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Can You Spell D-E-S-T-R-U-C-T-I-O-N?


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15 wk old Abby Rose is usually a little :halo: as I work at home and she's gated in my office with me and a ton of her toys every day. She barks to go outside when she needs to. She sit's, lays down, and rolls over for treats. (Still doesn't quite have the "Come" down pat but we're working on it).

I attended a baby shower today and was gone for 2 hours. My husband was in-charge of Abby while I was gone.

I came home and discovered my entire upstairs was covered in torn toilet paper. My 3 ft tall leather elephant on my fireplace surround was missing his tail and one ear. 3 of my scented candles that were on top of the mantle (still haven't figured out how she got up there?) were chewed up in a million pieces. Every single pair of my shoes were laying in different rooms (they were all in shoe boxes in my closet when I left).

To top it all off, I went downstairs where my hubby was watching a football game and Abby was sitting on his lap sleeping. (She must have worn herself out). When I asked my husband how she did, he replied "she sat here and watched football with me the entire time". So much for him babysitting.... He missed the 2nd half of the game..... :wub:

abbyrose17lk.gifAbby Rose
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Trick question? It's spelled A-b-b-y, right? Look at that face - she must be innocent. Rabid squirrels invaded the house while hubby and Abby Rose were watching the half-time show, I'm sure of it.

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What a terrific story to read on a Monday morning...I know, it wasn't terrific for you but think of it this way...would you want a little puppy to just sit in the corner all day and do nothing or make life fun and interesting? :whistle: She is just precious, you know. Gotta love their sense of adventure.

Toilet paper is a big attraction...if only we could get these little devils to wipe the dingles off their cute little butts after pooping. :lol:

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The man of our house has also been banned from babysitting. We have had too many incidents while Savannah was in his care.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

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isn't it funny how men cannot handle a few hours with a puppy.................LOL

Abby is so cute, I'm sure she was just having some fun. :whistle:

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I always say, we must train the husbands first!!!! :D I'll bet she had a ball, i can see it now!!!

I keep thinking about when i go out of town w/o my husband what it's going to be like.....I may just board them, for their own safety!!!

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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Isn't amazing how much damage can be done in such a short time?

My boys did in a bathroom rug in about 30-45 seconds- of course they worked together on that one.

I put bells on the boys, that way DH would know where they were if they wandered out of his site- I've also told him that "Lots of noise and complete silence are your keys that they are upto something" and you need to check it out.

We also have Squirrels that sneak in and frame they boys from time to time.


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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I had to laugh out loud at your story. I cannot trust my Dh with Tink either. Now that Tink is a year old, it isn't such a problem, but when I was training her he could not be trusted. He just did not understand the concept of watch her ALL the time, or put her in the crate. He would just say that he did watch her, as your husband did. I thought we might end our 35 year marriage over training this dog!



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We had the same thing happen last Christmas. DH was "watching" the puppies while I was working. I went up in our bedroom,when I came home, and found wrapping paper all over the bedroom! I had stacked up presents that were going to be put under the tree. They ate a chocolate "wine bottle"....thank goodness it was hollow! They also chewed up some litle "ducks" that were actually bath fizzies for my DD...thank goodness it vacuumed up! AND....they chewed up every single package that contained their toys! So much for babysitting! :twisted:

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Oh my goodness!!!! What a great story! I know, I know... not so great at the time, but you will never forget that. And hopefully you'll laugh at it soon! For some reason there is only ONE bathroom that Darcy will unwind the toilet paper off the roll. We finally decided that the roll would not be housed ON the acutual roller. It's just so amazing what dogs get into in such short time.

Men, football or both are ALWAYS to blame! LOL!!!!!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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