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Evansville Tornado


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Hello, I just wanted to let everyone know my husband Matt, our puppies, and I are all okay and doing fine. You may have seen on CNN or other stations, our town was hit by a terrible tornado at about 2am Sunday morning. I'm sorry to report many were killed including many children. I had just got off work at 11pm and my husband happened to be working overtime, he called and told me to get the puppies to the basement. Two of the puppies faithfully followed me to the basement, one-and guess what it was Yoda my Cairn thought it was a game of chase and kept running back upstairs. After the tornado passed, we came upstairs and called my husband. He was one of the first officers and the first detective on scene at the trailer park that suffered the most damage. He told me it was really bad and I should call work (I'm a 911 operator). I ended up going into work and staying until about 11am the next day. It was really awful some of the things I heard. We were using the city busses and school busses to get the walking wounded to the hospital. On a happy note, my husband found a 10yro boy would was bleeding badly, there werent anymore ambulances and the busses couldnt get into the trailer park because of debris, Matt carried him out to the road to his police car and drove him to the emergency room. Matt received an e-mail today from the parents asking who the officer was and could they meet him because apparently his bleeding was so bad the doctors said he would have died had Matt not gotten him to the hospital. Please pray for all the families who lost loved ones. the racehorses killed in their barns at a race track, and the almost 50 pets at our animal shelter who were displaced from the storm.

Here's a link that shows some of the devastation:

My Webpage

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So much tragedy in this world!

I am so very grateful that you and your family are okay. What a blessing your DH was to so many - as well as YOU - and I know that little boy will be forever grateful to your hubby.

Please know our thoughts and prayers are with everyone there.

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Wow!! Your photos really captured the devastation!!

I am glad to hear that you, hubby and your babies are all ok!!


Cathy and Piper

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I'm so sorry this has happened....I watched it on the news and couldn't believe all the damage the tornado left! I'm happy that you and your DD are ok, and I think it's awesome that you both went into work to help the people that were hurt, especially that little boy!

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I am so glad that you and your family are ok and I pray for those who were affected by this storm in some way. Bless you and your husband for helping those in need. I am sure that you are both angels in many peoples eyes (including mine).

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Being originally from Oklahoma and experiencing the May 1999 tornado (the largest ever recorded in history), I can understand the feeling of loss and sadness. I am so glad that you, your husband and all the furbabies are safe. God bless both you and your husband (the hero) for stepping up and helping those in need! I hope your town recovers from the damage quickly and that those who suffered loss will find peace over time.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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