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I have a hell raiser on my hands!


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ok, Petey has been home for like, 3 hours and hes barking at the tv, trying to hump my other dog, wont come when i call him, chews on everything he isnt supposed to and cries while hes on his leash! Looks like i have alot of work to do....

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Congratulations for your little angel :halo: Sounds like you'll have a lot of fun.

Post some pics whenever you can (if little Petey gives you some free time) :whistle:

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Ummm, when you get that coming when called thing down, you'll win the jackpot $100,000 bazillion dollar lottery. In essence, just enjoy his boundless energy and know that you have committed to a breed who will challenge you (similar to a young child) but it will be very rewarding too. Don't sweat the small stuff.

How is your other dog holding up?

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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On the "come when called thing"- I keep soft dog treats that I can break into small pieces in my pockets (at all times). If the boys won't come, I use my back up and yell "Cookies" which works just about every time.

And for those really bad days, I have freeze dried chicken liver on hand-which when all else fails will work.

My mother taught me to teach the boys 'cookies' every time I gave them a treat- that way they'd know the word for later Mommy desparation usage.

I've been told that it takes repeating a commant about 30 times for a dog to understand it- so hang in there.

Tracy- Bratt & Mett

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Sounds like you need a brisk walk, followed by some rowdy play time, and then a Kong stuffed with something yummy. Works for me!


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well hes doing ok i guess, he wont go to the bathroom outside! he just sits at my feet and stares at me! Then i put him back in his crate and he poops and pees in there! So today i have to give him a bath because he smells REALLY bad right now. Anyway, heres the only pic i have so far...sorry about the quality, its from my camera phone.


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Look at the Face!

How could that baby possibly be guilty of your accusations? Never Never in a million years would I believe that your Cairn puppy could ever do such thing?!!

(says the mom of two cairn's, laughing, and tee-heeing)

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He sure is cute! Certainly innocent looking!

Do you have his crate size adjusted to where he only has room to stand, lay, and turn around? We always took Kai-lee out immediately after letting her out of the crate, [picked her up and took her to her outside spot, on leash] we also took her out right before going back in the crate.

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What a dollbaby!!!!!

Best I can tell you is - welcome to the world of Cairns! Just remember...this too shall pass. It might take time but it will all calm down. Okay, maybe NOT the come when called thing - but... :D

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Would ya just look at that face!! He's just adorable!!


P.S. Hang in there with the potty training.

Cathy and Piper

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too cute! maisy is about 6 months now, and she was the same in the beginning. I got her at about 14 weeks. She still hous endless amounts of energy, but she has learned that the nipping is wrong. every time she did it,. i would say no bit, chew toy, and giver her a toy she could chew. now if i say chew toy she knows what it means. also, the potty thing is taking longer for us than i thought, but she is getting it now. acciedents still happen, but they are te exception rather than the rule now, so be patient. a puppy really is like having a high needs baby. a baby that moves really fast, and you can't put a diaper on! LOL

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well, hes starting to learn his name and he still wont go to the bathroom outside half the time! He just wouldnt go when i went out with him so i put him on a tie out and sat at the window and watched him....sure enough, a half hour later he went and i let him in. I hope he gets it soon.

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