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New Puppy


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Hello Everyone - We just received a new cairn - her name is Gracie and she's 12 weeks old. This is our first cairn and we're already in love. She's so bright. I welcome any good advice on raising this beautiful pup. I'm not sure how to post a pic - so I've added it as an attachment.post-1143-1130374843_thumb.jpg

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Gracie is a really cutie pie. We are in love with our little boy pup too (know the feelin!) . Congrats on your new puppy. This forum has wonderful advice. I have been away from it for a week and couldn't wait to get back and read all the new posts.

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What a sweet little face she has! Welcome to the forum! You will love it here!

My onlyadvice is to remember to have patience. It was really hard for me when Savannah was a puppy because so many things were going on at one time. Potty training, teething, chewing, sleeping through the night, nipping, etc. Potty training was the hardest for me because I often felt like I wasn't doing something correctly. I think it just takes these guys longer to learn the whole potty training idea than we would like. They WILL get the potty training, it just feels like they never will sometimes. Be patient with them and once you are over the major hurdles it will SO be worth it. They are such loving dogs!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Beautiful little girl.

If I were to give you any advice I would say use a crate to train your baby girl. It will help you, Gracie may fuss a little but she will get use to it and that will be her place. If you can't watch her crate her for no other reason than her saftey.

Good luck and keep the pics coming


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Gracie is so cute - what a sweet face. I'm no expert - I had a terrible time training my Tink, but I know crate training is the best way to do it. I've had good experience with the crate previously. This time I was dealing with the puppy, a job, and a husband that didn't get the crate training idea well. Anyway, we finally made it to a pee free house!



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She is just adorable. Everyone has given you some great advice. Just remember that a Cairn will try and get away with whatever they can....they're quite humorous while being naughty so it's hard sometimes stop bad behavior when you're laughing.

Keep a sense of humor and be consistant but most of all....Enjoy her!!

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I forgot to add advice earlier. Patience, patience, patience, truckload of carpet cleaner and odor neutralizer, more patience.....buy a kong to fill with treats for distracting dog when it is grooming time, eardrops time, etc. I came back from a trip and my Crunch had dried poop on his hinny. I had to do some heavy duty work with the baby wipes to remove the mess. I swear I could do surgery on the dog if he has a kong to work on. :lol: Oh yeah, and reading the forum keeps one sane. You realize that you are normal and the dog is normal. :thumbsup:

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Gracie looks so cute!

If you participate in the posts, you'll find this :devil: very handy.

But don't let that stop you from loving your new baby!!!

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Welcome to our home!

Gracie is absolutely adorable. You will always find here not only good advice but kind-hearted people who will always be there for you.

I agree wholeheartedly with what everyone said - patience, patience and then more patience. Just like raising a child, they do "get it" finally so remember that the potty training, nipping, etc. will pass. Just enjoy your little Gracie every possible moment. I wish you many happy, healthy years with her ahead.

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Guest rottndobie
Hello Everyone - We just received a new cairn - her name is Gracie and she's 12 weeks old.  This is our first cairn and we're already in love.  She's so bright.  I welcome any good advice on raising this beautiful pup.  I'm not sure how to post a pic - so I've added it as an attachment.post-1143-1130374843_thumb.jpg


Two things I feel are extremely important - 1) Crate Train and 2) Socialize

These are the most importing things you can teach or do for your new puppy. Far as socialization goes - you only have until they are 16 weeks of age to have them come into contact with EVERYTHING they will as an adult. That means you need to get them out and about in the world. Let them see and be exposed to a wide variety of noises, people and things. This is per Phaffenberger's New Knowledge of Dog Behavior - link to follow.

Crate training is important not only for housebreaking purposes but also to prevent destructive behavior during puppyhood. Crate whenever you are not able to supervise. Links to follow..

Critical Behaviour Periods ~ from Clarence J. Pfaffenberger, The New Knowledge of Dog Behavior

Critical periods in your puppy

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Gracie is so cute! She would make a beautiful girl friend for my Bear. He's 18 weeks old. You have been given such excellent advice from everyone. I just want to add that what I do most for Bear is love him. So, I say give Gracie lots of love. Just remember, that love is more than caring for her physical needs. It's also discipline and taking the time to train her. I admit Bear is the first dog I have ever spent time taking to training classes. It's a lot of fun, and I feel a very close relationship developing between us....a warm bonding that I have not felt with a pet before. I encourage you to invest in puppy classes for you and Gracie.

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Gracie is so cute!!!!! I just love puppies. Gracie would make a beautiful girl friend for my Bear. He's 18 weeks old. You have been given such excellent advice from everyone. I just want to add that what I do most for Bear is love him. So, I say give Gracie lots of love. Just remember, that love is more than caring for her physical needs. It's also discipline and taking the time to train her. I admit Bear is the first dog I have ever spent time taking to training classes. It's a lot of fun, and I feel a very close relationship developing between us....a warm bonding that I have not felt with a pet before. I encourage you to invest in puppy classes for you and Gracie.

MAKE it a GREAT day!!! :D


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If you are able to do so - walk your Cairn and exercise him/her. While small - they are also a hunting breed - nose to the ground. Let them out - sniiff and discover. We walk Rusty at minimul 2 miles per day - once in the a.m, noon and after dinner. He is fit and sleeps well. I'm also a believer of a crate - over time Rusty has graduated to just at night time or while we are away - in the crate. We use a flexible long leash - for additional room to run.

Welcome - you will learn a ton from this forum.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who responded. I feel that I can do this with your help. I'm very impressed with how caring everyone is. You may not believe it, but Gracie likes her crate (the one she flew to us in). We bought a regular open crate and she hates it. We are using it now for "toy" storage. I am very lucky, I retired a few days before Gracie came, so I am able to spend a lot of time with her. That why I think her potty training is going so well. I'm curious as to why they try to eat their poo - anyone know why? Again, I thank you for your kindness in making me feel so welcome. Bonnie

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I don't know why they do it but I know a lot of them do. Savannah does it from time to mine. Grosses me out BIG TIME!!!! :sick:

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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