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Finnegan's Big Trip


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Well, Finnegan and I drove from Idaho to Ohio without a hitch! He was so good in his crate, never whined, never begged to get out. We stopped lots and let me tell you Nebraska has the nicest rest stops. They even have walking trails for dogs, ponds and one lone chicken. Finnegan wasn't quite sure about his new feathered friend but he gave it his best shot. I took him into the ladies room once. Not a big hit with an older lady already in there and she made sure to tell me that dogs were not allowed and didn't I see the sign. I told her Finnegan was just a puppy and he couldn't read yet :whistle: .

Anyway, my grandmother lived in an assisted care faciltity and had a one bedroom apartment. Small dogs are allowed so we set up camp. It took us a few days to move her things and Finnegan was quite the hit with the senior citizens. Very well behaved and quite the charmer. Finn even went to my grandmother's nursing home and was very welcomed. They have a resident Sheltie named Shelby who lives there 24 hours a day and sleeps where she wants. Great place!!

He was such a good boy and I was very proud of him.. Now that he is at home he back to his usual :devil: self. Too many distractions, too many cats, too many open closet doors :mad: !!

Here is Mr. Finnegan:

Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in. - Mark Twain

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Where did he go?? #@%%^# pictures!

Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in. - Mark Twain

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Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong with trying to upload pix... kindly explain. Thank you.

Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in. - Mark Twain

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What a wonderful story!!! Sounds like you and Finnegan had a wonderful journey together. A trip I'm sure you'll never forget! Sounds like he was a real charmer and on his best behavior. At least he knew how to act out in public. Now that he's home he can really be "himself".

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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LIzzie that is very cool! The nursing home residents just love seeing the dogs, i've taken mine in a few times too. Sounds like he had a great time being center of attention....which is what they like!!! Glad to hear you had no problems and made it home safely.

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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