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Petey and the Chipmunk


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Well Petey has been frantically searching the edge of the woods in one area when ever he is let out in the back yard. I noticed this evening that he was frantically digging in the area....I called to him and he looked up and held one foot up in kind of a point and then went back at it ...so I go down there to see what he's up to. As I got to him I notice he is chomping on something. I told him to drop it and he reluctantly dropped the poor Chipmunk. He had litterally dug a 12-18 inch hole to root this thing out. He's caught plenty of moles and frogs but this was abit more of a challange. I guess its time to start earthdog training becuse he really does love to work and hunt.

BTW....he does the pointing thing whenever you ask him to hunt something...any others notice this trait in their dog. Its more of "Im ready to hunt thing" than a point of the quarry.

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Yes, sounds like ED is in your near future. So... did the poor chipmunk survive?

Too bad you didn't get a picture of it. Bet you have some hole in your backyard!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Elliott does that foot thing too...it is just so cute. He got a chipmunk a few months ago too. He was so proud of himself...I was so sad.

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When I saw the post title, I said "this isn't going to end well for the chipmunk".


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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I guess anywhere other than in a Cairn's mouth is a "better place" LOL!

edited to correct the word Cairn... someone was laying in my arms while I was trying to one finger type.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Tink was prancing down the sidewalk with a flattened frog in her mouth the other day. My dh was walking her (on her leash) and she picked it up w/o him knowing it. He said he knew something was up because she was sooo proud of herself! He took it from her of course.



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