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You Can't Fool A Cairn


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I went on a day trip with my mom and her senior trip (I told them I'm practicing to retire). That meant when dad came home he would be in charge of feeding Scully. Naturally, this is only mommy's job.

When I came into the kitchen I noticed that there was still food left in Scully's bowl which NEVER happens. Then I found out why.

My husband said he put her food together and put it down and Scully went over, looked into the bowl and then looked up at him like "what the heck is going on here?" He said for about 10 minutes she kept looking at the bowl - looking up at him. She wouldn't touch it. Then it dawned on him. NO GREEN BEANS!

He realized that he left the string beans out of the mix of dry and canned food. Once the green beans were in the bowl she gobbled it up. I guess a mom just can't be replaced, huh?

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Scully is a smart little girl, isn't she?? I put either carrots or canned pumpkin in my two's food and they give me the same "Do you think I'm stupid?" look when I run out of pumpkin or carrots! I usually end up searching for another veggie to put in their food...yes...they are SMART dogs! :P

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:lol: That is hysterical...no green beans!

I trust my hubby to feed mine in the morning and I constantly remind him to measure the kibble. One morning I popped in from work to see Elliott's bowl just a tad :whistle: over the 2/3 measured amount he's supposed to get.

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Ha ha that makes me laugh because when my fiance stops by to "help out" he fills her bowl to the brim! I try to tell him, she weighs 8 pounds, she does not need that much food, but nonetheless when i come home, always food left and no canned mixed in...once i get home to "fix" what he's done, fiona just gobbles it up :whistle:

Here's a new pic of fiona--she is getting so big!


Liz (Fiona's Mommy)

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That is funny! I can just picture the look Scully was giving your dh. They sure have the cutest expression, don't they? I usually feed Kiara, Abbey, and Hannah along w/ the rest of my zoo. My dh was home one day while I was running errands and decided to help me out by feeding the dogs. I keep a measuring cup in the Cairn's and my other two dog's bag of food for the feedings. Dh called me to let me know he fed everyone the right amount, but the Cairns were acting funny like they wanted something. I laughed and told him that they were waiting for the raw baby carrot they get for desert. :lol: He said he opened the refrigerator, and Hannah jumped up and hit the drawer that they were in.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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These dogs are too smart, for sure!!

We put Linatone on Piper's food and I ran out a few weeks ago. He kept running back into the pantry and giving me the funniest looks!!


Cathy and Piper

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Petey likes a little bit of water mixed in with his Canidae dry kibble, then microwaved just to warm it up. If you don't add his "gravy", he will just sit there and look at you like you're crazy. Belle, on the other hand, would probably eat rocks and sticks if I put them in her bowl. Not picky at all...

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I couldn't believe it when he told me that. I never thought she would notice. These dogs are smarter than some of the people I work with. :P

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:lol:  That is hysterical...no green beans!

I trust my hubby to feed mine in the morning and I constantly remind him to measure the kibble. One morning I popped in from work to see Elliott's bowl just a tad  :whistle:  over the 2/3 measured amount he's supposed to get.


hubby did this once too when Teona was really small. I came home and her belly was HUGE. I asked him to show me how much he fed her and it was probably enough for 2 days.

I think my girls would have looked at me funny if I DID put green beans in the bowl. I tried it once and it wasn't a success. I know my girls also don't like to potty for Daddy, only for Mommy :wub:

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As far as food, I think I could put charcol in Savannah's bowl and she would eat it so we don't have the problem with someone else feeding her, but she is the same about going potty. It is like when DH takes her outside, she thinks they are outside to play or bark at the lawn mower. Even though my DH tells her go potty while they are outside, she usually won't go. She knows when Mommy takes her out it is to potty.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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