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Neuter tomorrow - it's our turn

Tracy A.

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Well it's our turn tomorrow. In the past few months i've see other posts as the dreaded Spay/Neuter day came and went.... knowing that our day would come. Time flies, they are 6 months old this Friday.

I don't know if it's because of their size, but I don't recall being this Nerve-racked with any of my German Sheps. when the day came.

Maybe it's becuase it's a new vet, who insists that we drop the boys off by closing time today- (Mon), surgery scheduled for (Tues) tomrrow morning, and I can pick them up the next day (Wed). I've never had a vet want them so long for a

Neuter- when I asked why he said-

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Everything will be fine. Isn't it funny how much we worry about our furkids. I think your vet sounds great. I'd much rather leave my girls in good hands right after surgery. I feel it's beeter becuse they get so excited when they get home and they really need to rest.

Here's hugs and kisses for you and your babies.........XOXOXO

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Your vet sounds very diligent, thorough and professional.

It's important that the "gremlins" (I just adore that name and it's so fitting :lol:) have nothing in their digestive tract when going under anethesia. You say he is new so he probably doesn't know you yet. I'm sure he's seen his share of unresponsible pet owners who may come in and say their dogs haven't eaten in 12 hours and are okay for surgery when they just inhaled 2 cans of Pedigree an hour before. How is he to know?

Please don't worry....your little "gremlins" are in good hands and will come out of this the exact same as they went in. Is that a good thing? :lol::lol::lol:

Keep us posted...most of us have been where you are with the worrying, the pacing, nail biting, waiting for the phone to ring and the relief when it's all over.

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Your Vet sounds very conservative and caring. Rusty stayed overnight - after surgery -neuter. Returned home the next day. He had maybe 3 to 4 stitches - with a removable suture material. Some Vet's use absorable sutures - which dissolve. He was pretty good about leaving the stitches heal - without too much licking etc. - although when we went to have them removed - he had tended to 3 out of the 4 stitches - and he healed well.

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The boys are fine, and awake. Their surgery was pushed back, so they got done a bit ago. I'll be able to take them home tomorrow, but only after they've eaten and pooped for the Vet. So hopefully noon-ish. I am so relieved, thank for the forum's support. It was strange and still at home last night without the Little Gremlins.

They did leave me a note of sorts, a pile of shredded paper towel in the guest bedroom.

I'll post again tomrrow after i've got them home.


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Well everyone is safe and sound here at home. Eventhough we are having flurries right now (ick). The boys didn't act traumatized when I got back, I was worried about that after our boarding vacation experience.

Bratt is full of himself and ready to go, Mett on the other hand had a Hernia repair done too, and is sore. Wonders of the internet, my Ex-pen arrived today! and i'll be able to let the boys use the dog doors without my having to worry about mayham in the family room while i'm at work.

I hope i'll be able to keep the boys from chewing on the stiches, otherwise i'll have to put the 'bite not' collars on them- poor puppies.

Thank you everyone,

Tracy, Bratt & Mett

Edited- I almost forgot, my little porkers are 16.3 & 16.4! oink oink

They are 6months old on friday-

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Glad to hear your two boys are home and recovering!!


P.S. We are also having flurries, cold and wind. Loooks like winter has officially arrived....yuck!

Cathy and Piper

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Glad to hear that things went well! They will be back to normal before you know it! Love and kises from Savannah!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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