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Daylight Savings Time, wish Cairns understood it.


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Just a reminder that we set our clocks back 1 hr tonight. The thought of an extra hr sounds nice at first until I remind myself that tomorrow morning my Cairns will be waking at their usual time. The funny thing about them is they all wake up and need to go out in the a.m. and then they all go back to bed for a nap. :whistle: I guess I'll just have to get up and let them out at what they think is their usual time, and then I'm going back to bed!

Another thing, I know that they're going to expect to eat at what they think is their regular time, but will be an hr earlier. It will take me a few days to change their schedule.

Will anyone else have Cairns that are affected by the time change?

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Well, it's not even 7:00 yet on my day off and I'm sitting here with 3 wild, crazy Cairns. :lol:

Tomorrow night is not what I'm looking forward to....we usually get a ton of kids which equals a ton of unison barking.

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Yup - last year Halloween was not pleasant since Bosco loves to bark at everyone who comes near the house. :(

As for daylight savings time, he already wakes my mom while it is still dark, hope he doesnt wake her up at 4AM! :(

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Well Gracie is unaware of the extra hour of sleep rule...I got up this morning at 4:50 to let her out :mad: ...And I am not a morning person...but Gracie sure is! :D

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I don't know what the heck has gotten into Scully this week but her sleep schedule seems to be off. Around 2:00 a.m. we hear her moving around a lot in her crate and then she decided that 3:30 was going to be her time to wake up and go potty every morning. She has always slept right through until 4:45 on weekdays when our alarm goes off or even longer on weekends. I don't know what the heck is going on.

This morning she woke up at 3:45 which WOULD have been 4:45 so for some reason she was more "on schedule."

I too am dreading the endless barking tomorrow night. There's not enough chocolate in the world to compensate. :P

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Darcy got up around 4:30. I was surprised because she had a super busy day yesterday and last night. At least she went back to bed! Tomorrow night should be interesting as our first Halloween with dog.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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I seem to be the lucky one here. My two sleep late and don't get up until we get up....8am, 10am, 6am...doesn't matter since they wait until we wake up to stir.

Finch didn't understand the time change. She wants to eat at 3pm....on the dot!! Today it was 4pm....lol!

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My two usually eat when I get home around 5:30pm but tonight with the time change they started hounding me around 4pm, thinking it was close enough. I took them outside to play and finally gave in at 5pm. I also had to setup a couple lights on timers so they won't be in the dark until I get in.

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I thought I was the only one that was worried that they shouldn't have to stay in the dark until I get home :P Do they really care or notice the difference? Everyone thinks I am nuts. As far as Halloween barking, ear plugs sound good to me. Mine bark at a leaf flying by!!

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Savannah actually sleeps until one of us wakes up, so luckily, we didn't have any problems with the time change. I am interested to see how Savannah does tonight with the Trick-or treaters. She tends to bark at the doorbell so we may sit on the front porch tonight and let Savannah out on her leash.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

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oh goodness, yes this is a problem :shock:

Already for about a month Teona has been getting up between 4-5am. My husband and I have resorted to wearing ear plugs to bed :devil:

When Teona wakes up she just whines in her crate until you let her out.

I normally would like the girls to sleep until 5 for the morning potty and feeding. This way they have 2 hours to run and play before I recrate them for the day.

This morning I got up at 4 to let the girls out becuause I feel it was already 5 to them. I guess I need to slowly get them back to schedule.

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Guest Darcy's Mom

Well, it just goes to show you, just when you think you're the only person in the whole world who would leave on lights for your dogs, a post comes along like this and you realize "I'm not so crazy after all." In fact, we even leave on a really dim lamp for the girls just in case they get up in the night and go into the kitchen to get water. After all, I can't see how to manuever (sp?) in the dark, why should they? And I thought I was the only one. I should have known.

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Well, I feed them later then kept them up playing around an extra hour or so and low and behold they all slept in to the usually time. My older two will sleep until they hear noise in the house but Sugar was on a timer.....I just made sure she went to bed tired....very tired and with a full stomach.

Trick or Treators tonight so I will pull the wagon around to the front and put them in with the leashes attached and they will get love and attention. It will probably be harder this year with Sugar but maybe not, she is almost as good as her brothers.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Mine don't get up until we do either so setting the clock back was a canine non event in our house. As for tonight, we live in an area with very few children so the porch light stays off and the guys won't (well, I hope) bark. I know, I guess I seem like the Halloween grinch! :(


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thank god we live in the boonies....no kids for us tonight. The barking would be too much all night. I did take them trick or treating at our business today....nothing worse than the bosses crazy wife and her puppies!!! But they play along nicely! They wore me out though, boy were they wired!!! They started stirring an hour early this morning....hope to nip that quick!

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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We don't get many trick or treaters, if we did, We'd dress up like like characters from the Wizard of Oz and greet them at the door. Or so I like to think, I took Brody and Mia to my village's halloween parade and Brody barked like mad at all the kids in costume, I finally had to pick him up. Mia was a good girl.

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