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Doggie birthday party


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On October 30, Allie will turn 8. Her birthday has always been occasion for a gathering of friends, dogs and their people alike. We have our friend Bette and Allie's best friend Walt, the border collie. My cousin will bring in her dobie, Xena (and we'll miss her Swiss Mountain Dog, Ty, who she lost earlier this fall). My friend Janet will bring her standard poodle, Grace. And friends Betsy and Greg will bring their new miniature long-haired dachshund, Pepper, only 4 months old (in previous years they brought a little stuffed dog on a leash to be "eligible").

We take the dogs to a large neighborhood yard for a long run and games, then return home where the dogs get their treats. Then the people get their dinner, and we aim for a true gourmet meal (now you're beginning to realize that this party is really for the people!). Of course, it has to have a dog theme. We made a southern meal once so we could have "hush puppies." We have found different wines and beers with dog and terrier themes. We finish with a dessert for the adults and a doggie carrot cake (special dog recipe) for the pups.

We're starting to plan and it occurred to me that all of you could really help with some ideas for the food and drink. Any ideas for a dog-themed party?


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Wow, I love to cook so this would be right up my alley. Here's an idea.....for the adult food, since you have so many different breeds, why not have a pot luck and have the adults bring a dish that represents the country of origin of their dog. For the poodle owners, something French, for the Daschund, something German, etc. You provide the beverages and dessert. I think that would be fun and you would have a very ethic meal. Keep us posted.


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Well my first thought is, a Halloween themed party. You could have all the dogs come in costume and maybe do a costume party for the people as well.

I like Mike's idea of the pot luck food coming from the origin of the dogs. You could also as your guests to rename their dish something dog like... for instance if you had pigs in a blanket you could call them Howl-o-weenies *that way it could also tie into a Halloween theme.

You could also so something focused around the number 8. Not exactly sure of any specifics at the moment, but was just a thought.

We have to come up with an idea for Darcy's 1st birthday (Jan 9) and this has got me thinking maybe a New Year's Eve bash for Darcy and her dog friends (and our people friends).

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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