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Fetch with your Up-Rights

Guest Eli

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How to play Fetch with your Up-Rights:

1. Wait for a good time, like when your up-right is cooking, talking on the phone, or on the computer.

2. Present your toy and look all cute. Sit pretty and gaze at them. Wag your little tail. You know the drill.

3. Nudge the toy closer to them if they ignore you. Whimper a little. Keep looking cute.

4. When they finally give in a throw the toy, bring it back enthusiastically. Just to get 'em engaged.

5. Don't fall for those "fake" throws. What's up with THAT?

6. Then fetch, but lay down with the toy just out of their reach. I do this when the Alpha B*tch sits on the floor at MY level. Make 'em WANT that toy.

7. Chomp FASTER when they try to get the toy.

8. Fool 'em. When they throw it, bring back a DIFFERENT toy. Continue to stay out of reach.

9. Don't let them get too bored or distracted. Let 'em have the toy every once in a while.

10. If they get bored and leave you, wait a little while. Then repeat all of the above. As often as necessary.



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Savannah adds to #3. If wimpering doesn't get their attention, bark really loud, especially if they are cooking. Then you scare your Mommy and make her spill spaghetti sause all over the stove. Daddy upright laughs.... (Trust me, I speak from experiance!)

Woof! Savannah

Savannahs Mom here: I thought Savannah was the only one that did number 6!!! Must be another Cairn trait!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

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Dear Eli,

Right on man! I'm glad you have started a "How to" diary for us dogs. The other thing I like to do is run all over the house while playing fetch like a mad woman. It makes my uprights freak out. I just do it to see them laugh & smile... that is my job after all!

Lots of Licks, Darcy

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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I'm big on #6. Heck, we aren't retrievers! We are TERRIERS! I thought I invented #6, but apparently my Airedale predecessor did the same thing, so I think it's a terrier trait. We are just too smart to be retrieving over and over again all day. Gotta mix it up, if you know what I mean!

Retrievers DROOL, Terriers RULE!



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