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Pilate's...Cairn style


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Today I bought a couple pilate tapes because there seems to be no more room in my house for my bowflex. You'd think my dogs never saw me on the floor before. One is licking my ear, the other (Elliott) jumps on my stomach. I put my 5lb weights down for 1 minute only to find Elliott has chewed a piece off them. The sit-up part begins on the tape but I can't sit up....there's a dog reclining on my hair. After about 10 minutes of this, I found myself frolicking on the floor with them and forgetting about the firmer ab's.

Oh well...... :whistle:

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Boy does that sound familiar! And I find the excuse that my Cairn won't let me exercise on the floor works wonders as to why my butt is this size. :D

I tried doing some floor exercises and this one decided to chew on my hair, climb up onto my chest and lick my face - oh well!

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I could not complete a Pilates tape because Alfie always thinks I want to play with him. Same with yoga (**looks at ever-growing waistline**). He does not bother me when I do Tae Bo but the truth is these tapes are just accumulating dust....DH told me I have to use them to actually get results....too many excuses...

I've been telling my DH to get a treadmill (as if!) but I want Alfie to also use it especially when we can't go out for walks.

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:D Whenever I run on my treadmill Gracie just sits and stares at it. I feel like she is saying can't you go any faster.

This summer I was training for a marathon, and it was an incredibly hot day, so instead of running 15 miles outside, I ran it on my treadmill. When you do these endurance runs, you are supposed to load up on carbs before the run and then a few times during you should take energy gels. They are goo like consistancy of basicly pure sugar and caffine in a little pouch. Well I was in the middle of my run when I noticed Gracie was chewing on something. I stopped the treadmill to find she had eaten a whole pouch of energy gel. Keep in mind I normally use half of the pouch at the start of the run and the other half during the middle and I am 135 pounds. Gracie (only 8 pounds at this point) decided she needed extra energy I guess...she was wired all afternoon! A Cairn on caffine and sugar is sight to behold. However, I don't think she felt the best because one of her ears was up and the other one was down...she kind of looked drunk! :confused: I was a little concerned, but she is still with us and has not done it since! :halo:

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**A Cairn on caffine and sugar is sight to behold**

Hahahah :lol:

They're active enough as it is, without any power bar!!! I can't imagine what that must have been like!

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Great story about Gracie!!! Darcy drank out of my coffee cup one morning when I wasn't looking... she was nuts all day! And yes, I have to have plenty of cream & sugar! LOL!!!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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