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The Scare of my Life


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Gidget gave me the scare of my life tonight. We were getting ready to leave my parents' house. I loaded her in the car and turned around to put something in the back seat. The last time I did this, she was a perfect little :halo:

Don't ask me what I was thinking cause the little :devil: jumped out of the front seat before I could even turn around and took off(leash & all). I tried my best to catch her leash as she came close, but no way! She took off across the road and over to the neighbors yard. The neighbor dog started barking and I thought she might go up there to visit. I got in the car and backed it up in the driveway so I could turn my headlights on bright. She looked up when I called and acted like she might come back, but turned around and took off. She finally crossed the road and came back towards the car. Just as I grabbed for her leash, she took off again in the dark. I drove slowly up the street scanning to see if I could spot her. I was terrified that she would get hit by a car. Two cars passed by and no sign of her. I drove back into my parent's driveway and there she was in their yard sniffing around as if she had been there the whole time. I opened the door and called her. She came running up and hopped right into my lap. I was so relieved that she was back in my arms.

I backed out of the drive and just as I started down the road I broke down crying. I was angry with myself for leaving that door open for a split second. I know how fast she is and just how lucky I was to have gotten her back unscaved in the dark of night.

For all the newbies out there.........don't trust these guys even for one second They love to take off, and they're typical terriers. You can call until you're blue in the face and they will run even faster the other direction. :whistle: I don't hear you!

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!

This is my absolute BIGGEST fear! I have been there WAY too often and I know how absolutely terrifying it can be. Despite our best precautions sometimes these little buggers get out. I'm so glad that she was safe and I know your heart's probably STILL beating a mile a minute.


I am so glad that this story had a happy ending. This is my biggest fear as well.

When Savannah was a little puppy, my DH and I took Savannah to the Riverwalk which is a walking trail along the Chatahoochee River. Anyway, my Dh was holding the leash as a couple on a tandum bike went by. Savannah went nuts and jerked the leash out of my DH's hand. Off she ran after the couple barking up a storm. I guess the couple thought that she sounded mean because they never stopped or even slowed down. I just knew that she was gone. All a sudden, it was like she finally heard me calling her and she wheeled around and ran right back to my arms. I was so relieved!! I thought my heart would never stop beating so fast! That was the most scared that I have been and I can't imagine what I would have done if there had been cars right there.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page


I'm so glad Gidget came back to you safe and sound. I know how worried sick you were!

Darcy jetted out of the front door one day. She usually sits like a perfect angel while I creep out really quick to water the plants on the front stoop. Not that day. She bolted and was down the street in a second flat. I called her, but then froze. Thank goodness she ran up to a couple who was walking their 2 dogs. They scooped her up and handed her over to us. I felt so humiliated and horrible. I went back in the house and cried too.

NEVER again! She's either locked up in a bathroom really quick or in someone's arms when we have to go outside super quick. And we NEVER open the garage door until she is secured in her crate inside the car. We learned from that one escape!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom

Whew! Sorry to hear about your close call. I know how vigilant we all are, holding the leash tight and never letting our cairns off their leashes. My little guy is so darn lovable and appealing that friends and family members ask to walk him. My problem is that I'm uneasy with that. I'm flattered that they ask and I tell them about terriers running off in a split second and to hold the leash tight, but I'm never confident that they really get it. I guess all I can do is cross my fingers and hope for the best!



What a big relief that she decided to hop into the car! Alfie escaped 3 times (and hasn't for many months now...knock on wood!) but one of those was late at night. Just as you experienced, he stopped and looked at us when we called him, but ran the other direction. Many times he ran across our front lawn and clearly he was so happy to be running scott-free, and many times I thought that night we might not see him again. It was scary. I'm glad your story had a happy ending, as well.


I could feel your panic just by reading your post. I'm so glad everything turned out okay and you survived. I swear these Cairns are aging up big time!

In a split second these guys can do the unexpected. I will never trust any of mine ever! My hubby is constantly complaining about the fences I have set up, the way the "gates" are double locked. And I even put a gate at the top of our stairs because I'm afraid they'll sneak out the front door when I open it for visitors.

Even with all my security, I still don't relax when they're out of sight.


Oh, I'm so glad this had a happy ending! My youngest Cairn, Hannah loves to ride in the van w/ me and I'm always a little nervous about her jumping out, even tho I strap her in the backseat and she never has tried to escape. She's the type that runs around my feet, but I'm not going to ever take a chance w/ her. I've posted before about my oldest, Kiara getting loose and running down the street. It was as if an angel appeared out of no where standing right in the middle of the street, and reached down and grabbed her. Cairns seem to like the game of cat and mouse, us being the cat. That crazy running may be fun for them, but it sure makes our hearts pound hard and turns our hair gray!

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)


:shock: I feel your fear...Both Gracie and our other dog (a shepherd, Terrier Mix) like to explore. One day my daughters had them outside on a double leash (A hook at both ends) with Gracie at one end and Indy at the other. I came out to call them in for dinner only to find that they had lost both dogs. I was paniced...But a kind neighbor got them both for us...good thing terriers are so friendly with strangers hey!



Following in your fears and shoes tonight - Halloween. Of course - as I was handing our candy - Rusty high tailed it out the frong door. "Come......stay" - none of the "in door" commands work outside the So pitch black - I've got the squeeky toys, favorite rubber chewy. The more you walk toward them - the further they stray. Uggggh - finally food was the prize that brought him back into the house. Lesson learned - keep them under close watch.


My pup has gotten past me going out the door about 6 times, and each time he runs for the road, runs up the side of it, and through about 4 yards around and round, cars coming, it's horrible. I can't find a way to get him to come. I've been taking him on his leash out TO the road and making him stop...till i take him on ...we walk at the side of the road for our walks, and he tends to stay on the outterline, but I'm so scared when he gets loose one of these times he'll dart out. I can't stand it... last time he did come back fairly quickly...dont know why, but he did go in the road ...and cars did come, I just don't know what to do...little bugger is so fast and crazy. :whistle:


I took Gidget "The Bumble Bee" to my parents last night for Halloween. I had to go see my 1 yr old Nephew who turned out to be a Beaver last night.....too cute :lol:

Having learned my lesson Sunday night, I kept her leash on her the whole time. My Mom was constantly going to the door to give out candy and I wasn't about to take a chance on her darting past her Grandmother and taking off again.

I'll post a pic of her in her costume on the Halloween costume thread.

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!

Shelly....that picture of Gracie is too cute!!


Cathy and Piper


Dash would be a great name for a cairn!


My aunts dogs dart out the door as fast as they can & one time we were chasing them for a good ten minutes. Luckily Frisky stays right by me whenever I take him out front to get the mail or anything like that. But, this could be because he is 12 years old.


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