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Barking at a basket?


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I just have to laugh at my Gracie...today I put a new basket in my office for her toys. She did not see me put it there, and when she came in she stopped dead in her tracks and started to bark at the basket. She has been barking at it for 15 minutes now. Won't go near it, just barks and barks. She does this a lot when something is out of place or different. What smart little dogs they are. My DH laughs because I am sort of a neat freak and will get bent out of shape when things are out of place...he says he can tell she is my dog. Maybe I'm part Cairn too? :P


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Guest girliejr

Jack does the exact same thing! He barks at anything out of the ordinary! He especially doesn't like big black trash bags......he will go out of his way to walk WAY out of the trash bag area......it's really cute!

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Tink was wary of a black sock on the bed last week. She wouldn't come near it and jumped when I moved it near her. How funny she is about those things. She even notices small new things in the yard and won't go near them.



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Digby does the exact same thing too...So much so, that even on his walk, which is about a 1 mile route around our neighborhood, that if someone moves something in their yard he barks at that too. He remembers if there is a plant placed by a mailbox, or a large stone that has been moved, or a tree planted. It's really incredible actually...These little buggers are devlishly smart.

“In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to be semi-human. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog.”


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They are smart!!! Dori walked in the bathroom, I had lifted the shade and opened the window, she barked her head off till i closed it back up!!! How dare I change things!!! If I want to move something, i now let them watch me....like putting plants ontop the Barbie cabinet or something.

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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Finnegan finally noticed the mounted deer (gotta love it in Idaho) we have over our steps in the family room and barked and barked and barked. I don't know if he thought it was going to come back to life, sprout legs and a body and jump off the wall but he was trying to warn us of the impending danger of the wicked deer head!! Every once in a while he'll give it a good bark to make sure it stays on that wall!

Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in. - Mark Twain

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On our walk about a month ago, Savannah noticed a bunch of balloons tied to a mailbox and barked and barked at them. Even after we were past them, she would still look back and growl every once in a while. They truly are too smart for their own good! I am most certainly going to let Savannah watch while we put up the Christmas tree this year. I can only imagine her reaction to a brightly lit tree suddenly growing in the house!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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LOL! This sounds familiar. My neighbor put two huge cornstalks on her lawn and the first time Scully saw them she barked her head off at them.

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This is just so funny as mine do the exact same thing. I hung some Halloween decorations on our front tree and all three acted like Jack the Ripper was about to enter our dwelling. I finally had to remove it in order to find peace and quiet.

They definately are creatures of habit.

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Sounds like someone I know. Gidget barks her head off if anything is different.

One night I pulled the bag of trash out of the trash can and sat it on top of the can so I would remember to carry it out the next morning. She barked her head off as if it was something that was going to attack her. They're so funny.

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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I'd bark at a new suspicious basket too, if I were a Cairn. Now Crunch, he's been barking at the door stops in the house since the day he moved in. Go figure.

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How I wish my little guy would bark at new things! He never does. Instead, if anything new is brought into the house,(FedEx box, grocery bags, etc) and left on the floor, he marks it! I bought him a new travel bag. He marked it!

He never marks or pees inside, except if something is new. I guess he's claiming whatever moves into his territory. We're able to cope by never leaving anything new on the floor. Before I owned a Cairn I never would have thought I'd have been capable of putting up with such antics. Now I find things like this just make me laugh. Isn't that weird? As has been said often on this site...Ya gotta love em!"


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One story of many......Piper went bonkers over the gas grill, only after we turned it on. It makes some sort of hissing sound and it wasn't supposed to do that-didn't we know??!!


Cathy and Piper

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Finch barked for a long time over a garden glove that was left in the yard....she is not bothered by our loud vacuum cleaner....but went crazy over a glove??? Silly dogs!

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