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when is your cairn the cutest?


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I am just curious when you all think your little angel is the cutest during the day. Fiona, 4 months old, is so darn cute when I open her crate. Sometimes she doesn't even want t come out and I know i'm not supposed to make a big deal when she gets out, but she just comes right over to me and lets me pet her and she puts her little head on my lap and stretches...it is so adorable! :halo: i mean the death sprints are fun, and her stealing my shoes is even more fun :devil: but I just love right when she wakes up in the morning and is super cuddly...

Liz (Fiona's Mommy)

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I think my dog is the cutest in the morning when he's curled up on his towel in the kitchen while we get ready for work. He's still tired, so he flops on his back everytime we go by him.

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Jumping, bouncing, tumbling & careening off the walls at top speed after his favorite toy, with the eager, unshakable perseverance of a Gong Show contestant.

You'd swear you were watching a year old puppy... not an 11 year old Cairn. Ears up & alert, eyes shining, tail and entire backside going a mile a minute.

This truly is enjoyment of life at its fullest!


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Skeeter is the cutest in the morning. He takes his time to wake up. My husband and I wake up and get ready for work while Skeeter is still in bed sleeping (he sleeps with us). Then I go and start whispering sweet nothings to his ear so he will know its time to wake up. He just lets me love him and give him kisses. Then he stretches, looks at me with his little face :halo: and makes me believe he will wake up to go potty. WRONG! He just goes back to sleep a couple of more minutes until he is ready. It is a morning ritual but it just melts my heart :wub:

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Darcy is the cutest in the mornings. She goes outside for her morning ritual. Dashes upstairs at mach speed to jump on the bed to wake me up with tons of kisses (hubby takes her outside). Then she waits for someone, anyone to feed her breakfast. After she's done eating (on days that I can stroll into a work a bit late) she will come and curl up on my lap while I am still in bed. Lots of kisses, lots of stretches and the sweet little angel face.

The second best time is watching her "get it" when she's learned a new trick. The glimmer in her eyes and excitement that she can't contain is so refreshing and rewarding.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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I love it when Elliott wants something and comes to me with that "look". His eyes have so much expression. Winnie is at her cutest when she "howls" and Madison is adorable when she jumps up on the back of the sofa like a cat and perches.

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My favorite time is when Abe and Scruffy are sleepy and ready for bed, and if they happen to be a bit cold........they are so cuddly and snuggly. Abe has even been known to dive under cover head first while cuddled up to my side. He also likes to snuggle down between my husband and me like an Abe sandwich. Scruff doesn' seem to be as cold natured, so when he does it is an extra special treat!

mom of abe and scruf

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Tough question. Probably when Rusty is just waking up - stretching while on his back. And when he fall's asleep next to me on the sofa, and I pick him up and tuck him away in his crate. Another cute moment is when he see's a bug and leaps on it - or when he chases his tail -------I could go on...... and on. Puppies are just cute all together - and big one's too.

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Morning time is a great time for all of us. Dh takes Scout and Finch out in the morning, and they usually come running upstairs, jump up on the bed and wait for their tummy rubs! This morning I woke up to Scout, who was laying on my chest with her head under my chin. Finch was above my head (on the pillow) licking my bald head.....ah....love from Cairns....there is NOTHING better!

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I love when Savannah just wakes up too. She is so sweet and will lay on my chest for me to love on her until she wakes up good and we go out to potty. She is also adorable when she does her "shake" and "spin" tricks. You can tell by the look on her face that she knows that she is cute!!!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Guest mrskti

Dori is the sweetest when she get out of her crate in the morning, she stretches out and is so happy to see me, kissy, kissy, kissy!!! Also after she falls asleep on the bed at night with me and i go to get her to put her in the crate, she crawls across the bed on her belly with her tail a waggin and that cute little face of hers!!!

I guess with ellie is when she dances on her hind legs, that is just so cute.

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My Vinnie is the cutest when he comes in after doing his business in the morning. He's just so happy to be out of his crate and with his pack again, he's all happy and bouncy and just so full of stuff! I don't understand those of you who have Cairns that just snuggle (tho I am jealous :P ), Vinnie is non-stop from waking to absolutely dropping! I don't get any snuggles yet, hopefully when he gets a little more used to us? :)

The more I know of people, the more I like my dog.

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Alfie is the cutest right before dinner time when we're all a-buzz preparing the food and the table. He would sit on the same spot where he can quietly watch all of us and wait till we start to eat -- of course with that yearning look, head tilts and ears trying to catch all sorts of sounds :wub: -- then when he realizes that we're not giving him people food, he'll go straight to his bowl and finish what's in there. It breaks my heart not to give him food and see that face....but he's fine with his own food plus cheese pieces or cottage cheese..... :wub:

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I thought of ONE more cute thing Darcy does. When she wakes up from a nap, she licks her lips a whole bunch. She only uses the very tip of her tounge though and half the time it's just sticking out of her mouth. It's like she's got the "morning breath" thing going on and she's just trying to clear it out. It's just cute!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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I love when Kai-lee wants to nap in her crate and she goes in to arrange her blankies and stuffed bone setting them up just like pillows...also when she decides to "clean house" and bring her blankies & stuffed bone out of the crate!

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My Cairns are the cutest too many times a day which causes my housework to back up. :lol: I love it when I'm busy folding clothes and Kiara will steal one of our Lab's toys. She'll shake it for all it's worth and then drop it at my feet for me to toss it for her. Abbey is too darn cute when she naps. She always sleeps on her back in the cutest position. Hannah is always cute and she knows it. Sometimes she sleeps w/ me and othertimes she sleeps in her crate, which is by the bed. I love to pull her out of the crate an hour before I get up and bring her up in the bed w/ me. She never really wakes and I just love looking at her beautiful face. I also love the way she follows me w/ her tail always vibrating like a little spring. To watch all three of them running together and chasing eachother in the backyard is pretty cute too.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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