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phone call last night


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First of all, I've been off here for a while........broke elbow, healing nicely. Secondly, planning a wedding with short notice for my daughter.

Last night, the lady I talked to at Lowe's called me. I mentioned her in a thread this past summer. She had her cairn terrier in the store, and we exchanged numbers.

She's wanting to find a home for her cairn. Apparently, she works a 3- 11 shift and the dog won't let her sleep. She said he wanted to play constantly. To make a long story short....she no longer wants her dog. She thought I may know someone who'd take him.

I suggested she go online to col. potters rescue and see if there was anything they could do for her. I told her if he wasn't male, I'd consider it. But, 2 male dogs in the same home may not jive.

Does anyone have any suggestions for this lady that I can pass on? She said he's housebroke. Apparently, she has a kennel but doesn't use it.

I'd really like to help her find her pup a new home. He's about Booker's age, Booker's almost a year old.........jan


He who laughs last thinks slow.

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I get frustrated when I hear of stories like this. Of course her Cairn won't let her sleep if he's been alone all day!!! What was she thinking when she got the dog in the first place?? I could babble on and on....grrrr, moan, groan.

Anyway, yes, I think Col. Potter's would be an excellent choice for re-homing the dog.

God Bless you for trying to help that Cairn.


Cathy and Piper

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Jan I would be we just took an extra in over the summer I had heard the stories about not to mix 2 males but we tried it anyway (with the option of taking him back if things didn't mix). We added Scruffy to our family and have never regretted it in the least. If you are serious about adopting him for yourself the lady might let you take him on a trial basis. The first week was the only time we had any difficulty and it was not difficult at all there was just an adjustment period where the boys were getting to know each other.

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Guest rottndobie

I see no reason not to have 2 males (I plan on it..lol). A lot depends on the temperament of the males in question. If one is dominant and the other is not, would work out just fine - same if both were layed back/mellow. It would only be if two were both dominant that you might have a problem. IMHO if you think you might be interested in this boy, I'd see about giving it a try.

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We also have two male dogs, one year apart in age.....they are like blood brothers they get along so well. My daughter just got her second male dog, hers are about 1.5 years apart and they are like long lost brothers too.

I would give it a try, with the understanding you could return him if need be.....that is if you are even considering a second dog.


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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I talked to my daughter today. She thinks it would be a bad idea if I were to take in the pup. If you notice my original post about breaking a bone in my elbow, I didn't mention how I did it.

I was taking Booker outside to potty. He stepped in front of me. I didn't want to fall on him, so I took the hit on my left elbow/hand. Broke bone in both elbow and hand on the concrete porch. Believe you me, all I could do was turn over, sit on my behind and repeat over and over, "I think I'm gonna puke."

Well, anyway, my daughter reminded me that if I had another dog....chances are greatly improved that I may trip again, and sure don't want that to happen.

Back to original subject, I'm open for suggestions to tell this lady.........jan


He who laughs last thinks slow.

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Before we got Alfie we looked at a few dogs posted in Peftinder.com. Apparently the results are quicker if she has internet access, but if she lists her phone number I think it would also be OK. When I called about a cairn a month ago, there were 4 others who already called.

We found Alfie via a bulletin board in a shelter. His picture was up with a phone number to call, that simple. Alfie's previous owner had around 5 other inquiries and lucky for us we were the first to call.

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Jan....I can totally understand why another dog might not be in your best interest. Two is definitely harder to handle than one, for sure.

If I remember right, you are in a townhome?? That also makes it harder when you need to constantly leash them to go out for a potty break.


P.S. I reread my previous post and I probably was a bit harsh. Sorry......

Cathy and Piper

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