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Sporn Halter


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LOL! I am definitely not good with this stuff. When I purchased it at Petsmart the saleswoman put it on her but she really didn't know too much about what she was doing.

I was just attempting to put it on Scully and I've been wrestling with her because she keeps grabbing it and now we're having a tug-of-war. For the life of me I can't figure out how the heck it goes on.

Does anybody have any EASY step-by-step instructions for me to follow? I CAN tie my own shoes - but obviously I can't help my dog. :(

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lol, I feel your pain!!!!! I have them for ellie and dori too, at first they gave me a heck of a time. What I do is put it all together, leaving the collar part undone.....slide the collar on and then slip each leg in the black thingies and then hook the collar. It works pretty good now that I got the hang of it. And with the fleecie things, the easiest way to put them on that I have found is take a straw, then clip the hook on it, send it through the fleece thing then hook it up....works really good. I know, clear as mud, huh?

I can take pics and email them!!! LOL

Edit: One thing.....I forgot to take them off the girls when i was in a hurry, put them in the their crates and Dori chewed the black straps up.... :shock: So i went to JoAnn Fabrics and bought some new strapping and remade them. Something to keep in the back of your mind if you're not smart enough (like me) to take them off!!!! I'm so blonde.....

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Between not being able to figure it out - and Scully grabbing the ends and pulling for all she's worth - I just called it a day. LOL! Thanks so much for the help. I'll print it out for the next time I try. :P

in the black thingies
Phew! I'm glad you went to the same technical school as me. :D
I'm so blonde.....

I'm a brunette. What's MY excuse other than I'm over 50 and I'm getting senile?

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I really don't think I could have figured the Sporn out on my own, either!

Thankfully, hubby did and showed me the easiest way. Now, as for me attempting to explain it in writing.....lol!!


Cathy and Piper

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I found myself getting so frustrated with that darn thing that I was ready to toss it out a window! Try getting it on 2 Cairns with both operating in high drive.

Yes, the trick is to assemble it and make sure all straps are not tangled. Put the collar part on, slip the legs in making sure the fleece is where it's supposed to be and then snap the collar.

Piece of cake! :whistle::lol::lol::lol:

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in the black thingies

Phew! I'm glad you went to the same technical school as me. :D

I'm so blonde.....
I'm a brunette. What's MY excuse other than I'm over 50 and I'm getting senile?


Well, if it makes you feel better, I'm not a real blonde and I'm creeping up on 53 reeeeeal soon!!!! :lol:

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I feel your pain! I was lucky to have someone show me how to put on the Sporn. It took me a while until I really got it, but it was worth the effort. It would be best if you had someone demonstrate how to do it. Maybe if you went back to Petsmart, there might be a different person who can help you.

The best thing about the Sporn is that it really works very well. With my pooch, the pulling stopped like magic! I was impressed with it. It made walking a pleasure.

I also have to admit that sometimes I still get it wrong. When I'm trying to put it on Mr. Wiggles & the loops & straps get twisted, I have to take it off, lay it out on the floor to untangle it & start all over again. If the results weren't so good, I'd have given up long ago. Hang in there! (Pardon the pun).


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Piper was very good at first with the pulling. The Sporn seemed to really slow him down. But, not anymore!! He still pulls as hard as ever!! He is on his nightly mission to 'kill, kill the rabbits'.

Wonder if maybe we aren't putting it on correctly??


Cathy and Piper

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I'm going to practice myself and see if I can get it. I like the idea of going back to Petsmart with it and asking the manager or someone to show me how to do it.

Once again, I feel better knowing other people felt like they were all thumbs. :P

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Alfie makes it clear that he doesn't like putting it on. He bites on it while I'm figuring it out, then once I get the collar around his neck and snaps it shut in front, he runs upstairs and sits on the landing, looks at me, looks at the door, then runs downstairs to the door, scratches the door and then bites the hanging fleece sleeves to try and get it off. Then I go nooo sweetie, you can't go out without the collar, while he continues to pace up and down. He'll finally give up and let me slide his legs through the sleeves. It's a whole 10-15 minute exercise. He also bites the leash when he sees the opportunity.

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I was told that it helps to think that putting on a Sporn halter is like putting a sweater on a wiggling child..First you put the legs through the loops, then put the head through the collar (or snap the collar around the neck)... or was it the other way around?...Oh well...


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Just think of all the calories we burn while we're putting these on!!!! LOL I should be out walking the girls right now, they're barking at the combine a few fields over..... <_<

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I just walked Scully over to the groomers. I was upstairs in the bedroom and asked her if she wanted to go for a walk - OMG - she ran all around and down three flights of steps to the family room where she knew her leash was. She gets so excited she comes over to you so you "think" you're going to get the leash on her and then she runs to the door. Phew!!!

My other Cairn would go flat out on all fours when I took her and I'd tell her "girls LOVE to get their hair done, this is a nice place." Scully just runs in there and goes around to all the girls and they pick her up and she kisses them no end. What loving dogs these are!

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well i just took ellie and dori for their walk, they were on the front porch so i took the sporns out there and started to put their sporns on them. Ellie was so happy, she peed.... :confused: Thank god I had the water resistant cover on my glider sofa.....She knew I was ticked too.

You say go outside to them and they go nuts too. I try not to get them wired though, cause you know what Ellie would do...sigh.

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