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Does your Cairn look up to another family pet?


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Although both Kiara and Abbey love the big dogs, only Hannah worships the ground they walk on. She will crawl on her belly around them with her ears glued back until they give her a kiss. She is totally in love with our Lab, Thor.

Here's Hannah getting kisses from him:


<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Awww, what a cute shot!!! Makes me miss my golden, Murphy. He was the 'caregiver' to all the cats here. I'd look out the front porch and he'd have a pile of cats on him, it was so cute.

My Dori looks like hannah, and does that ear back, belly crawl thing....I love it when she does it. too cute.

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Guest rottndobie

First what an adorable, sweet picture that is. Reminds me so much of Ashley and Shadow..




I would say Yup Shadow does look up to Ashley. He pretty much follows her around. He does have an independent side but for the most part, where Ashley is, so is Shadow.

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Cute shots everyone!!! Does everyone's Cairn do the ears back thing when they get excited?

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Somer....we call that the "Goobie" look, ears back, tail waggin'......lol.

Shadow looks like he has a Zorro mask on.....how cute!!


Cathy and Piper

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Very cute pictures!!!

My two "get along" with my DD's cat (whose coming home this weekend....DD's landlord found out about her...lol) but they certainly are not best friends. They will "sun" themselves together by the back door, but that's about it.

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Our older dog Indy (10 years), a mixed breed had a strong dislike for Gracie when we first got her. Gracie would try to lay down by her and Indy would get up and move. She would not even look her straight in the eyes. Well 8 weeks later, things sure have changed. Today I found the both of them asleep on the couch together. I did not think that would ever happen! Here are my girls :wub:




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We have another dog and Chi drives her crazy!! Never leaves her alone. Tess will be sleeping and along comes Chi at full speed and jumps on her head. Tess is great. She just gets up and goes in to another room (usually with Chi hanging on her back leg doing her impression of a buzz saw)

How do you tell if Chi is playing or if she is going to eat the other dog?

I really need to learn how to post pictures. I have a great one of them sleeping in Tess' crate.


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