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Allie likes olives...


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Last night we were setting up shelves and pots for this weekend's art crawl, and Steve and friends celebrated a chore done with a martini. (Don't drink them myself - I'm definitely a "wine" person.) When he was done, he passed the glass to me and I took out the olive and -- feed it to the dog in my lap!

Our friends were aghast, but Allie has always had the olives. As a matter of fact, Steve used to cut them up really small, dry them, and use them as incentives when we first took Allie to obedience school. The instructor laughed but said, "Whatever works!"

She's absolutely crazy about olives. Are there odd things you dogs love to get as treats?

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Olives! what a hoot.! I thought we had the only animal that ate olives. We have a little, old orange tabby cat that loves olives....green, pimento stuffed not black.....and another cat that loves melon.

Fergus' favorite odd food is apple. we have a couple of apple trees in our back yard, one of which is a sour crab. He loves them! We have to be vigilant, in the fall, that he doesn't eat too many from the ground :sick: .

Whenever we eat an apple, he absolutely insists on us sharing with him.


Fergus :P and Alf

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Guest Darcy's Mom

Hmmm...let's see...Darcy is the picky one of the two but she will eat bits of anything off our plates if she knows we have been eating it, like chicken, roast beef, etc. I know, I know, we shouldn't give them table scrapes and we don't, only just little hand fed bits here and there. But I guess if I had to pick anything that is a favorite of Darcy's it would have to be any kind of cheese. She is crazy for it!!!

Molly, however, isn't that fond of cheese. (weird I know as I thought every dog loved it) She is more of a meat eater. I guess if I had to pick, it would be chicken that Molly craves.

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Piper loves Ritz Bitz cheesey crackers and all kinds of cheese. He hates olives. Table food is a rarity for him, though. So, I am sure there are lots of things he'd love but never gets the opportunity to try.

The olives remind me of my Cairn Toto that is no longer with us. On nights that we had taco salad, I would put my plate down for her to 'finish up'. She would eat all around the lettuce and olives actually spitting them back out onto the floor. Picky, picky!


Cathy and Piper

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Apples, carrots, green beans and Elliott once ingested a small piece of a lemon.

During the summer they went crazy for watermelon but I'm really leary of giving them people food.

I'm wondering if that martini olive had some alcohol absorbed in it. Did Allie act any different after that?

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Guest WonderBoy

Our little guy loves apples also. He does carrots, peas, green beans, and broccoli stalks, not the florets as well. This past summer he would eat corn on the cob as we held the cob for him.

Only thing is he is freqeuntly, shall we say, "fragrant" as a result of his vegetable intake. He is such a little pig we use the veggies as a filler instead of more kibble. Otherwise, he acts like we have never fed him!!!

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Guest Darcy's Mom

Seeing that post about the popsicle reminded me that Darcy and Molly also love, love, love ice cream, those frozen lemonade things by Minute Maid and of course, would love to get their mouths on anything chocolate but we just don't give in to that.

Olives? I don't think so. Not even veggies will my two eat except mased potatoes.

As my vet said a long time ago when we had our first two Cairns, if you don't ever let them taste people food, they won't miss it. How cruel is that?

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Savannah loves pears, watermelon and cantalope. I try not to give her people food but I figure at least fruit is good for her!

My moms cat will eat squash! Weird huh??

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

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Zephyr loves loves loves kidney beans. Mind you, he won't eat garbanzo beans.. but kidney beans are where it's at for him!

Cleo loves most everything! Cantalope, cabbage, grapes, saltines.. She just a random little happy dog!

My mother-in-law (who has had dogs her whole life) swears that chocolate isn't bad for dogs and feeds her dogs little bits as a treat.. but never to my dogs! That dog won't hunt, monsignour! Cleo has wanted to try it though!

Proud Mama of Zephyr and Cleo--adopted into the family Feb. 2005 from the local SPCA.


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Cleo loves most everything! Cantalope, cabbage, grapes, saltines.. She just a random little happy dog!

I thought you may want to know Dogs should not ear GRAPES or RAISINS. They can be toxic. There is a thread/post that lists potential toxic foods for canines and grapes and raisins are among them.

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My two eat everything too! I try to only feed them fresh veggies such as tomatoes, lettuce, greenbeans, carrots........but they will eat anything I give them....as least they have til this day. Scout and Finch get only small bites of human food, but what we give them, they gobble down!

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Gidget isn't very picky either. I'd have to say her favorites are carrots, cabbage & potatoes. She once ripped into a new bag of potatoes without my knowing it and carried a whole potato into the living room with approx. 1/3 of it already eaten.

She also likes olives, raw turnips, green beans, apples, oranges and pumpkin. She even ate pieces of the pumpkin I carved for halloween...and really loved the stringy insides that I pulled out.

The only sweets she gets are Reese's Pieces....and usually plays with each one before eating it.

She's so silly. :lol:

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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Rusty's all time favorite treat is chewing gum - yes, he will find the kid's used piece in the trash can, or somehow hunt down the piece that was thrown in the grass etc. He'll just chew away. I"m waiting for him to blow bubbles soon.

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I just want to point out that Cleo has only had a grape once or twice and on her own accord.. we didn't "feed" them to her. Secondly, I would think things like martini-soaked olives and chewing gum ( etc... really, any "people" food) would more of a "toxic" hazard than one grape.

Sorry.. I really don't like getting called out by someone on my "parenting" skills. Dogs will be dogs... but I will be more careful from now on.

Proud Mama of Zephyr and Cleo--adopted into the family Feb. 2005 from the local SPCA.


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Besides ice cubes, ours love to eat shelled edemame (fresh soy beans), either frozen or cooked. When they see the bag come out of the freezer, they are there! Just last night as my husband cooked dinner (yes, he cooked!!), he had out the fresh bacon bits which they also recognize. They were sitting there so nice and I told him they were expecting some tossed their way, and he said he wasn't giving them any....that is, until he turned around and saw their little expectant faces and wagging tails!!! He then scattered some on the kitchen floor. They both started on one end, with Cooper being towards the center. Well, Yoda is no idiot, so he went to the other end.....Yes, Cooper then went to the other end as well, again leaving Yoda on the outer edge. It was so funny watching them go back and forth, but the finally both got what they wanted and were happy....what characters!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Guest girliejr

Jack will eat anything I drop on the floor! It doesn't matter what it is, I haven't found anything so far that this dog won't eat!

He loves it when I cook. He sits and waits in the kitchen for momma to drop something. I don't give him "people food" on purpose, but he does get whatever is dropped unintentionally.

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