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Very Sad News


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Oh, I just received the worst news. My previous supervisor (who is also a major dog lover) just called me. He had adopted a beautiful, mixed breed from the shelter less than a year ago. He and Duncan have gotten so close since then. They have become each other's buddy. Jeff would let Duncan off leash at one of the many islands off the Maine coast. Well, apparently, this past Saturday, while on one of their many adventures, Jeff again took Duncan to one of the islands. Jeff was of the understanding that there was NO HUNTING on this particular island. Needless to say, poor Duncan was "accicentally" shot by a hunter. How a medium size, black and white dog was "mistaken" for a deer, I'll never know. Duncan was given a wonderful second chance with Jeff. Jeff loved his dog and was very good to him. So, if there is anything I will walk away with due to this tragic event is that I will ALWAYS put blaze orange on my pup...even in the park areas designated as NO HUNTING. The majority of our hunters here are very responsible - - obviously there are acceptions. I will no longer be so niave.

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That is indeed a very sad story. Not only do accidents like that happen to innocent dogs, it happens to humans too.

Although hunters are not my favorite people I do try and respect the ones that hunt with intention of providing food for their families and hunt humanely (if that's possible)

I wonder if that would have happened if the dog was on a leash...good thing we all know about Cairns and their tendency to run off. They could easily be mistaken for rabbits or other small game.

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That is a tragic story and my heart goes out to Jeff. I will reserve any comments on hunting and rifles etc., suffice to say that if I want meat, I go to Safeway.


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That is a tragedy. I wonder if the hunter was charged because he wasn't supposed to be hunting...but that doesn't take the hurt away. Poor Duncan.

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That is horrible! I can't imagine what I would do if something like that happened to me. It would be hard enough to lose Savannah due to old age but to lose her like this would be worse. My heart goes out to your friend. I don't hunt although several members of my family do. I respect their actions and don't try to change their ways; however, I myself could never shoot an animal that was not threatening my life in some way.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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I'm sorry that happened too. That's a scary situation to be in! My DH is a hunter and deer season does not start until Saturday morning, so this person commited a crime shooting off his gun to catch a deer.

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Here in Idaho, hunting is a way of life. My husband hunts deer and elk in the fall as well as other critters and fish during the rest of the year. I could never hunt, it's not in my nature...I shoo bugs out the door. My husband, as well as our 17 year old son are very ethical hunters as are 90% of the people who hunt. It is the other 10% who shoot at ANYTHING that moves who are the danger and who should be banned from hunting. Every year there are reports where people are shot in the woods because some nut case has "buck fever". These people shoot at any movement they see. Whether it's a dog, another hunter or someone taking a walk in the mountains. Not to mention the reckless stray shot that uneducated and dangerous hunters make not knowing how far a bullet can travel. A .22 bullet can travel over a mile!! It's something we think about everytime we take a hike but living in more populated areas it's not something that even crosses your mind on a sunny fall afternoon.

My rant is over. I'm just so angry!! I hope they can find the hunter who shot your friend's dog. His hunting license can be suspended and maybe even revoked for life as Fish and Game take these charges very seriously.

You can find blaze orange collars as well as full vests at your local sports store or at Cabelas on-line. Even tying a blaze orange bandana around your neck as well as your dog's can help.

Finnegan's Mom. LizzieP in Idaho

Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in. - Mark Twain

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That is indeed tradgic. I use to hunt alot , not so much anymore. I had some of the best times of my life working with bird dogs on quail hunts. I might also remined you that our Cairns are from a hunting linage. That said, hunters that dont know what they are shooting at give the sport a bad name.

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Very sad indeed...

Hunters, like anyone can be responsible or irresponsible..

I am a hunter, and two years ago, I had my shotgun site on a doe, but then over the ridge just a few feet behind her came her yearling.

The yearling was old enough to get by on it's own if it had to, but....

I lowered my gun, and enjoyed watching mom and her offspring fromp thru the woods together.

Then last year (in the same spot) two more deer came thru the valley. This time I did not even raise my gun, as one was completely albino! It would have been legal to take her, but she was such a unique site to see, I again sat back and enjoyed what was before me...

They say it's the thrill of the hunt - and (I believe) that is true for most hunters, but for a few bad apples it's the "thrill of the kill" - which I will never understand...

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