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Sleeping on my bed in front of my fan


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My parents usually keep the house at 76 degrees & that is still too warm for me. I have a hard time falling asleep unless I am cold. So, I went & bought a fan at Walmart & this thing is awesome. It's the type of fan used to cool a big room, but it's small enough to fit on my desk. Anyway, I put the fan on a table by my bed & one night Frisky was pawing at my bed & was panting.

So, I picked him up & he went and laid down directly in front of the fan. This started a few months ago & he sleeps in front of that thing every night. About 3 weeks ago, I got called back into work while on my way home & so I didn't get home at my usual time. Well, I usually go to bed between 1am & 3am & so that is what time my dog is used to getting settled for the night. Apparently, my dog woke my mother up at 2:00am by pawing at the bed & panting. She thought he had to go out & so she got out of bed & he started walking towards my room. She followed him into my room as he stands at the foot of my bed & then looks up at her. She picks him up, sets him on the bed, & starts to walk out.

Okay, now get this........... Frisky barks at my mom & then starts panting. She happened to remember the thing about the fan & so she turned it on & then he immediately laid down & got comfortable.

Anyone else's dogs sleep in front of a fan?

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jason that is a cute story, these dogs arent stupid!!!!

Mine dont sleep right in front of the fan, but we listen to the thunderstorm cd every night!!!!

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Jason, that's really adorable!! Scully is a pillow queen. She loves to smoosh up the pillows on the sofa and settle herself in for a nap. I made the mistake of putting one of the pillows from the loveseat in the family room on my lap. Scully jumps up on the sofa, proceeds to smoosh the pillow on my lap, and then plops her queenly butt right on top of the pillow. Of course, much to my nose's chagrin, her rear end is right up against my chest so when the gas flows...well....it ain't pretty!

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Yea, the dogs' gases are quite strong!!!!

Oh, another thing Frisky does.... whenever I am watering the plants, Frisky love to try & bite.... yes.... bite...... the water........

Anyone else?

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That story was precious....just shows how intelligent these dogs are and how easily they get into routines. Guess this fan is gonna run no matter how cold it gets in your room, eh?

Elliott loves our fan too although I have it on the floor in our spare room. Isn't it funny how they'll love the wind from a car window, the wind from a fan but if you dare blow in their face......look out! :shock:

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Jason.....what a great story!

Sounds like you have a 'boss'!! He sure let's you know what he wants and right now!!! My little Toto had the nickname "Miss Bossy". She was the same way.


Cathy and Piper

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Oh Frisky loves when I drive down the freeway with the windows & the sunroof open! Oh & Dallas hardly ever gets cold so yea, the fan will run year round.

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That's too cute! Bailey's the same way with the air conditioner. He'll sleep on the farthest corner of the bed closetest to it when we have it on.



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My sweet Lucky (4 years old) always sleeps smack in the middle of our bed, directly under the ceiling fan. My to my husband's chagrin, the fan runs on high year round (even though we live in the northeast and have four full seasons). Gotta love it!

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We sleep with a box fan on at night for the noise (we have woods behind us and I CANNOT sleep if I can hear crickets or frogs chirping. It drives me insane!!!) Anyway, Our normal routine is for Savannah to get in her bed (crate) and I turn on the fan then go brush my teeth and such to get ready for bed. One night, I didn't turn the fan on before I started to get ready for bed. Savannah started crying and whining and was spinning around in her crate. I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I went and turned on the fan and she laid right down and closed her eyes! It is so funny the things that they get used too!!

Savannah tries to bite the water coming out of the sprinklers. The only time she is interested in the water coming out of the hose is when it hits the concrete or when we have a spray nozzle on it.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Yea, cairns definitely love a routine & they cannot seem to learn the idea of "sleeping in on the days your Dad doesn't have to get up early to go to work!"



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Cute story! These guys really do like their routines. On Sunday my DH was being sweet and let me sleep in. He got up with the kids, and took them out for their walk. Everything was going well until feeding time. My DH fed them and then the barking started. Grilly walked by his bowl, looked in and barked at him. Then Grill ran upstairs and barked at the bedroom door....well he came into the bedroom jumped on my head, and then gently pulled my hand with his mouth. I thought, what is he Lassie!? So, I get up he is going crazy....leads me directly to his bowl and I realize.....DH forgot to put in his teaspoon of pumpkin!!!!!!!!! We laughed so hard,

what a Super way to start a Sunday!!!!

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We kept a small fan in our basement family room during the summer and Scout loved sitting RIGHT in front of it. She would sit there for hours! She also loves the air coming from the vents in the car or coming from the windows. When she is hot, she will go and sit on top of the vents in the breakfast room or the dining room.....she's no fool! LOL!

Finch likes to "bite" water too. She also likes to "chase" the water when I move the hose around.

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Our air condition vent in the kitchen is in the floor, Kai-lee always lays right on top of it, she seems pretty comfy, the rest of us are always hot in the kitchen!

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Our air condition vent in the kitchen is in the floor, Kai-lee always lays right on top of it, she seems pretty comfy, the rest of us are always hot in the kitchen!

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******** Note to Self ******************

Do not & I repeat, do not take a drink when you know you might be reading a funny or cute story for you might have liquid coming out of your notes & on to your keyboard.

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