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7 straight days of rain


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We've had a flood warning on for the past few days but today seemed to be the worst...a hard, non-stop rain that is starting to flood the streets....80% of our backyard is one big puddle and the dog's area is a swamp. Thank God it's on the cool side because if it was hot out, I know Elliott would have all 4 paws and half his body in this mudfest!

Between the rain, the fallen leaves and the mud, I need a stool-indicator to find their deposits! (except for Elliott's...his have been on my braided rug since this all started)

Why would a tough little dog who attacks hoses, jumps in full bathtubs, bobs for icecubes in his water dish be such a wienie when it comes to rain? I could squirt this dog for hours with the hose and he'd whine for more...what gives?

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What I don't get is Scully will go out and stay in the rain; she'll jump in her pool and barks and barks until you squirt her with the hose; but she hates it if you put her in a tub to wash her. Water's water isn't it??? I don't get it either.

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This is certainly a mystery for me too!!! You've seen the pics of Ellie Mae diving in the pool, well i figured bath time would be a no brainer, Not so...she was stiff as a board....Makes ya crazy!!!

Hope things dry up for you guys out east, that must really suck out there.

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Finally, some Sun today - Saturday. This has been the first time since we brought Rusty home (June) that we haven't enjoyed our long walks. Even so, we have walked in the constant drizzle - but not long enough for this frisky pup. Last Saturday - when it rained 9" - we decided to put a paper in the garage and on command he complied. We needed the rain - but glad to see sunshine - off for a walk - yeah!!


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"Hoses, backyard pools: good! bathtubs: bad!

This baffles me. Just a thought...From the dog's point of view perhaps the experience of being put into a tub, with or without water in it, is disturbing. After all, they're enclosed/trapped by tall, (to them) high, slippery white walls. Escape is difficult or impossible. The dog must perceive this as a very alien environment. I can guess that the antiseptic soapy smells from bathroom cleaning products are not reassuring to their sensitive noses either.

I'm trying to see it from their perspective, but who knows?


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OMG....when we start thinking like they do, it's all over!! :lol:

As you can see, Elliott is having 2nd thoughts about going in there. Am I lucky or what?


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Dear Kayharley,

Of course I think like they do! What's wrong with that? The day I stop doing that, it will be all over. Besides, I hate baths also. Woof!


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LOL! This is just too funny. Darcy is finicky with water, but it's hit or miss. She either likes the rain or hate it. She likes the falling snow or hates it. Hates the bath... but this weekend actually jumped in for us. These little ones are so odd!!! Consistency with water is non-existent.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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:lol: OMG, i'd say your lucky they dont want to go out!!!! We use to have a Samyoed that loved the mud, and you can only imagine what that was like.....sure was funny though. I should look up some of those pics.
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Guest Darcy's Mom

Speaking of baths, when our dearly departed Dusty was alive, and it was bath time, I swear that dog was part cat. I would wet her down and reach for the shampoo and she would grab my arm with her front paws and hold on for dear life. Much like a cat would do grabbing on to something with their front paws. We never were able to comfortably give Dusty a bath. Good thing they don't need baths very often. It took my husband trying to hold her, me wetting her down and then trying to shampoo her without getting the soap in her ears or eyes. Almost more trouble than it was worth. My husband and I would get as wet as Dusty!!

That's why Darcy goes to the groomer for a bath. So much easier - on everybody.

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After all, they're enclosed/trapped by tall, (to them) high, slippery white walls. Escape is difficult or impossible.

Savannah has perfected the art of hopping out of the tub. :devil: After she jumped out the first time and shook mud all over my nice newly painted walls in the hallway, Mommy learned to close the bathroom door when bathtime comes calling! At least we now limit the mess to one room!

Savannah loves water too but she is always very reserved about stepping out onto the grass first thing in the morning when the dew is still out. This morning was cool compared to what we have had around here (45) and Savannah didn't really know what to think about it. She was walking around outside like, "Hey what's going on". It will be funny to see her when it gets cold here. She was bred in Florida and now lives in GA so she is a wimp when it comes to cold weather.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

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