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who does your dog love?


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Rebel is still younge so mabey I'm ahead of myself here, but I've been surprised by the fact that he seems to have bonded with us all equally.I had read a few times while researching the breed that they tend to bond with one person,and it did concern me, but we haven't found that to be the case at all.

So do you find your dog has bonded with one person?

Rebell loves us all the same :wub: mabey because we all love him :wub:

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Scout seems to be a "daddy's girl", getting on daddy's lap, licking his face, and just spending alot more time with him (in the evenings). Finch is very much a "mommy's girl". She follows me around and loves to sit on my lap and lick my face...in fact a little too much!

But......they both listen better to me! Sometimes my DH can not get them to come to him, so he will call me over. All I have to say is "come", and they come right over...lol!

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Angus loves our little girls, but he's definitely bonded with me. He follow me like a shadow and my husband said when I leave for the day, he lays at the door and waits for me to come home. We've recently been entertaining the thought of a second Cairn, and my husband wants a female this time so someone will love him! :lol:

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Scully most definitely listens to dad and not to me too well. But, I'm the one she follows around wherever I go. She IS a daddy's girl and if both of us are sitting on the sofa, she tends to lie smooshed up against him. When I come home from work she tends to go more "crazy" and excited for me. When she hears my DH's truck pulling in the yard she runs like crazy down the steps but then once he comes in it's like "okay, give me a belly rub and let's get going."

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I think Harry just loves guys/men. He thinks they are all sooo cool. But, I do everything with him and take him with me everywhere. I think I "forced" him to be my little buddy 'cause I wouldn't accept it any other way :P He's my little shadow now too.

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Both love both of us but Connor is Daddy's big boy and Elsa is my lil darlin girl for sure. :wub:

We planned it that way--dh carried Connor on the plane ride home and I carried Elsa.

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Spiker seems to have really bonded to me. He goes crazy when I get home from school and insists that I pay attention to him. He stays near me when they are allowed in the family room and follows me everywhere. Gracie is for certain a Daddy's girl. She lets him hold her and snuggle her even though she is busy almost every second of the day. She will listen to him when she ignores me. They sure have stolen our hearts completely. :P Linda

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I like to spread my lovin' around. I love EVERYBODY! But I stick close to the Alpha B*tch who feeds me and walks me and buys me toys. I'm not stupid, ya know!



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This is a good time to tell you all about my story ........I grew up with tons of animals from goats to horses, a great dog .....a bird dog - English Setter, who always ran about with my horse riding. Went to school and gained 4 year degree Animal Husbandry BS ........ getting on with the tale - I got married, had kids and didn't have a pet for 20 years. Suddenly, decided to get a Cairn - on comes Rusty - and decided that he would be "my" dog. Not because my kids wanted a dog - but because I wanted a first pet. So - I walk him, feed him, and we all love him. He knows that I'm the Mom. As the male, he tends to go toward the females - my daughter and me. But....as the alpha - high respects for my husband and son. All in all - he shows unconditional love to us all.


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Darcy prefers me just a tad bit more than my hubby. Mostly because she spent the first 2 months we had her going to work with me. So she was ALWAYS with me... 24/7. The first time I ever left her and "daddy" alone (to have some "me" time) she whined for about an hour straight. She has since grown to love us both and follows us both around the house. She mellows out with daddy and snuggles with me.

And... she LOVES my mother and my best friend like they are better than us almost!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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both girls seem to be obsessed with me :)

Hubby has a hard time to even get them to potty. They wait until I get home. Tabitha has become a little more independent since we got Teona though.

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I can't really say who Buddy loves more. He follows me around all the time, but when "daddy" gets home, he seems to get very very excited to see him - running around like a little maniac, more so than with me. Also, he listens to me and not his dad. His dad and I are so different when it comes to parenting though, dad really plays with him a lot and i mother him more. :wub:

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Savannah is a Mommy's girl. She loves her Daddy too, but when we are both home, she won't let me out of her sight. She follows me all over the place and even lays on the bath mat waiting for me to finish my shower!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Uhhh oh Mommy... Daddy read your post and he was none too happy to read that YOU think I love you more than him. I don't... well maybe just a little, but let's not tell him... okay Mommy??

Love, Darcy

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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I think Kai-lee & I "understand" each other better...probably because we spent most of the day together...I think she loves both of us about the same, what she doesn't like is for daddy & I to be together without her! We can go in separate directions and leave her alone and that's okay...but if we go together and leave her it's either whining or barking time!


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Dash is a momma's boy. He has been from day 1. So is Leo our rott/gsd mix. I cant help it. I love my boys! I will always have a Cairn.

Taylor :D

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I was the one who fell in love w/ Kiara and had to have her. It didn't take long for her to become a "daddy's girl". Even now at 4 yrs, Kiara loves sitting next to her daddy in the recliner. Abbey is my dd's Cairn, but she loves getting hugs from me. I can be busy around the house, and she'll jump at my legs to be held for a while. Then there's Hannah, who is definitely a "mommy's girl". She wants to be w/ me alot. She's smaller than the other two which makes it easy to carry her around and she loves to sit or curl up on my lap.

All of my Cairns love me the most at feeding time. :)

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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