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Finnegan Pix!


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Thanks to Brinda's help I was able to post a pix. What a handsome boy!!

Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in. - Mark Twain

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As the picture was loading I caught a glimpse of those big, puppy ears and I just knew there would be an adorable face attached! What a cutie!

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He is tooooo cute. Here is some more info if you would like to resize:

You can resize your photos pretty easily before inserting if you just go to your Paint software. I use another program, but most everyone has Paint. If you have Paint, open and go to file to File, Open, browse to your pic. Then while the image is still selected, choose Image from the menu and Stretch/Skew. It is set on 100% but you can size down to 20% on horiz and vertical. I love the big pics (bad eyesight??), but I know we are supposed to keep them small on the forum. Remember to save your photo (SAVE AS) a different file name and as a JPEG. Other photo editing programs let you resize to a designated pixel size, but I didn't know what program you might have.

Hope you will post more pics of Finnegan!!

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Guest rottndobie
You can resize your photos pretty easily before inserting if you just go to your Paint software.  I use another program, but most everyone has Paint.  If you have Paint, open and go to file to File, Open, browse to your pic.  Then while the image is still selected, choose Image from the menu and Stretch/Skew.  It is set on 100% but you can size down to 20% on horiz and vertical. 

Hope you will  post more pics of Finnegan!!


Thanks very much for this info on resizing. Sometimes I am on computers that don't have photo editing software but they always have Paint. It worked like a champ.. Thanks again..

Lizzie - Finnegan is adorable. Just love that face and expression. You are a very lucky person...LOL

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