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May I introduce us?

Guest mcc0004

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Guest mcc0004

Hello all,

I've been lurking for a bit, and decided it was time to introduce myself.

We just brought our new baby home from the breeder on Sat. He is just 8 weeks. Name is Sam. He is supposed to be my 15 yr. old daughters dog. I have never been a huge dog fan....but needless to say, 4 days later, I'm completly in love with our little Sam.

Looks like there is so much to learn!! Anyone have suggestions for a good Cairn book? We have lots of books, but wondering on any breed specifics...

I'll try to add a picture if I can figure it out...

Look forward to getting to know you all, and sharing stories while I learn about this wonderful new family member of ours!!!


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Welcome to the forum!!

My suggestion would be to find a good trainer. These little :devil: 's definitely need it!! We had one come to our home for one-on-one training as Piper was the type that got distracted when other dogs were around. Some have gone the Petsmart route and done well with that, too.

As far as book recs, I am sure other forum members will be here soon to let you know of some good ones.

Again, welcome to the forum and can't wait to see your new addition!!


Cathy and Piper

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Welcome to our group - and best wishes on your little one, Sam. We LOVE pictures as you probably have read by now. Scully is my second Cairn and trust me, you will never know how you ever lived without a Cairn before. Sam will just fill your heart with so much love and happiness.

We tried Petsmart training but we weren't happy with it - FOR US - because we found it really distracting. Again, that was just our experience and we then went the private trainer route. Numerous people here have had terrific results with Petsmart. Again, that was our decision - I felt really self-conscious with people standing around the edges watching us.

Again, welcome to the crew!

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Guest mcc0004

Thanks for the welcome(s)! I'd love to post a picture, but can't figure out how...can someone tell me?? How do I get my photos from my Kodak file to an address that I can use???


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Welcome!!! You'll love it here. This truly is a family and you'll find as much help here as you will need. As for books.........Hmmmm......short and sweet.

Chapter One: They are hard headed

Chapter Two: They are really hard headed and the most loveable dog you'll ever want.

Little Sam will try your last nerve and will be your best buddy for many, many years. Enjoy every second. Take lots of pictures. What he looks like today is not what he will look like in three months. He will completely change in a year and again in three years! I swear it has to do with them being so independent :D

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I just PM'd this to another poster because I thought not everyone would want to read it. Then I saw the question again, and well, here goes... To post a pic that is hosted online: Go to http://imageshack.us/ (this is a free service)

Then press the BROWSE button and open the folder on your computer where the photo file is and choose it, click OPEN. Then when that photo file is populating the BROWSE box, you click HOST IT. Then it has choices of all the ways that photo can be displayed. You could choose the Show My Friends one and copy that whole line of code from the box. That is what you insert in your post.

This is just one way to post photos. There are file restrictions on the Cairn forum for attaching files, but I would have to look them up to tell you what they are. You could be safe by choosing the thumbnail option. I believe the rules are listed in Forum support.

Hope this helps!


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I forgot to say that you must have the IMG tags in the post at the beginning and end of the photo file address. You can always preview post before posting to see if it works. Some of the addresses listed on that site as choices may not work this way.

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Guest rottndobie

The best thing you can do for Sam is to spend the time now and train and socialize him right. Here is a link to a website I created with all kinds of links you need to read up on if you don't already know... Pay particular attention to: Socialization, crate training and the critical periods in a puppy's life.


Good luck with your new bundle of joy ;)

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Guest mcc0004


I'm sure there is a way to put these on the same post, I don't know how to though..sorry! If I could figure it out I'd do a couple more, but for now this is it!

Thanks again for the welcomes!!!

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Welcome to Cairn Talk! Sam is a little dollbaby! I have 3 Cairns and never tire of looking at Cairn pictures. One thing to always remember when training a Cairn, is be consistent!

I enjoyed reading "The Cairn Terrier", by Christine Carter. This book has alot of info on Cairns, from the History to Care and Grooming. The pictures are excellent. I bought it on Amazon.com. Another book I bought for my daughter was "Puppy Parenting", by Jan Greye and Gail Smith. Although it's not just meant for a Cairn, it's everything you need to know about your pup's first year.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Hey Sam! You're a sweet looking little man! Can't wait to see how much you change in the next few months! Welcome to you and your family. You're really going to love everyone here. Everyone is so friendly and truly supportive.

I too support the theory of training. At the age of 29, Darcy is my FIRST dog EVER! My hubby had a few growing up. I feel SO much wiser and more knowledgeable about dogs and how to and not to train based on the classes we have done with Darcy since she was 10 weeks old (she's almost 10 months). We have not stopped training because she enjoys the socialization and the challenge of learning. And also because we have been able to move along in classes with one main buddy that Darcy has made (a Cairn of all things). We DID go the PetSmart route and are going to miss it when Darcy finally graduates from the last installment. We took the time to check out the local PetSmart near our home and found all the employees to be very friendly and CARE about our dog. Almost every employee there knows Darcy and that makes us feel special. We checked out the training center and the trainers. We talked to them and they gave us a very good feeling. Ever since, we have been sold! As some said above, PetSmart does work for some and in my opinion it is based on the types of employees who work there. We got lucky!

Anyway, that is my testimonial. As far as books, we purchased Puppies for Dumbies before adopting Darcy (again, since she was my first). And there was a lot of basic information that I was glad to have upon her entering into our family. The other book that has been suggested in other posts is the Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook, by Carlson and Giffin. We do not personally own it, but we intend to get it as a Christmas gift for each other.

Have fun with Sam!


Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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I use photobucket.com as a place to store pictures that I want to post online. it has been reliable and a good source for me. that way you can show off your sam pics anytime you like. and we all like to do that.

Welcome to the board.

Abe and Scruffy and their family.

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Welcome to you and your pup...Very very very cute!!! Although I have read a lot of training books, I find this forum and my vet far more useful. Just my thoughts


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