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My cute look


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Well, already this a.m. - I've snagged a permanent market - chewed the top - and thankfully left the ink part for the upright to find on the steps ! Then.....more fun - was looking for some more creative art supplies ( the little one always leaves me something on the floor to work with) and poof !! a pencil that needed sharpening - and so I whittled away on it. I'll let you know how much more fun I can have on this rainy day - no walk ! But thought you might want to know why I always seem to be forgiven for my fun !


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With that adorable face, you can get away with ANYTHING!!!!! What else would your mommy do with her day if she didn't have you?

I could just SQUEEZE you to pieces!

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Absolutely... I would forgive you in a heartbeat! Could you BE any cuter???? I wanna squeeze you too!!!! Beautiful coloring!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Good strategy....take a snooze on that comfy couch and get rested up for your next 'project'. :thumbsup:


P.S. Playdoh is fun and don't forget about that fun 'roll-y' thing in the bathroom.

Cathy and Piper

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Hey Eli -

Know what else is fun? To get into that candy stuff that your up-rights have stashed for Howl-a-ween! Dad was watching me Saturday while Mom slept late. When Mom got up and went looking for me, she found me with a pack of Nerds in my mouth. She got to me before I had them opened though (dang it)! I love it when Dad watches me! Maybe Mom will take a vacation and leave me and Dad alone!!! I could have all kinds of adventures if she was gone!



<<<Mom shutters at the thought of Savannah and Dad left alone...>>>

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Savannah... RIGHT ON! I like the way you think girl! The bossy lady of the household is always telling the semi-bossy man of the household how to handle me. If she left town, I would simply be in heaven!!! Lots of fun would be in store for me if she'd just go away for a while.

Love, Darcy

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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The semi-bossy man in the house is SO naive! I constantly hear him tell the bossy lady, "I am sure she in not into anything", as I snicker under my breath. The bossy lady has learned that quiet = trouble. The semi-bossy man thinks quiet = sleeping. Boy is he usually wrong!!! The bossy lady told the semi-bossy guy Saturday that he was fired from puppy-sitting duties. Won't be long and she will want to go to that mall place and will leave me with the semi-bossy man again. I am just trying to figure out how to get on top of that desk where the bossy lady moved the yummy candy!!!



We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Opps, Sorry Rusty! I think that you and Eli joined around the same time and you both seem to have equally fun adventures so I get confused! My bossy one dropped me on my head when I was a pup so that could also be the cause. Anyway, sorry again!


We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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You must be all hopped up on the halloween candy!!! My bossy mommy dropped me the first day she had me. She cried, but then said it was my fault because I squirm too much... what the heck is squirm anyway??? She's nuts that bossy mommy.

So Rusty,

You're the artsy type huh??? Wow... I could really grow to love you! What do you think your next masterpiece will be? Bossy mommy has an artsy job and she took me to all of her outdoor concerts this year... I had so much fun! I got to sniff lots of butts and eat all sorts of foreign things from the grass.

Love to you both!


Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Due to discussions of our dogs' interest in the arts, I wonder if this is the time (and when you read this, you will wonder if there ever was a time...) to tell the story of one of my pottery instructors and her dog. (I think I've mentioned I am a potter -- this story is from some years ago when I was learning the craft.)

If my instructor didn't watch her dog in the studio, he had a habit of eating her clay. One day he pooped out an entire "tootsie roll" of clay. If seemed to be entirely clay so -- she threw it into the bisque kiln and fired it. Yup, a perfectly fired clay turd, processed both by dog and kiln. She brought it into class to show us.

Allie seems to have no interest in the arts, thank goodness.

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OH MY GOSH KATHRYN!!!!!!! One of the areas I oversee in my job is our Clay Arts Studio with 7 potters (and I myself am a potter too)! They are going to LOVE hearing this story!

When I used to take Darcy to work with me for the first 2 months we had her, she absolutely hated going into the Clay Arts Studio. I think it was something of the smell of either clay or the chemicals in the glazes... who knows. She hated going in there, but it was the quick and direct route out of the facility to go outside.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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AllaboutPetey...your babies are so cute! Riley's a wheaten too.

It's amazing how many Georgia Cairn owners are in this board. Are y'all aware of any cairn event in Georgia?

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Oh, that was hysterical.

I'll bet something like that could sell on Ebay.

"For sale...an authentic dried and dyed stool...produced by Cairns, Inc.

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This is absolutely comical! relief! I'm ready to market and sell the "clay" wonder. You know how people have tennis balls that look like they were thrown threw the glass window? We could make these into dog poop magnets, car applications, or the ice cube one, or let's put it into a still, acrylic frame - and enter into an art show. I live 1 mile from the Moravian tile works - Bucks County PA - we could get a tile made. I'll ask Rusty what he thinks of the idea. Like, what color etc? OK? ;)

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:P The clay poop thing is great! Everytime I use the pooper scooper it is an adventure with Gracie. I just never know what I am going to find in there...a half eaten toy, wood chips, my daughter hair ribbons (all in one piece). Always something of interest! :sick:
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Awwww, geee.... I thought you were talking to me! You dawgs ROCK! ANd the poop fired in the kiln....that is hilarious. My Bossy one would probably pay good money for that! Tho I can produce the real thing for her, she doesn't seem to want it. I have not been much into art lately, tho I would jump at the chance. I am into fall decorating: bringing in leaves, sticks, and acorns and carefully arranging them on the carpet. Some I carry in my mouth, and much gets a free ride in on my coat. I have heard about this "snow" stuff and am looking forward to it!



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Hey Eli,

Turn's out we are both pretty "creative" kind of dog's. You with the fine decorating skills - keep the house spruced up now. Well, got to go - found a pen, oh and some nice chewy eraser. That clay sounds like something I would like to dabble in.


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