.”


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Oh Mike...that was the BEST answer. :lol:

I happen to like the colder weather and I think my younger Cairns do too. For some reason it just seems a healthier environment being outdoors in winter than the heat/humidty of summer. Plus there are no ticks/mosquitos to annoy.

Let it snow, let it snow...

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We're in NE area also, and our potty training took 10 steps backwards. Abby Rose no longer wants to go outside. I've stood out there until I've turned blue and she WON'T GO IN THE SNOW!!!!! I was out there in 40 mph winds with snow blowing for 25 minutes..... Finally gave up as I was turning into a snowman and soon as we got in the house she squats. I didn't even have my coat off yet.

Little :devil:

Anybody have any good ideas on how not to make this a habit?????

abbyrose17lk.gifAbby Rose
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Our pup hates the rain and isnt too fond of the cold weather or the snow either. He is usually a poop machine (3 - 4 times a day minimum) but when it rains we have to coax him for a long time before he will even poop once. :( And he wont wear booties, so his poor paws get wet and cold. :( :(

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I don't blame Allie.....I hate to wake up to cold weather too! Scout HATES the rain and snow, but Finch doesn't seem to care if it's raining, snowing, or dark outside...she still runs to the backdoor with the frisbee in her mouth........anyone game for a throwing session??

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