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Hello Everyone. We are new here, although I have been floating around for a few months. I have a 5 month old Cairn named Gracie. She is so cute...and as many of your "children" so naughty. It has been reassuring to read that she is totally normal though (right down to the poop eating :sick: ) Here is a photo of her in a very fitting halloween costume! Looking forward to getting to know you all.

Shelly (Gracie's Mom)

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Hello and welcome Shelly and Gracie! I know what you mean about reassurance...everytime I think Kai-lee is possessed I come here and find just how normal she is...

Maggie & Kai-lee

PS Gracie's picture didn't post.

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Hi Gracie & Shelly!

Glad you came abord. You're going to love it here... everyone is just great and it is certainly nice to know that you are NOT the only one!!!

Can't wait to see pictures... the more the better!!

Darcy & Kate

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Sorry Folks, I seem to be having some techical difficulties. I am trying to post some photos, but it just isn't working...any advice?

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I had the same problem posting a picture --- there is a place to click that says add attachment after you have put it in the browser --- click that before clicking add reply. If you have been doing that -- once you click the add attachment button it may direct you to a page that says "error" read carefully and you should see it.

It took me 4 attempts before i figured out how to post a pic !!

Here's our 11 week old

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