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Oh, boy!! I could get in s-e-r-i-o-u-s trouble with that site!!

Such cute Cairn stuff and SO much of it!!

Thanks for posting it!!


P.S. Sooooo, Kay, how much did you spend :whistle: ??????

Cathy and Piper


I'm not bumper sticker person, but those on the 2nd link were just hilarious. I may need to break down and stick one on the vehicle!!!


I could blow some serious christmas money there!!! Great stuff! Thanks for sharing!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page


I think I'd better hide my VISA and MasterCard real quick!

:thumbsup: I love the my Cairn Terrier is smarter than your honor student! Perfect...and often so true!

Now I want it too Shoe!! Too cute!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page


I just received my bumper stickers today but I really don't want to waste them on the backside of my car. :shock: (dirt and grime on a Cairn pic ????)

I got the Butt one and the "If it's not a Cairn....". I asked my 18 year old son which one he wanted good old mom to put on his Honda Civic....I got no reply. After what he did to Elliott and me on Halloween, I should cover the entire back bumper of his car with Cairn stuff. :lol: and maybe his back window too.


I was in San Francisco a couple of weeks ago and bought this ornament. This store, Beastro by the Bay, had tons of Cairn stuff. They have a website, but I think it may not be finished or working properly.



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