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waggin in her sleep

Guest mrskti

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i know someone posted about their pup waggin their tail in their sleep, well Dori is asleep on the back of my chair, sound asleep, waggin her tail and smackin me in the face!!!! LOL It's a rainy dark day here and I cant seem to get movin, i'm just resting my head back, with my laptop sitting here....and there she goes!!!! Gotta love em'!! :wub:

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Just the other night, I dozed off while watching TV. My husband works graveyard, so he was already gone to work. I woke up to Cooper growling ferociously and I was afraid somebody was in the house. Well, once I came to my senses, I saw him in the middle of the living room, lying there SOUND (but not soundless) asleep, growling! Scared the crap out of me!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Oh pat that's funny.....these cairns sure are funny. I have gotten nothing done today, we three have been dozing in and out in my big ol' chair....just one of those days.

Dori spent her first whole night out of the crate last night, she did great. Slept with me all night. I've had her in the bed for a couple of night, but never the whole night. the first night I got a big ol' slurp across the face in the middle of the night, she's so sweet. Cant' trust ellie out, i'm sure she'd pee all over the place!!! :thumbsdown: Not to mention the last two mornings she thrown up a bit, not sure what that's all about.

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That was us! We posted about Darcy wagging in her sleep. She actually did it the other night while we were sound asleep and she was in her crate. I woke up thinking someone was knocking on our front door! LOL!!!!!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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