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Saidi and I were attacked


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That is horrible, if that happened to me I don't think I could walk Rebel on my own again,so far we have only met nice dogs.

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That is horrible! Did you know the owner of the dogs?

The other night, I was at work and my DH was at home with Savannah. He said he heard a growling, snarling noise and the neighbor across the street started screaming. He ran over to see what was happening becuase he thought that her dog had gotten a hold of her little boy but he was attacking their other dog. They finally got the two apart and the victim dog had a BIG gash and was bleeding from several places. The woman's 4 year old son was standing right there when it happened. Luckily she snatched him up before he got hurt. She told my DH that this was the 2nd time that this has happened in 3 months. Here is the clincher, the attacking dog is still out ALL THE TIME with no leash or supervison. Before this incedent, the dog has growled and barked at Savannah quite viciously. Now I am scared to walk her in my own neighborhood because of the attacking dog. I NEVER let Savannah out without a leash and she is never even aloowed to go up to another person or another dog unless they ask because some people just don't want a dog all over them. Why is it that between 2 families in our neighborhood, I can't take Savannah on a walk. One dog I am scared will attack and the other means no harm but is much bigger than Savannah and she plays very rough. I am scared she may hurt her unintentionally. Both dogs, no leash, unsupervised for probably 90% of the day. HELLO, can we please be responsible pet owners? What if that were a child???? What would the excuse be then? :soap: Sorry for the rambling but this post really hits close to home!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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ckadams007: You should call the local authorities (over pets) and explain the situation. It's possible that they will take a report with descriptions of what you were able to make out of the other dogs and owner. We had a dog running loose for several days in our neighborhood. We called and reported it and they were able to figure it out since other neighbors had called and reported it. Even if this is the first offense, it is imparitive to report!

savannahs mom: Since your hubby witnessed it, you guys HAVE to report.

:soap: I know that it is hard to report neighbors, but it would be horrible if one of those f-:censored:-ing inconsiderate dog owners just kept getting away with off-leash and bad behavior because NO ONE ever let someone know. Before something REALLY bad happens, report it you guys!

Sorry, this is just something I am very passionate about. And mostly, I don't want any furbabies (or worse) humans to get seriously hurt or worse.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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After an encounter a few years ago with a free roaming Shephard and my older Cairn Winnie, I now carry a canister of pepper spray with me when I go out walking.

And although I am a dog lover, I would not hesitate to use this spray if any of my Cairns were put in harms way because of inconsiderate dog owners.

Not only would I do what is necessary to insure the safety of my dogs, I might just be tempted to give the owners a dose of what they are subjecting their dogs to by not properly restraining them.

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Every time this topic comes up, it makes my blood BOIL!!

It has gotten very bad around here when we take Piper for walks. I can pretty much count on some type of encounter at least half the time. Many times it is unleashed dogs or some that have actually come thru an electric fence. Our neighborhood has over 1200 homes, so we have tons of dogs here.

Hubby was out of town last week, so I was walking him alone and not the least bit comfortable doing so. One street in particular has proved to be troublesome. But, I decided to walk on the opposite side of the street as I had not seen any dogs on it. Well, I no sooner turned the corner and here comes a Cocker Spaniel running up to Piper. Of course, I immediately scooped him up as he started to growl (he is no longer friendly to any approaching dogs since he has been "jumped" several times-just great-huh???).

The owner's were standing right there and did nothing!! Their dog was jumping up on my legs and Piperwas going nuts. Finally, I told them that Piper isn't the friendliest to approaching dogs and briefly explained why. They said nothing! I was so ticked that I reminded them of the city leash laws! Still no response?? No, "I am sorry", nothing???

I called our city and asked what the codes were regarding electric fences in the front yards. Turns out we have no ordinances. I explained what has been happening on our walks and the lady I was speaking to said that they have had many complaints and the city council were considering changing the laws to not allow them in the front yard.

I also have considered pepper spray but I am worried that I will hurt Piper in the process. I have also thought about a stun gun but my nephew, who is a cop, said that if my dog and another were in a scuffle that the shock could go thru that dog and possibley into Piper.

I didn't mean to turn this into "my thread", and, I apologize. But I am just so upset that any of us has to be writing about these attacks!! One of my neighbor's dogs was attacked this summer so severely that he needed hundreds of stitches. I have just had it......


P.S. ckadams....I am so glad that you and Saidi are both ok.

Cathy and Piper

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I am SO sorry that happened to you and Saidi, and am thankful that you guys made it through "physically" okay. I was wondering if you've seen this lady around the neighborhood before. There should be a common sense test before some people are allowed to own pets.

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So sorry this happened to you. :( My pup and I were attacked a couple of months ago, and I had to take him to the emergency room since he was bitten by a big dog. :( :( We are always trying to be cautious in our neighborhood because there are a couple of dogs who run loose. Despite telling police officers and having the postman write letters to them (he refuses to deliver mail to them if their dogs are off leash for fear of being bitten) they still do not leash their dog. He wanders the are in front of their house and sits on their porch, but what is to prevent him attacking us? :( :(

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That's really horrible. The owner did not even check on the extent of the injuries? I know exactly how you felt when the dog approached your side of the street. There wasn't enough time to react.

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Okay, first things first, you definitely should have gotten the owner's contact information in case you or your dog needed medical attention after the fact. This happened to me once and the guy refused to give me his information. I immediately called the police and before they showed up, he attempted to give me his contact information verbally. I'm sorry, but no way in hell would I take his word for it. So, I told him to hand me his driver's license. I took down his information and told him that I am only wanting his information in case something happened to Frisky or I. Hell, I had no full proof evidence as to whether or not that dog had rabbies (sp? :confused1: )

Anyway, yea, I have a hot temper and had to get screwed over. I so would've had your back in that situation if I had been there! :)

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My complaint's not as terrible as some of the others, but I live in a townhouse and the neighbor has a yappy little toy dog (even yappier than mine ^^), but what's ticking me off is that every morning as I leave for work, the neighbor has put her dog on a flexileash and then stays inside the house while her dog wanders around outside. This dog is not nice, and this always happens around the time that I'm leaving for work, so I walk outside and her d**m dog comes after me. This stirs up my dog inside the house, so then I can't open the door to get back in b/c I'm trapped by dogs on either side. She never comes out for her dog, she just kind of "reels" in him slowly after that. It's against the rules of our townhouse community to let your dog out of your control like that, and if it bites me, I'm going to kick the crap out of it...then go and kick the crap out of her. Sorry, it's been going on for 3 weeks now and I'm annoyed.

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I never walk my babies without my trusty stun gun. Huh, its a non-fatal zap of electricity and believe me, it will stop anything. Oh yeh, I will zap the sucker that comes after Elsa or Connor, then maybe zap the stupid owner too. :devil:

You can buy em at the mall, in the kiosks. Its the size of a pack of ciggies and it goes on my fanny pack along with my tunes and cell phone and doggie doo doo bags. Dh gave me for Christmas for when I go jogging alone.

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over here, anything like that (stun guns,pepper spray ect) are highly illegal,I go walking with my can of body spray perfume, sticking out of my pocket :lol:.any dog that's aggressive to us is going to smell really nice, and we all know how much they hate that!

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I never walk my babies without my trusty stun gun.  Huh, its a non-fatal zap of electricity and believe me, it will stop anything.  Oh yeh, I will zap the sucker that comes after Elsa or Connor, then maybe zap the stupid owner too. :devil:

You can buy em at the mall, in the kiosks.  Its the size of a pack of ciggies and it goes on my fanny pack along with my tunes and cell phone and doggie doo doo bags.  Dh gave me for Christmas for when I go jogging alone.


If use a zapper on many breeds (pit bull, mastiffs, any aggressive large dog) you are going to end up with one angry dog who is not going to give a darn about anything but attacking you for attacking it.


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My DH called and reported the attack today even though it was not on Savannah. The Animal Control people said that there are no leash laws in our county BUT that if there are 3 complaints on the same person, it is considered a nuisnace and action can be taken. They are supposed to call the neighbors today and let them know that a complaint came in about her dogs being unleashed. Luckily, they won't tell who reported it. I don't want to cause any friction between neighbors but enough is enough. If nothing improves, we are going to find 2 other people in the neighborhood to call and complain. I don't think that it will be hard to do. There was a group of us complaining about it yesterday. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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